Docker: How to Create Docker Images

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This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the process of creating Docker images, from understanding the fundamentals of Docker images to leveraging best practices for optimizing and managing your Docker-based applications. Whether you're new to Docker or an experienced user, this tutorial will provide you with the knowledge and skills to effectively create and manage Docker images.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/ImageOperationsGroup(["`Image Operations`"]) docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/DockerfileGroup(["`Dockerfile`"]) docker/ImageOperationsGroup -.-> docker/pull("`Pull Image from Repository`") docker/ImageOperationsGroup -.-> docker/push("`Push Image to Repository`") docker/ImageOperationsGroup -.-> docker/rmi("`Remove Image`") docker/ImageOperationsGroup -.-> docker/images("`List Images`") docker/DockerfileGroup -.-> docker/build("`Build Image from Dockerfile`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/pull -.-> lab-391128{{"`Docker: How to Create Docker Images`"}} docker/push -.-> lab-391128{{"`Docker: How to Create Docker Images`"}} docker/rmi -.-> lab-391128{{"`Docker: How to Create Docker Images`"}} docker/images -.-> lab-391128{{"`Docker: How to Create Docker Images`"}} docker/build -.-> lab-391128{{"`Docker: How to Create Docker Images`"}} end

Understanding Docker Images

Docker images are the fundamental building blocks of Docker containers. They are essentially read-only templates that include all the necessary components to run an application, such as the code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings. Docker images can be used to create Docker containers, which are the running instances of these images.

Understanding the concept of Docker images is crucial for effectively working with Docker. Docker images are constructed from a series of layers, where each layer represents a specific change or addition to the image. These layers are stacked on top of each other, creating the final image. This layered approach allows for efficient image management, as changes to the image can be made at the layer level, reducing the need to rebuild the entire image.

graph TD A[Base Image] --> B[Layer 1] B --> C[Layer 2] C --> D[Layer 3] D --> E[Docker Image]

Docker images can be stored in a central repository called a Docker registry, such as Docker Hub, which allows users to share and distribute their images. Users can pull (download) images from the registry and use them to create Docker containers, or they can build their own custom images using a Dockerfile, which is a text-based script that defines the steps to create the image.

Understanding the structure and management of Docker images is essential for effectively building, deploying, and scaling applications using Docker.

Exploring Docker Image Layers

Docker images are composed of multiple layers, each representing a specific change or addition to the image. Understanding the concept of image layers is crucial for effectively managing and optimizing Docker images.

Layers and Their Purpose

Each layer in a Docker image serves a specific purpose:

  • Base Layer: This is the foundational layer, typically an operating system image, that provides the basic environment for the application.
  • Application Layer: This layer contains the application code, dependencies, and any other files required to run the application.
  • Configuration Layer: This layer includes the configuration settings, environment variables, and other customizations specific to the application.

The layered structure of Docker images allows for efficient image management and sharing. When an image is built, Docker creates a new layer for each step in the Dockerfile, reusing existing layers where possible. This reduces the overall image size and speeds up the build process.

Viewing Image Layers

You can use the Docker CLI to inspect the layers of an image. For example, to view the layers of the ubuntu:latest image, you can run the following command:

docker image inspect ubuntu:latest --format '{{json .RootFS.Layers}}'

This will output a JSON array of the image's layer IDs.

Optimizing Image Layers

When building Docker images, it's important to optimize the layer structure to minimize the image size and improve build times. Some best practices for optimizing image layers include:

  • Combining multiple RUN commands into a single layer
  • Placing frequently changing layers towards the end of the Dockerfile
  • Using multi-stage builds to reduce the final image size

By understanding and optimizing the layer structure of Docker images, you can create more efficient and maintainable Docker-based applications.

Building Docker Images with Dockerfiles

Dockerfiles are text-based scripts that define the steps to build a Docker image. They provide a declarative way to create and customize Docker images, making it easy to build, share, and deploy applications in a consistent and reproducible manner.

Dockerfile Syntax

A Dockerfile typically consists of a series of instructions, each representing a layer in the final Docker image. Some of the common Dockerfile instructions include:

Instruction Description
FROM Specifies the base image to use for the build
COPY Copies files or directories from the host to the image
ADD Similar to COPY, but can also extract archives and fetch files from URLs
RUN Executes a command and creates a new layer in the image
CMD Specifies the default command to run when a container is started
EXPOSE Informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports
ENV Sets environment variables
WORKDIR Sets the working directory for any RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY, and ADD instructions that follow

Building Docker Images

To build a Docker image using a Dockerfile, you can use the docker build command:

docker build -t my-image:latest .

This command will read the Dockerfile in the current directory and build a new image with the tag my-image:latest.

