Linux Date/Time Displaying

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Welcome to the Enchanted Academy of Technomancy where the magical world meets the cutting-edge technology. In this mystical academy, students like you, Avery, an aspiring technomancer, are on a quest to blend magic with modern computing. Imagine, within the vast, ancient library lies a secret chamber where sacred texts predict the alignment of celestial bodies. As Avery, your task is to craft a spell using the Linux terminal to predict and display the precise date and time of these celestial events. Your journey might just reveal the mystical synchronicity between the arcane and the digital realms.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/SystemInformationandMonitoringGroup(["`System Information and Monitoring`"]) linux/SystemInformationandMonitoringGroup -.-> linux/date("`Date/Time Displaying`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/date -.-> lab-271261{{"`Linux Date/Time Displaying`"}} end

Displaying the Current Date and Time

In this step, we'll begin our magical command-line journey by uncovering the simplicity of the date command. This powerful incantation allows us to display the current date and time, a fundamental skill for any technomancer. Execute the following spell in your terminal, located at ~/project, to reveal the present moment in standard format:


After casting this command, you should see output resembling:

Wed Mar 31 21:00:00 PDT 2021

This invocation will be the base of our time-manipulating spells. Be mindful of its format as we will build upon this elementary charm.

Customizing the Date Format

Every technomancer learns to manipulate the appearance of their spells. With the date command, you can change the date and time format to suit your needs. In this step, Avery, you will customize the format to display the date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format and the time in 'HH:MM:SS' format.

Cast the following spell:

date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: is the format string part of the date command, used to specify the output date and time format in:

  • %Y: Specifies the output of a four-digit year (for example: 2024).
  • %m: Specifies the output of a two-digit month (01-12).
  • %d: Indicates output of a two-digit date (01-31).
  • %H: Indicates the output of a two-digit hour (00-23).
  • %M: Indicates the output of two-digit minutes (00-59).
  • %S: Indicates the output of two-digit seconds (00-59).

Therefore, executing the date command +%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S will return the current date and time, displayed in the format "year-month-day hour:minute:second".

You should see the date and time displayed like so:

2021-03-31 21:02:00

This incantation tells the mystical energies to reorder the elements of time into a sequence preferred by technomancers for logging events.

Set the System Date and Time

Proceed with caution, Avery, for you are about to perform a spell that alters the fabric of the machine's time continuum itself. In this advanced incantation, you must set the system's date and time to a specified value. This skill is crucial when preparing for an event that requires exact timing, like the celestial alignment.

Firstly, you need to conjure a faux setting to practice this potent magic without disrupting the balance of time. Create a file named inside ~/project that contains an example command:

sudo date MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]

For instance, to set the date to April 1st, 2021, at 12:00:00, use:

sudo date 040112002021.00

Remember, mastering this spell requires root access to your potion, make sure to run it within the safety of practice spells.


In this lab, we explored the foundations of Linux date and time displaying commands within the context of a magical academy. Our design theme aimed to immerse you in an enchanting environment, sharpening your command-line skills through the lens of fantasy and lore. From reading the fabric of the present moment with the date command to twisting the strands of time formats to our will, and finally to the daring alteration of time itself, this journey combined the fun of fantasy with practical Linux proficiencies. As you exit the lab, remember that like Avery, you now possess the knowledge to bend digital time to your command. May your journeys through both magical and technological realms be ever synchronous!

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