How to Package RPM with the FPM Tool

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This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating RPM packages using the FPM (Flexible Package Management) tool. FPM is a powerful and versatile packaging tool that simplifies the process of building RPM packages for your Linux projects. Whether you're a developer, system administrator, or anyone interested in Linux packaging, this tutorial will provide you with the knowledge and skills to efficiently make RPM with FPM.

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Introduction to RPM Packaging

RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is a powerful package management system widely used in various Linux distributions, including CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). RPM packages provide a standardized way to distribute, install, and manage software on Linux systems. Understanding RPM packaging is essential for developers and system administrators who need to create and distribute their own software packages.

In this section, we'll explore the fundamentals of RPM packaging, including its purpose, structure, and common use cases.

What is RPM Packaging?

RPM is a package management system that allows you to install, upgrade, and remove software packages on Linux systems. RPM packages are typically distributed as .rpm files, which contain all the necessary files, dependencies, and metadata required to install and manage a software application.

Benefits of RPM Packaging

Using RPM packaging offers several benefits, including:

  1. Consistent Installation: RPM packages provide a standardized way to install software, ensuring a consistent and predictable installation process across different Linux distributions.
  2. Dependency Management: RPM packages automatically handle dependencies, ensuring that all required libraries and components are installed alongside the software.
  3. Versioning and Upgrades: RPM packages include version information, allowing for easy upgrades and management of software updates.
  4. Rollback Capabilities: RPM packages can be easily uninstalled, and previous versions can be restored if needed.
  5. Security and Integrity: RPM packages are digitally signed, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the software being installed.

Common Use Cases for RPM Packaging

RPM packaging is widely used in the Linux ecosystem for various purposes, including:

  1. Distributing Custom Software: Developers and software vendors can create RPM packages to distribute their own applications and tools.
  2. Packaging System Updates: Linux distributions use RPM packages to distribute system updates, security patches, and new software versions.
  3. Managing Enterprise Software: IT administrators in large organizations often use RPM packages to manage and deploy enterprise-level software across their infrastructure.
  4. Automating Deployment: RPM packages can be integrated into automated deployment pipelines, making it easier to manage and deploy software at scale.

In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into the process of creating RPM packages using the FPM (Flexible Package Manager) tool, which simplifies the packaging process and provides advanced features for customizing and maintaining RPM packages.

Getting Started with the FPM Tool

The FPM (Flexible Package Manager) tool is a powerful and versatile utility that simplifies the process of creating RPM packages. FPM is a Ruby-based tool that can convert various input formats, such as directories, gems, rpms, and more, into RPM packages.

Installing FPM

To get started with FPM, you'll need to install the necessary dependencies. In this example, we'll be using an Ubuntu 22.04 system:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ruby rubygems build-essential
sudo gem install fpm

Once the installation is complete, you can verify the FPM version by running the following command:

fpm --version

Understanding FPM Basics

FPM provides a simple and intuitive command-line interface for creating RPM packages. The basic syntax for creating an RPM package with FPM is as follows:

fpm -s <input_type> -t rpm [options] <input>

Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  • -s <input_type>: Specifies the input type, such as dir for a directory, gem for a Ruby gem, or rpm for an existing RPM package.
  • -t rpm: Specifies the target package format, which in this case is RPM.
  • [options]: Various options to customize the package, such as package name, version, dependencies, and more.
  • <input>: The input, such as a directory path or the name of a Ruby gem.

Exploring FPM Examples

Let's look at a few examples to get a better understanding of how FPM works:

  1. Creating an RPM package from a directory:
fpm -s dir -t rpm -n my-package -v 1.0.0 /path/to/directory
  1. Creating an RPM package from a Ruby gem:
fpm -s gem -t rpm -n my-gem -v 1.2.3 my-gem
  1. Creating an RPM package from an existing RPM package:
fpm -s rpm -t rpm -n my-package -v 2.0.0 existing-package.rpm

In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into the various options and techniques for creating more advanced RPM packages using FPM.

