How to Use the ADD Command in Dockerfiles

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This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on how to use the ADD command in Dockerfiles. You will learn the syntax and usage of the ADD command, understand how to copy local files and directories into the Docker image, and explore techniques for handling remote URLs and compressed archives. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of the ADD command and be able to effectively use it in your Dockerfile to build robust and efficient Docker images.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/DockerfileGroup(["`Dockerfile`"]) docker/DockerfileGroup -.-> docker/build("`Build Image from Dockerfile`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/build -.-> lab-394993{{"`How to Use the ADD Command in Dockerfiles`"}} end

Introduction to the ADD Command in Dockerfiles

The ADD command is a fundamental instruction in Dockerfiles, used to copy files and directories from the local file system or remote URLs into the Docker image being built. Understanding the ADD command is crucial for effectively managing the contents of your Docker images and ensuring that your application has access to the necessary resources.

In this section, we will explore the basics of the ADD command, including its syntax, usage, and the different types of sources it can handle. By the end of this section, you will have a solid understanding of how to leverage the ADD command to build robust and reliable Docker images.

Understanding the Syntax of the ADD Command

The basic syntax of the ADD command is as follows:

ADD <src> <dest>
  • <src>: This represents the source file(s) or directory(ies) that you want to copy into the Docker image. The source can be a local file or directory, or a remote URL.
  • <dest>: This specifies the destination path within the Docker image where the copied files or directories will be placed.

It's important to note that the ADD command can handle various types of source inputs, including local files, directories, and even compressed archives (e.g., .tar.gz, .zip).

graph TB A[Local File/Directory] --> B[ADD Command] C[Remote URL] --> B[ADD Command] B[ADD Command] --> D[Docker Image]

By understanding the syntax and capabilities of the ADD command, you can effectively manage the contents of your Docker images and ensure that your application has access to the necessary resources.

Understanding the Syntax and Usage of the ADD Command

The ADD command in Dockerfiles has a specific syntax and set of rules that you should understand to use it effectively. Let's dive deeper into the details.

Syntax and Parameters

As mentioned earlier, the basic syntax of the ADD command is:

ADD <src> <dest>

Here's a breakdown of the parameters:

  • <src>: This can be a local file, a local directory, or a remote URL (including compressed archives like .tar.gz or .zip).
  • <dest>: This is the destination path within the Docker image where the copied files or directories will be placed.

Handling Local Files and Directories

When using the ADD command to copy local files or directories, the source path is relative to the build context of the Dockerfile. For example, if your Dockerfile is located in the /path/to/project directory, and you want to copy a file named from the same directory, the ADD command would be:

ADD /app/

This will copy the file from the build context to the /app/ directory inside the Docker image.

Handling Remote URLs and Compressed Archives

The ADD command can also handle remote URLs and compressed archives. When using a remote URL as the source, the file will be downloaded and added to the Docker image. For example:

ADD /app/

This will download the file.tar.gz archive from the specified URL and extract it to the /app/ directory inside the Docker image.

Best Practices and Considerations

When using the ADD command, it's important to consider the following best practices:

  • Use the COPY command instead of ADD whenever possible, as COPY is more transparent about the files being copied.
  • Avoid using remote URLs with the ADD command, as it can make your build process less reliable and more susceptible to network issues. Use COPY or RUN wget/curl instead.
  • If you need to copy compressed archives, consider using the COPY command and then extracting the archive in a separate RUN instruction.
  • Always be mindful of the build context and the relative paths used in the ADD command.

By understanding the syntax, usage, and best practices for the ADD command, you can effectively manage the contents of your Docker images and ensure that your application has access to the necessary resources.

Copying Local Files and Directories into the Docker Image

One of the primary use cases for the ADD command is to copy local files and directories from the build context into the Docker image. This is a common task when building Docker images, as you often need to include application code, configuration files, and other resources in the image.

Copying a Single File

To copy a single file from the local file system into the Docker image, you can use the following syntax:

ADD /app/

This will copy the file from the build context (the directory where the Dockerfile is located) to the /app/ directory inside the Docker image.

Copying a Directory

You can also copy an entire directory and its contents into the Docker image using the ADD command:

ADD src/ /app/

This will copy the contents of the src/ directory (relative to the build context) into the /app/ directory inside the Docker image.

Handling Relative Paths

When using the ADD command, the source path is relative to the build context of the Dockerfile. For example, if your Dockerfile is located in the /path/to/project directory, and you want to copy a file named from the same directory, the ADD command would be:

ADD /app/

This will copy the file from the /path/to/project directory to the /app/ directory inside the Docker image.

