Basic Syntax of C++

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In this lab, you will learn the fundamental structure of a C++ program, explore basic syntax elements, and understand the execution process. This hands-on experience is designed for beginners and will provide you with a solid foundation for writing and understanding C++ code using a WebIDE environment.

Setting Up Your First C++ Program

Let's start by creating and examining a simple C++ program. This will help you understand the basic structure and components of a C++ program.

  1. In the WebIDE, you should see a file explorer on the left side. Right-click in the file explorer area and select "New File".
  2. Name the new file hello.cpp and press Enter.
  3. The new file should open in the editor. If it doesn't, double-click on hello.cpp in the file explorer to open it.
  4. In the editor, type the following C++ code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    cout << "Hello, C++!" << endl;
    return 0;
C++ code editor screenshot

Let's break down this code:

  1. #include <iostream>: This is a preprocessor directive that includes the input/output stream library. It's like telling C++ that we want to use tools for input and output operations.
  2. using namespace std;: This line allows us to use elements of the standard library without prefixing them with std::. It's like saying "I want to use the standard set of tools without having to specify where they come from each time."
  3. int main() { ... }: This is the main function, where program execution begins. Every C++ program must have a main function. The int before main indicates that this function will return an integer value.
  4. cout << "Hello, C++!" << endl;: This line outputs the text "Hello, C++" to the console. cout is used for output, << is the output operator, and endl adds a new line after the text.
  5. return 0;: This indicates that the program has executed successfully. A return value of 0 is typically used to signal that everything went as expected.

Now, let's compile and run our program:

  1. Look for a terminal or console panel in your WebIDE. If you don't see one, you may need to open it (usually there's an option like "New Terminal" under a "Terminal" or "View" menu).

  2. In the terminal, make sure you're in the correct directory. You can use the pwd command to check your current directory and cd to navigate if needed.

  3. To compile the program, type the following command in the terminal:

    g++ -o hello hello.cpp
  4. To run the compiled program, type:


You should see the output: Hello, C++!

Terminal showing program output

If you encounter any errors, double-check your code for typos. Remember, C++ is case-sensitive, so cout is different from Cout or COUT.

Understanding Variables and Data Types

In this step, we'll explore variables and basic data types in C++. Variables are used to store data in a program, and understanding different data types is crucial for efficient programming.

  1. In the WebIDE, create a new file named variables.cpp. You can do this by right-clicking in the file explorer and selecting "New File".
  2. Open variables.cpp in the editor and type the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    // Integer variable
    int age = 25;

    // Floating-point variable
    float height = 1.75;

    // Character variable
    char grade = 'A';

    // Boolean variable
    bool isStudent = true;

    // String variable (C++ string class)
    string name = "Alice";

    cout << "Name: " << name << endl;
    cout << "Age: " << age << " years" << endl;
    cout << "Height: " << height << " meters" << endl;
    cout << "Grade: " << grade << endl;
    cout << "Is a student: " << (isStudent ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;

    return 0;

Let's break down the different data types used:

  1. int: Used for whole numbers. In our example, age is an integer.
  2. float: Used for decimal numbers. We use it for height. There's also double, which provides more precision but uses more memory.
  3. char: Used for single characters. Our grade variable is a char.
  4. bool: Used for true/false values. isStudent is a boolean variable.
  5. string: Used for text. Note that we include <string> at the top to use this type.

The program demonstrates how to declare variables of different types and how to output them using cout.

Notice the line cout << "Is a student: " << (isStudent ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;. This uses a ternary operator ?: which is a shorthand for an if-else statement. It means "if isStudent is true, print 'Yes', otherwise print 'No'".

To compile and run the program:

  1. In the terminal panel of your WebIDE, make sure you're in the correct directory.

  2. Compile the program with:

    g++ -o variables variables.cpp
  3. Run the program with:


If you see any errors, check for typos. Common mistakes include forgetting semicolons at the end of statements or mismatching quotation marks.

Control Structures - If Statements and Loops

Control structures allow you to control the flow of your program. Let's explore if statements and loops, which are fundamental to creating dynamic and responsive programs.

  1. In the WebIDE, create a new file named control.cpp.
  2. Open control.cpp in the editor and type the following code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int number;
    cout << "Enter a number: ";
    cin >> number;

    // If statement
    if (number > 0) {
        cout << "The number is positive." << endl;
    } else if (number < 0) {
        cout << "The number is negative." << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "The number is zero." << endl;

    // For loop
    cout << "Counting from 1 to 5:" << endl;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
        cout << i << " ";
    cout << endl;

    // While loop
    int count = 5;
    cout << "Countdown:" << endl;
    while (count > 0) {
        cout << count << " ";
    cout << endl;

    return 0;

Let's break down the control structures used:

  1. If-Else Statement:
    This allows the program to make decisions. The structure is:

    if (condition) {
        // code to execute if condition is true
    } else if (another condition) {
        // code to execute if this condition is true
    } else {
        // code to execute if no conditions are true
  2. For Loop:
    Used when you know how many times you want to repeat a block of code. The structure is:

    for (initialization; condition; update) {
        // code to repeat

    In our example, int i = 1 initializes the loop variable, i <= 5 is the condition to continue the loop, and i++ updates the loop variable after each iteration.

  3. While Loop:
    Used when you want to repeat a block of code as long as a condition is true. The structure is:

    while (condition) {
        // code to repeat

    In our example, the loop continues as long as count > 0.

To compile and run the program:

  1. In the terminal panel of your WebIDE, make sure you're in the correct directory.

  2. Compile the program with:

    g++ -o control control.cpp
  3. Run the program with:


When you run the program, it will ask you to enter a number. Try different numbers (positive, negative, zero) to see how the if statement works. The program will then demonstrate the for loop and while loop regardless of your input.

