Hadoop FS Shell copyToLocal/put

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Imagine a mystical forest filled with ancient trees and magical creatures. Within this forest lives a dark sorcerer who has the power to manipulate the elements. Your quest is to navigate through the enchanted forest and retrieve a precious artifact guarded by the dark sorcerer. To achieve this, you must harness the power of Hadoop's Hadoop HDFS skills, specifically focusing on the FS Shell copyToLocal/put commands.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL hadoop(("`Hadoop`")) -.-> hadoop/HadoopHDFSGroup(["`Hadoop HDFS`"]) hadoop/HadoopHDFSGroup -.-> hadoop/fs_put("`FS Shell copyToLocal/put`") subgraph Lab Skills hadoop/fs_put -.-> lab-271875{{"`Hadoop FS Shell copyToLocal/put`"}} end

Hadoop FS Shell CopyToLocal

In this step, you will use the Hadoop FS Shell command copyToLocal to copy a file from HDFS to the local file system.

Open the terminal and follow the steps below to get started.

  1. Switch to the Hadoop user for proper permissions:

    su - hadoop
  2. Create a sample file in HDFS:

    echo "Magic artifact content" | hdfs dfs -put - /home/hadoop/magic_artifact.txt
  3. Use FS Shell copyToLocal to copy the file to the local system:

    hdfs dfs -copyToLocal /home/hadoop/magic_artifact.txt /home/hadoop/magic_artifact.txt
  4. Verify the file copy by checking the local file existence:

    ls /home/hadoop/magic_artifact.txt

Hadoop FS Shell Put

In this step, you will utilize the FS Shell command put to upload a file from the local system to HDFS.

  1. Create a local sample file:

    echo "Dark sorcerer's spellbook" > /home/hadoop/spellbook.txt
  2. Use FS Shell put to upload the file to HDFS:

    hdfs dfs -put /home/hadoop/spellbook.txt /home/hadoop/spellbook.txt
  3. Verify the file upload by checking its existence in HDFS:

    hdfs dfs -ls /home/hadoop/spellbook.txt


In this lab, we designed a magical scenario within an enchanted forest to engage users in learning the FS Shell copyToLocal and put commands in Hadoop. By embarking on a quest to retrieve a precious artifact from a dark sorcerer, users were guided through practical steps to copy files between HDFS and the local system. Through this immersive experience, users gained hands-on experience in managing files within the Hadoop ecosystem and honed their HDFS skills.

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