Installing and Configuring FPM

In this section, we'll guide you through the process of installing and configuring the FPM tool on your Ubuntu 22.04 system.

Installing FPM

To install FPM, you'll need to have Ruby and RubyGems installed on your system. You can install them using the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ruby rubygems build-essential

Once the dependencies are installed, you can install the FPM gem using the following command:

sudo gem install fpm

This will install the latest version of FPM on your system.

Verifying the FPM Installation

To verify the FPM installation, you can run the following command:

fpm --version

This will display the installed version of FPM on your system.

Configuring FPM

FPM doesn't require any additional configuration to get started. However, you can customize the default behavior of FPM by creating a configuration file.

The FPM configuration file is typically located at ~/.fpm/fpm.yaml. You can create this file manually or use the following command to generate a default configuration:

fpm config --create

This will create the fpm.yaml file in the ~/.fpm/ directory. You can then edit the file to customize the FPM settings, such as default package options, plugin configurations, and more.

Here's an example of a basic fpm.yaml configuration file:

## Default package options
  name_template: "{{ name }}_{{ version }}_{{ architecture }}"
    - libc6
    - libstdc++6
  maintainer: "LabEx <>"
  description: "My custom package"
  url: ""
  license: "MIT"

## Plugin configurations
      compression: "gzip"
        key: "/path/to/your/gpg/key"
        passphrase: "your_passphrase"

In the following sections, we'll explore how to use these configurations and other FPM options to create more advanced RPM packages.

Creating a Basic RPM Package

In this section, we'll walk through the process of creating a basic RPM package using the FPM tool. We'll start with a simple example and then explore more advanced techniques in the following sections.

Packaging a Directory

Let's say you have a directory containing your application files, and you want to create an RPM package for it. You can use the following FPM command:

fpm -s dir -t rpm -n my-app -v 1.0.0 -p /path/to/your/application

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • -s dir: Specifies that the input type is a directory.
  • -t rpm: Specifies the target package format as RPM.
  • -n my-app: Sets the package name to "my-app".
  • -v 1.0.0: Sets the package version to "1.0.0".
  • -p /path/to/your/application: Specifies the path to the directory containing your application files.

This command will create an RPM package named my-app_1.0.0_amd64.rpm (or the appropriate architecture) in the current directory.

Packaging a Binary

If you have a standalone binary that you want to package, you can use the following command:

fpm -s binary -t rpm -n my-binary -v 2.0.0 -C /path/to/binary/directory -p /usr/local/bin/my-binary

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • -s binary: Specifies that the input type is a binary.
  • -t rpm: Specifies the target package format as RPM.
  • -n my-binary: Sets the package name to "my-binary".
  • -v 2.0.0: Sets the package version to "2.0.0".
  • -C /path/to/binary/directory: Specifies the directory containing the binary.
  • -p /usr/local/bin/my-binary: Sets the destination path for the binary within the package.

This command will create an RPM package named my-binary_2.0.0_amd64.rpm (or the appropriate architecture) in the current directory.

Packaging a Ruby Gem

If you have a Ruby gem that you want to package, you can use the following command:

fpm -s gem -t rpm -n my-gem -v 3.1.2

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • -s gem: Specifies that the input type is a Ruby gem.
  • -t rpm: Specifies the target package format as RPM.
  • -n my-gem: Sets the package name to "my-gem".
  • -v 3.1.2: Sets the package version to "3.1.2".

This command will create an RPM package named my-gem-3.1.2-1.x86_64.rpm in the current directory.

In the following sections, we'll explore more advanced RPM packaging techniques using FPM, such as adding dependencies, customizing metadata, and troubleshooting common issues.

Advanced RPM Packaging Techniques

In this section, we'll explore more advanced techniques for creating RPM packages using the FPM tool. These techniques will help you customize your packages and make them more robust and maintainable.

