Rebel Data Infiltration with LIMIT

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In a distant galaxy, an intergalactic war has been raging for centuries between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. As a renowned space explorer, you have been recruited by the Rebel Alliance to gather crucial intelligence on the Empire's latest weapon development. Your mission is to infiltrate the Empire's secret data repository and analyze their records using the powerful Hadoop ecosystem.

The Galactic Empire has been collecting vast amounts of data from its planetary conquests, including information on resources, populations, and military operations. This data is stored in their heavily guarded Hadoop cluster, which you must access to uncover the Empire's plans and potential weaknesses.

Your objective is to use Hive, a data warehousing tool within the Hadoop ecosystem, to analyze the Empire's data and identify patterns that could aid the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the oppressive regime. Specifically, you will learn how to use the LIMIT clause in Hive to efficiently analyze and extract relevant information from massive datasets.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL hadoop(("`Hadoop`")) -.-> hadoop/HadoopHDFSGroup(["`Hadoop HDFS`"]) hadoop(("`Hadoop`")) -.-> hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup(["`Hadoop Hive`"]) hadoop/HadoopHDFSGroup -.-> hadoop/hdfs_setup("`HDFS Setup`") hadoop/HadoopHDFSGroup -.-> hadoop/fs_mkdir("`FS Shell mkdir`") hadoop/HadoopHDFSGroup -.-> hadoop/fs_put("`FS Shell copyToLocal/put`") hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/hive_shell("`Hive Shell`") hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/create_tables("`Creating Tables`") hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/limit("`limit Usage`") hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/group_by("`group by Usage`") subgraph Lab Skills hadoop/hdfs_setup -.-> lab-288983{{"`Rebel Data Infiltration with LIMIT`"}} hadoop/fs_mkdir -.-> lab-288983{{"`Rebel Data Infiltration with LIMIT`"}} hadoop/fs_put -.-> lab-288983{{"`Rebel Data Infiltration with LIMIT`"}} hadoop/hive_shell -.-> lab-288983{{"`Rebel Data Infiltration with LIMIT`"}} hadoop/create_tables -.-> lab-288983{{"`Rebel Data Infiltration with LIMIT`"}} hadoop/limit -.-> lab-288983{{"`Rebel Data Infiltration with LIMIT`"}} hadoop/group_by -.-> lab-288983{{"`Rebel Data Infiltration with LIMIT`"}} end

Accessing the Empire's Data Repository

In this step, you will establish a secure connection to the Empire's Hadoop cluster and explore the available datasets.

  1. Launch your secure terminal and authenticate with the Rebel Alliance's credentials.
  2. Use the su - hadoop command to switch to the hadoop user (no password required).
su - hadoop
  1. Navigate to the /home/hadoop directory, which will be your default working directory.
cd /home/hadoop
  1. List the contents of the directory to familiarize yourself with the available files and directories.

You should see a directory named empire_data. This directory contains the Empire's data records, which you will analyze in the following steps.

  1. Put empire_data on hdfs for use by hive.
hadoop fs -mkdir -p /home/hadoop
hadoop fs -put /home/hadoop/empire_data /home/hadoop

Exploring the Empire's Resource Records

In this step, you will analyze the Empire's resource records using the LIMIT clause in Hive.

  1. Start the Hive shell by running the following command:
  1. Create a new database called rebel_intelligence to store your analysis.
CREATE DATABASE rebel_intelligence;
  1. Use the rebel_intelligence database.
USE rebel_intelligence;
  1. Create an external table named resources that points to the Empire's resource data stored in the /home/hadoop/empire_data/resources directory.
    planet STRING,
    resource STRING,
    quantity BIGINT
LOCATION '/home/hadoop/empire_data/resources';
  1. Preview the first 10 records of the resources table using the LIMIT clause.
SELECT * FROM resources LIMIT 10;

This command will display the first 10 rows of the resources table, allowing you to understand the structure and contents of the data.

  1. Analyze the resources distribution across planets by running a query with the LIMIT clause.
SELECT planet, SUM(quantity) AS total_resources
FROM resources
GROUP BY planet
ORDER BY total_resources DESC

This query will show the top 5 planets with the highest total resources, providing valuable insight into the Empire's resource-rich territories.

Analyzing the Empire's Military Operations

In this step, you will investigate the Empire's military operations by querying their mission records using the LIMIT clause.

  1. Create an external table named missions that points to the Empire's mission data stored in the /home/hadoop/empire_data/missions directory.
    mission_id STRING,
    planet STRING,
    operation STRING,
    start_date STRING,
    end_date STRING
LOCATION '/home/hadoop/empire_data/missions';
  1. Preview the first 5 records of the missions table using the LIMIT clause.
SELECT * FROM missions LIMIT 5;
  1. Analyze the most recent military operations by running a query with the LIMIT clause and ordering by the end_date column.
SELECT planet, operation, end_date
FROM missions
ORDER BY end_date DESC

This query will show the 10 most recent military operations conducted by the Empire, providing valuable intelligence on their latest activities.

  1. Identify the planets with the highest concentration of military operations by running a query with the LIMIT clause and grouping by the planet column.
SELECT planet, COUNT(*) AS operation_count
FROM missions
GROUP BY planet
ORDER BY operation_count DESC

This query will reveal the top 3 planets with the highest number of military operations, indicating potential targets or strategic locations for the Rebel Alliance.

Uncovering the Empire's Population Control Measures

In this step, you will uncover the Empire's population control measures by analyzing their census records using the LIMIT clause.

  1. Create an external table named census that points to the Empire's census data stored in the /home/hadoop/empire_data/census directory.
    planet STRING,
    species STRING,
    population BIGINT
LOCATION '/home/hadoop/empire_data/census';
  1. Preview the first 10 records of the census table using the LIMIT clause.
SELECT * FROM census LIMIT 10;
  1. Analyze the most populous planets by running a query with the LIMIT clause and ordering by the population column in descending order.
SELECT planet, SUM(population) AS total_population
FROM census
GROUP BY planet
ORDER BY total_population DESC

This query will show the top 5 most populated planets in the Empire, providing insight into potential locations for recruiting new rebels or identifying areas with significant civilian populations.

  1. Identify the species with the largest populations across the Empire by running a query with the LIMIT clause and grouping by the species column.
SELECT species, SUM(population) AS total_population
FROM census
GROUP BY species
ORDER BY total_population DESC

This query will reveal the top 3 species with the largest populations in the Empire, which could be valuable information for understanding the diversity and potential support among different species for the Rebel Alliance.


In this lab, you learned how to use the LIMIT clause in Hive, a data warehousing tool within the Hadoop ecosystem, to efficiently analyze and extract relevant information from the Galactic Empire's vast data repositories. By exploring resource records, military operations, and census data, you gained valuable insights into the Empire's strengths, weaknesses, and potential vulnerabilities.

Through hands-on exercises, you practiced creating external tables, querying data using the LIMIT clause, and filtering and sorting results based on specific criteria. This practical experience not only strengthened your Hive skills but also provided you with a deeper understanding of how to extract actionable intelligence from large datasets.

The lab's immersive scenario, set in a galactic war, added an engaging and motivating context to your learning experience. By assuming the role of a space explorer working for the Rebel Alliance, you felt a sense of purpose and urgency in uncovering the Empire's secrets, making the learning process more enjoyable and meaningful.

Overall, this lab equipped you with the necessary skills to leverage the power of Hadoop and Hive in data analysis, preparing you for future challenges in the realm of big data and enabling you to contribute to the Rebel Alliance's fight against the oppressive Galactic Empire.

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