If you encounter any errors, check for common issues like missing semicolons, mismatched braces, or typos in variable names.

Functions in C++

Functions are blocks of code that perform specific tasks. They help in organizing code, making it reusable and easier to understand. Let's create a program that demonstrates the use of functions.

  1. In the WebIDE, create a new file named functions.cpp.
  2. Open functions.cpp in the editor and type the following code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function to calculate the square of a number
int square(int num) {
    return num * num;

// Function to check if a number is even
bool isEven(int num) {
    return num % 2 == 0;

// Function with default parameter
void greet(string name = "Guest") {
    cout << "Hello, " << name << "!" << endl;

int main() {
    int number = 7;

    cout << "Square of " << number << " is: " << square(number) << endl;

    if (isEven(number)) {
        cout << number << " is even." << endl;
    } else {
        cout << number << " is odd." << endl;

    greet();  // Uses default parameter
    greet("Alice");  // Provides a name

    return 0;

Let's break down the components of this program:

  1. Function Definition:
    A function is defined with a return type, name, and parameters (if any). For example:

    int square(int num) {
        return num * num;

    This function takes an integer num, squares it, and returns the result.

  2. Function with Boolean Return:

    bool isEven(int num) {
        return num % 2 == 0;

    This function returns true if the number is even, false otherwise. The % operator gives the remainder of division.

  3. Function with Default Parameter:

    void greet(string name = "Guest") {
        cout << "Hello, " << name << "!" << endl;

    This function has a default parameter. If no argument is provided when calling the function, it will use "Guest".

  4. Function Calls:
    In the main() function, we demonstrate how to call these functions and use their return values.

To compile and run the program:

  1. In the terminal panel of your WebIDE, make sure you're in the correct directory.

  2. Compile the program with:

    g++ -o functions functions.cpp
  3. Run the program with:


This program demonstrates how functions can be used to organize code into manageable, reusable pieces. If you encounter any errors, check for typos, missing semicolons, or mismatched braces. Also, ensure that you're using the correct function names when calling them.

Basic Input and Output Operations

In this final step, we'll create a program that demonstrates various input and output operations in C++. Understanding how to interact with users through input and output is crucial for creating interactive programs.

  1. In the WebIDE, create a new file named io_operations.cpp.
  2. Open io_operations.cpp in the editor and type the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>  // For setprecision
#include <string>   // For string operations
using namespace std;

int main() {
    string name;
    int age;
    double height;

    // Input operations
    cout << "Enter your name: ";
    getline(cin, name);  // Reads a full line, including spaces

    cout << "Enter your age: ";
    cin >> age;

    cout << "Enter your height in meters: ";
    cin >> height;

    // Output operations
    cout << "\n--- Your Information ---\n";
    cout << "Name: " << name << endl;
    cout << "Age: " << age << " years" << endl;

    // Setting precision for floating-point output
    cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
    cout << "Height: " << height << " meters" << endl;

    // Using width and fill for formatted output
    cout << "\nFormatted Age Display:\n";
    cout << setw(10) << setfill('.') << left << "Age" << setw(5) << right << age << endl;

    return 0;

Let's break down the key components of this program:

  1. Additional Headers:

    • #include <iomanip>: This header provides input/output manipulators like setprecision and setw.
    • #include <string>: This header is for string operations, although it's often implicitly included with <iostream>.
  2. Input Operations:

    • getline(cin, name): This reads a full line of input, including spaces. It's useful for reading names or sentences.
    • cin >> age: This reads a single value into the age variable. The >> operator is used for input.
  3. Output Operations:

    • cout << "Text" << variable << endl: This is the basic output operation. The << operator is used for output.
    • endl: This adds a newline and flushes the output buffer.
  4. Formatting Output:

    • cout << fixed << setprecision(2): This sets the output of floating-point numbers to always show 2 decimal places.
    • setw(10): This sets the width of the next output field to 10 characters.
    • setfill('.'): This sets the fill character to '.' for any empty spaces in a field.
    • left and right: These set the alignment of the output within its field.

To compile and run the program:

  1. In the terminal panel of your WebIDE, make sure you're in the correct directory.

  2. Compile the program with:

    g++ -o io_operations io_operations.cpp
  3. Run the program with:


When you run the program, it will prompt you to enter your name, age, and height. After entering this information, the program will display it back to you in a formatted manner.

Common issues to watch out for:

  • If your program skips the name input, it's likely due to a newline character left in the input buffer. To fix this, you can add cin.ignore(); before getline(cin, name);.
  • Make sure to enter a valid number for age and height. Entering non-numeric values can cause unexpected behavior.

This program demonstrates how to handle different types of input, including strings with spaces, and how to format output for better readability. These skills are essential for creating user-friendly, interactive C++ programs.


In this lab, you've gained hands-on experience with the fundamental concepts of C++ programming using a WebIDE environment. You've learned:

  1. How to create, compile, and run a basic C++ program in a WebIDE.
  2. The use of variables and different data types in C++.
  3. How to implement control structures like if statements and loops.
  4. The creation and use of functions to organize and reuse code.
  5. Basic input and output operations, including formatting output.

These concepts form the foundation of C++ programming and will be essential as you progress to more advanced topics. Remember, practice is key in programming. Try modifying these programs or creating new ones to reinforce your learning. Don't be afraid to experiment and make mistakes โ€“ debugging is an important skill to develop.

As you continue your C++ journey, you'll discover more advanced features of the language, such as object-oriented programming, templates, and working with the standard library. Keep exploring and happy coding!

Using a WebIDE for C++ development can be very convenient, especially for beginners. It provides a consistent environment and eliminates many setup issues. However, as you progress, you might want to explore local development environments and IDEs like Visual Studio, CLion, or Code::Blocks for more advanced features and faster compilation times.

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