Adding Dependencies

Oftentimes, your application or software package will have dependencies on other libraries or packages. You can specify these dependencies using the -d or --depends option in FPM. For example:

fpm -s dir -t rpm -n my-app -v 1.0.0 -p /path/to/your/application \
    -d "libc6" -d "libstdc++6" -d "libpng12-0"

This command will create an RPM package that depends on the libc6, libstdc++6, and libpng12-0 packages.

Handling Conflicts and Replaces

If your package conflicts with or replaces an existing package, you can specify these relationships using the --conflicts and --replaces options:

fpm -s dir -t rpm -n my-app -v 1.0.0 -p /path/to/your/application \
    --conflicts "old-package" --replaces "legacy-package"

This command will create an RPM package that conflicts with the old-package and replaces the legacy-package.

Customizing File Ownership and Permissions

You can specify the ownership and permissions of files within your RPM package using the --chown and --chmod options:

fpm -s dir -t rpm -n my-app -v 1.0.0 -p /path/to/your/application \
    --chown "root:root" --chmod "0644:/path/to/file" --chmod "0755:/path/to/directory"

This command will create an RPM package where the files are owned by the root user and group, with permissions of 0644 for the file and 0755 for the directory.

Handling Configuration Files

If your package includes configuration files, you can mark them as configuration files using the --config-files option:

fpm -s dir -t rpm -n my-app -v 1.0.0 -p /path/to/your/application \
    --config-files "/etc/my-app/config.yaml"

This command will create an RPM package where the /etc/my-app/config.yaml file is marked as a configuration file, allowing the package manager to handle it appropriately during installation and upgrades.

Integrating with Systemd

If your package includes a systemd service, you can include the service file using the --directories and --after-install options:

fpm -s dir -t rpm -n my-app -v 1.0.0 -p /path/to/your/application \
    --directories "/etc/systemd/system" \
    --after-install "/path/to/your/application/systemd/"

This command will create an RPM package that includes a systemd service file and runs a custom installation script after the package is installed.

By using these advanced techniques, you can create more robust and feature-rich RPM packages that meet the specific needs of your software and deployment requirements.

Customizing RPM Package Metadata

RPM packages include a variety of metadata that describes the package, its contents, and its dependencies. FPM provides several options to customize this metadata, allowing you to create more informative and user-friendly RPM packages.

Setting Package Information

You can set various package information using FPM options, such as:

  • --name: The name of the package
  • --version: The version of the package
  • --iteration: The package release or iteration number
  • --description: A brief description of the package
  • --url: The URL of the package or project
  • --maintainer: The name and email of the package maintainer
  • --license: The license of the package

For example:

fpm -s dir -t rpm -n my-app -v 1.0.0 -i 1 \
    --description "My awesome application" \
    --url "" \
    --maintainer "LabEx <>" \
    --license "MIT" \

Defining Package Categories

You can specify the package category using the --category option. This helps users understand the purpose and functionality of your package within the system. Some common categories include:

  • Applications/System
  • Development/Libraries
  • System Environment/Daemons
  • Utilities
fpm -s dir -t rpm -n my-app -v 1.0.0 --category "Applications/System" /path/to/your/application

Providing Package Documentation

You can include documentation files within your RPM package using the --doc option. These files will be installed in the appropriate location, typically /usr/share/doc/my-app/.

fpm -s dir -t rpm -n my-app -v 1.0.0 --doc "/path/to/your/documentation" /path/to/your/application

Specifying Package Architecture

By default, FPM will determine the package architecture based on the system it's running on. However, you can explicitly specify the architecture using the --architecture option.

fpm -s dir -t rpm -n my-app -v 1.0.0 --architecture "x86_64" /path/to/your/application

Customizing Package Naming

FPM provides several options to customize the package naming convention, such as --name-template and --package-name-suffix. This can be useful for maintaining a consistent naming scheme across your packages.

fpm -s dir -t rpm -n my-app -v 1.0.0 --name-template "{{ name }}-{{ version }}-{{ architecture }}" /path/to/your/application

By leveraging these metadata customization options, you can create RPM packages that are more informative, user-friendly, and consistent with your organization's standards.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While creating RPM packages with FPM is generally straightforward, you may encounter some common issues. In this section, we'll discuss a few troubleshooting steps to help you resolve these problems.

