Dragon Version Show

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In this lab, we will delve into the mythical land of Dragon Kingdom, where a valuable treasure is guarded by a mystical creature known as the Dragon Guardian. Our goal is to successfully navigate through the challenges posed by the Dragon Guardian to unveil the treasure using our Docker version skills.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/SystemManagementGroup(["`System Management`"]) docker/SystemManagementGroup -.-> docker/version("`Show Docker Version`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/version -.-> lab-268717{{"`Dragon Version Show`"}} end

Unveiling the Dragon's Den

In this step, we will first access the Dragon's Den by running a Docker command that will display the installed Docker version. The command to be executed is as follows:

docker --version

Once you have executed the command, you should see the Docker version printed to the console. The checker script will verify if the version matches with the expected Docker version.

Unmasking the Dragon Guardian

In this step, we will proceed to pull a specific Docker image named "hello-world" from the Docker Hub by running the following command:

docker pull hello-world

Upon successful execution, the "hello-world" Docker image will be downloaded to the local system. The checker script will validate the presence of the "hello-world" image in the local Docker repository.

Taming the Dragon's Den

In this step, we will run the "hello-world" Docker image that we previously downloaded by executing the command below:

docker run hello-world

Upon successful completion of this command, a message from the "hello-world" container will be displayed in the terminal. The checker script will confirm the appearance of the expected message from the "hello-world" container.


In this lab, we embarked on a journey through the Dragon Kingdom to enhance our understanding of Docker version-related skills. By unveiling the installed Docker version, pulling a Docker image from the registry, and running a container, we have successfully harnessed the power of Docker to overcome the challenges posed by the mythical Dragon Guardian. This hands-on experience has equipped us with practical knowledge of working with Docker versions, image management, and container execution.

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