Optimizing Dockerfiles

When writing Dockerfiles, it's important to consider the following best practices to optimize the build process and reduce image size:

  • Use the smallest base image possible
  • Combine multiple RUN commands into a single layer
  • Order layers from least to most frequently changing
  • Use multi-stage builds to reduce the final image size
  • Leverage build cache to speed up subsequent builds

By understanding the Dockerfile syntax and following best practices, you can create efficient and maintainable Docker images for your applications.

Managing Docker Images with CLI Commands

Docker provides a set of command-line interface (CLI) commands for managing Docker images. These commands allow you to perform various operations, such as building, listing, inspecting, and removing Docker images.

Common Docker Image CLI Commands

Command Description
docker build Builds a Docker image from a Dockerfile
docker image ls Lists all the Docker images on the system
docker image inspect Displays detailed information about a Docker image
docker image pull Pulls a Docker image from a registry
docker image push Pushes a Docker image to a registry
docker image rm Removes one or more Docker images
docker image prune Removes all unused Docker images
docker image history Shows the history of a Docker image

Exploring Docker Images

To list all the Docker images on your system, you can use the docker image ls command:

docker image ls

This will display a table with information about each image, including the image ID, the repository and tag, the creation time, and the image size.

You can inspect a specific Docker image using the docker image inspect command:

docker image inspect nginx:latest

This will output a JSON object containing detailed information about the image, such as the layers, environment variables, and exposed ports.

Removing Docker Images

To remove a Docker image, you can use the docker image rm command:

docker image rm nginx:latest

If the image is being used by one or more containers, you'll need to remove those containers first before removing the image.

You can also use the docker image prune command to remove all unused Docker images:

docker image prune

This command will remove all dangling images (images without tags) and any images that are not being used by any containers.

By mastering these Docker image management CLI commands, you can effectively build, inspect, and maintain your Docker images for your applications.

Best Practices for Optimizing Docker Images

Optimizing Docker images is crucial for improving the performance, efficiency, and maintainability of your Docker-based applications. Here are some best practices to consider when building and managing Docker images:

Use Minimal Base Images

Start with the smallest base image possible, such as alpine or scratch, to reduce the overall image size. Avoid using large base images like ubuntu:latest or centos:latest unless absolutely necessary.

Leverage Multi-stage Builds

Use multi-stage builds to separate the build environment from the runtime environment. This allows you to include only the necessary dependencies in the final image, significantly reducing the image size.

## Build stage
FROM golang:1.16 AS builder
COPY . .
RUN go build -o myapp

## Runtime stage
FROM alpine:latest
COPY --from=builder /app/myapp .
CMD ["./myapp"]

Optimize Dockerfile Instructions

Optimize your Dockerfile by:

  • Combining multiple RUN commands into a single layer
  • Placing frequently changing layers towards the end of the Dockerfile
  • Using the COPY instruction instead of ADD when possible
  • Avoiding unnecessary package installations

Leverage Build Cache

Take advantage of Docker's build cache to speed up the build process. Arrange your Dockerfile instructions in a way that the least frequently changing layers are at the top, so that Docker can reuse the cached layers during subsequent builds.

Use Image Squashing

Utilize tools like docker-squash to flatten the image layers into a single layer, further reducing the image size.

Implement Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Integrate your Docker image building process into a CI/CD pipeline to ensure consistent and optimized image builds.

By following these best practices, you can create smaller, more efficient, and more maintainable Docker images for your applications.

Pushing and Pulling Docker Images

Docker images can be stored and shared in Docker registries, such as Docker Hub, which is the default public registry provided by Docker. This section covers the process of pushing and pulling Docker images to and from a registry.

Pushing Docker Images

To push a Docker image to a registry, you first need to tag the image with the appropriate repository and tag. For example, to push the my-image:latest image to Docker Hub, you would run:

docker tag my-image:latest username/my-image:latest
docker push username/my-image:latest

Replace username with your Docker Hub username. This will upload the image to the Docker Hub registry.

Pulling Docker Images

To pull a Docker image from a registry, you can use the docker pull command. For example, to pull the nginx:latest image from Docker Hub, you would run:

docker pull nginx:latest

This will download the nginx:latest image from the Docker Hub registry to your local Docker environment.

Using Private Registries

In addition to the public Docker Hub registry, you can also use private Docker registries to store and share your Docker images. To push an image to a private registry, you would first need to log in to the registry:

docker login

Then, you can tag and push the image to the private registry:

docker tag my-image:latest
docker push

To pull an image from a private registry, you would use a similar process:

docker pull

By understanding how to push and pull Docker images to and from registries, you can effectively manage and share your Docker-based applications across different environments and teams.


In this tutorial, you will learn how to create Docker images using Dockerfiles, explore the concept of Docker image layers, manage Docker images with CLI commands, and apply best practices for optimizing Docker images. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to create and manage Docker images, enabling you to build and deploy your applications more efficiently using Docker.

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