Docker Compose With Swarm Secrets


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Start securing your swarm services using the latest compose reference that allows to specify secrets in your application stack

Getting started

Make sure your daemon is in swarm mode or initialize it as follows:

docker swarm init --advertise-addr $(hostname -i)

Automatic provision

In this example we'll let compose automatically create our secrets and provision them through compose with the defined secret file

Create a new secret and store it in a file:

echo "shh, this is a secret" > mysecret.txt

Use your secret file in your compose stack as follows:

echo 'version: '\'3.1\''
        image: '\'alpine\''
        command: '\'cat /run/secrets/my_secret \''
            - my_secret

        file: ./mysecret.txt
' > docker-compose.yml

Deploy your stack service:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml secret

Results in the below output:

Creating network secret_default
Creating secret secret_my_secret
Creating service secret_test

After your stack is deployed you can check your service output:

docker service logs -f secret_test

Results in the below output (below values after secret_test.1. may vary):

secret_test.1.lcygnppmzfdp@node1    | shhh, this is a secret
secret_test.1.mg1420w2i3x4@node1    | shhh, this is a secret
secret_test.1.8osraz8yxjrb@node1    | shhh, this is a secret
secret_test.1.byh5b9uik6db@node1    | shhh, this is a secret

Using existing secrets

Create a new secret using the docker CLI:

echo "some other secret" | docker secret create manual_secret -

Define your secret as external in your compose file so it's not created while deploying the stack

echo 'version: '\'3.1\''
        image: '\'alpine\''
        command: '\'cat /run/secrets/manual_secret \''
            - manual_secret

        external: true
' > external-compose.yml

Deploy your stack as you did in the automatic section:

docker stack deploy -c external-compose.yml external_secret

Validate your secret is there by checking the service logs

docker service logs -f external_secret_test


Congratulations! You have completed the Docker Compose With Swarm Secrets lab. You can practice more labs in LabEx to improve your skills.

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