Olympic Victory with Docker Images

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Imagine being in the ancient Greek Olympic stadium with a massive crowd cheering and the scent of victory in the air. Our role as the Olympic stadium host is to guide our participants through a series of challenges. In this lab, we'll explore the world of Docker images and guide our learners to master the art of listing and managing Docker images. Our ultimate goal is to equip our participants with the skills to confidently handle Docker images in a hands-on manner.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/ImageOperationsGroup(["`Image Operations`"]) docker/ImageOperationsGroup -.-> docker/images("`List Images`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/images -.-> lab-268703{{"`Olympic Victory with Docker Images`"}} end

Listing Docker Images

In this step, we will start by listing the Docker images present on the system. It is essential for our learners to understand how to identify and manage Docker images effectively.


  1. Use the following command to list the Docker images:

    docker images

Filtering Docker Images

In this step, we will demonstrate how to filter Docker images based on tags, repositories, and more. By mastering image filtering, our learners will gain a deeper understanding of managing Docker images effectively.


  1. Filter Docker images based on the repository name by executing the following command:

    docker images myrepo/*

You can replace myrepo to the real repository name which you use at work.


In this lab, we created a scenario similar to guiding participants through the ancient Greek Olympic stadium. By progressively introducing and explaining Docker image management, we aim to equip our learners with practical skills. Through this lab, participants are expected to gain a thorough understanding of effectively managing Docker images, from listing to filtering based on various criteria.

Be sure to include more steps as needed, maintaining a clear and helpful format for learners at all stages of the lab.

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