Dependency Resolution Errors

If your package has dependencies that cannot be resolved, you may encounter an error during the package creation or installation process. To troubleshoot this issue:

  1. Ensure that you have specified the correct package names and versions for the dependencies.
  2. Check if the required packages are available in the target system's package repositories.
  3. Consider building your package on a system that has access to the necessary dependencies.

Permissions and Ownership Issues

If your package includes files or directories with incorrect permissions or ownership, you may encounter issues during installation or execution. To address this:

  1. Use the --chown and --chmod options to explicitly set the desired ownership and permissions for your package files.
  2. Verify that the target system has the necessary user and group accounts for the specified ownership.
  3. Ensure that the target directories have the appropriate permissions for the package to be installed and executed.

Conflicts with Existing Packages

If your package conflicts with an existing package on the target system, you may encounter an error during installation. To resolve this:

  1. Use the --conflicts option to specify the package(s) that your package conflicts with.
  2. Ensure that your package is not overwriting or replacing critical system files or packages.
  3. Consider renaming your package or modifying its contents to avoid conflicts with existing packages.

Signing and Verification Issues

If your package is not properly signed or the signing key is not trusted, the package installation may fail due to verification issues. To address this:

  1. Ensure that you have a valid GPG key and that it is properly configured in your FPM configuration file.
  2. Verify that the target system has the necessary trust settings to accept your package's signing key.
  3. Consider distributing your package's signing key to the target systems or configuring the package manager to trust the key.

By understanding these common issues and following the troubleshooting steps, you can create more robust and reliable RPM packages using the FPM tool.

Best Practices for Maintainable RPM Packages

Creating maintainable RPM packages is crucial for ensuring the long-term success and adoption of your software. In this section, we'll discuss some best practices to follow when building RPM packages with FPM.

Adhere to Packaging Standards

Ensure that your RPM packages follow the established packaging standards and conventions. This includes:

  • Adhering to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) for file and directory placement.
  • Properly handling configuration files, documentation, and other package-specific resources.
  • Providing appropriate metadata, such as package descriptions, URLs, and licensing information.

Automate the Packaging Process

Leverage the power of automation to streamline your RPM packaging workflow. Consider integrating FPM into your continuous integration (CI) pipeline, allowing you to automatically build and test your packages with each code change.

Maintain Versioning and Releases

Implement a consistent versioning scheme for your packages, following semantic versioning best practices. This will help users and system administrators understand the changes and updates between different package versions.

Provide Comprehensive Documentation

Include detailed documentation within your RPM packages, covering topics such as installation instructions, configuration options, and usage examples. This will help users understand and effectively utilize your software.

Ensure Secure Packaging

Sign your RPM packages using a trusted GPG key to ensure the integrity and authenticity of your software. This will help users verify the origin of the package and prevent tampering.

Test Packages Thoroughly

Thoroughly test your RPM packages on various target systems, including different Linux distributions and versions. This will help you identify and address any compatibility issues or packaging problems before releasing the packages.

Maintain Packages Proactively

Regularly monitor and update your RPM packages to address security vulnerabilities, bug fixes, and new feature releases. Communicate these updates to your users and provide clear upgrade instructions.

Foster a Collaborative Community

Encourage user feedback and contributions by providing a clear process for reporting issues, submitting feature requests, and contributing to the packaging process. This will help build a thriving community around your software.

By following these best practices, you can create RPM packages that are reliable, maintainable, and widely adopted within the Linux ecosystem.


In this comprehensive tutorial, you will learn how to package RPM with the FPM tool. From installing and configuring FPM to creating basic and advanced RPM packages, customizing package metadata, and troubleshooting common issues, this guide will equip you with the necessary skills to build maintainable RPM packages for your Linux applications and projects.

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