Docker List Images

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In this lab, you will be transported to the bustling streets of 19th century Victorian London. You will assume the role of a savvy detective tasked with uncovering the clandestine activities of a notorious crime boss, whose sophisticated operations hinge on the use of concealed containers. Your objective is to navigate the Docker platform to reveal a comprehensive list of the enigmatic images associated with the crime lord's operations.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/ImageOperationsGroup(["`Image Operations`"]) docker/ImageOperationsGroup -.-> docker/images("`List Images`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/images -.-> lab-271463{{"`Docker List Images`"}} end

Explore Docker Images

In this step, you will commence your investigation by gaining insight into the assortment of Docker images that may be harboring the clandestine activities of the criminal mastermind. Employ the following commands to list all available Docker images and examine their details:

## List all Docker images
docker images

## Display detailed information about a specific image
docker image inspect <image_name>
  • The docker images command retrieves a list of all Docker images available on your system.
  • The docker image inspect <image_name> command provides extensive details about a specific image.

Remove Unused Images

In this step, you will declutter the Docker environment by removing any unused images that may be concealing evidence. Execute the following commands to clear out the surplus images:

## Remove a specific Docker image
docker image rm <image_name>

## Remove all unused images
docker image prune
  • The docker image rm <image_name> command purges a specified Docker image from the system.
  • The docker image prune command eliminates all unused images to free up storage space.


In this lab, you have delved into the Docker environment to uncover a catalog of images linked to the clandestine operations of a notorious crime boss. By executing commands such as docker images and docker image inspect, you have gained valuable insights into the Docker image repository, allowing you to identify potential artifacts of the criminal activities. Additionally, you have honed your ability to declutter the Docker system by removing unused images, further optimizing the investigative process. This lab not only enhances your proficiency in managing Docker images but also equips you with essential skills for navigating the Docker platform in diverse scenarios.

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