Practical Example

Let's consider a practical example. Suppose you have a simple Python application with the following file structure:

├── Dockerfile
└── requirements.txt

In your Dockerfile, you can use the ADD command to copy the necessary files into the Docker image:

FROM python:3.9-slim

ADD /app/
ADD requirements.txt /app/

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

CMD ["python", ""]

This Dockerfile will copy the and requirements.txt files from the build context into the /app/ directory inside the Docker image, install the required Python dependencies, and then run the script when the container is started.

By understanding how to effectively use the ADD command to copy local files and directories into the Docker image, you can ensure that your application has access to the necessary resources and dependencies, making the build process more reliable and maintainable.

Handling Remote URLs and Compressed Archives with ADD

In addition to copying local files and directories, the ADD command in Dockerfiles can also handle remote URLs and compressed archives. This functionality can be particularly useful when you need to download and include external resources in your Docker image.

Copying from Remote URLs

To copy a file from a remote URL using the ADD command, simply provide the URL as the source:

ADD /app/

This will download the file.txt from the specified URL and add it to the /app/ directory inside the Docker image.

Handling Compressed Archives

The ADD command can also handle compressed archives, such as .tar.gz or .zip files. When you specify a compressed archive as the source, the ADD command will automatically extract the contents into the destination directory:

ADD /app/

This will download the archive.tar.gz file from the specified URL, extract its contents, and place the extracted files and directories in the /app/ directory inside the Docker image.

Practical Example: Downloading and Extracting a Compressed Archive

Let's consider a practical example where we need to download and extract a compressed archive in our Dockerfile:

FROM ubuntu:22.04

ADD /opt/
RUN tar -xzf /opt/app.tar.gz -C /opt/ && rm /opt/app.tar.gz
WORKDIR /opt/app
CMD ["./app"]

In this example, we:

  1. Download the app.tar.gz archive from the remote URL using the ADD command.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive using the tar command, specifying the -xzf options to extract a gzipped tarball.
  3. Remove the downloaded archive file to save space in the final Docker image.
  4. Set the working directory to the extracted application directory.
  5. Run the application using the CMD instruction.

By leveraging the ADD command's ability to handle remote URLs and compressed archives, you can easily incorporate external resources into your Docker images, making your build process more efficient and streamlined.

Remember, while the ADD command can be convenient for these tasks, it's generally recommended to use the COPY command whenever possible, as it is more transparent about the files being copied into the image.

Best Practices and Considerations for Using the ADD Command

When using the ADD command in your Dockerfiles, it's important to follow best practices and consider certain factors to ensure the reliability, maintainability, and security of your Docker images. Let's explore some key points to keep in mind.

Prefer COPY over ADD

Whenever possible, it's generally recommended to use the COPY command instead of ADD. The COPY command is more transparent and easier to understand, as it only supports copying local files and directories, whereas ADD has additional functionality for handling remote URLs and compressed archives.

## Use COPY instead of ADD
COPY /app/
COPY requirements.txt /app/

Avoid Remote URLs with ADD

While the ADD command can handle remote URLs, it's generally better to avoid using them, as it can make your build process less reliable and more susceptible to network issues. Instead, consider using the RUN instruction with wget or curl to download the necessary files, or use the COPY command to copy local files.

## Avoid using ADD with remote URLs
RUN wget -O /app/file.txt

Handle Compressed Archives Carefully

When using the ADD command to handle compressed archives, be mindful of the potential security implications. Ensure that you only download archives from trusted sources and carefully inspect the contents before adding them to your Docker image.

## Handle compressed archives carefully
ADD /opt/
RUN tar -xzf /opt/archive.tar.gz -C /opt/ && rm /opt/archive.tar.gz

Maintain Consistent Build Contexts

Keep your Dockerfile and the build context (the directory containing the Dockerfile and its related files) organized and consistent. This will help you understand the relative paths used in the ADD command and ensure that the necessary files are available during the build process.

## Maintain consistent build contexts
COPY /app/
COPY requirements.txt /app/

Consider Security Implications

Be mindful of the security implications of using the ADD command, especially when handling remote URLs and compressed archives. Ensure that you only download from trusted sources and carefully inspect the contents before adding them to your Docker image.

By following these best practices and considerations, you can effectively use the ADD command in your Dockerfiles, ensuring that your Docker images are reliable, maintainable, and secure.


The ADD command in Dockerfiles is a powerful tool for copying files and directories into your Docker image. In this tutorial, you have learned how to use the ADD command, including the syntax and various use cases. You've explored how to copy local files and directories, as well as handle remote URLs and compressed archives. Additionally, you've gained insights into best practices and considerations for using the ADD command effectively. With this knowledge, you can now confidently incorporate the ADD command into your Dockerfile to build more robust and efficient Docker images.

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