Python Functions and Modules

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In this lab, you will explore two fundamental concepts in Python programming: functions and modules. Functions allow you to organize your code into reusable blocks, making your programs more modular and easier to understand. Modules enable you to organize related functions and variables into separate files, promoting code reusability and maintainability. By mastering these concepts, you will be able to write more efficient and organized Python code.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/BasicConceptsGroup(["`Basic Concepts`"]) python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/FunctionsGroup(["`Functions`"]) python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/ModulesandPackagesGroup(["`Modules and Packages`"]) python/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> python/variables_data_types("`Variables and Data Types`") python/FunctionsGroup -.-> python/function_definition("`Function Definition`") python/FunctionsGroup -.-> python/arguments_return("`Arguments and Return Values`") python/FunctionsGroup -.-> python/scope("`Scope`") python/ModulesandPackagesGroup -.-> python/importing_modules("`Importing Modules`") python/ModulesandPackagesGroup -.-> python/creating_modules("`Creating Modules`") python/ModulesandPackagesGroup -.-> python/using_packages("`Using Packages`") python/ModulesandPackagesGroup -.-> python/standard_libraries("`Common Standard Libraries`") subgraph Lab Skills python/variables_data_types -.-> lab-393141{{"`Python Functions and Modules`"}} python/function_definition -.-> lab-393141{{"`Python Functions and Modules`"}} python/arguments_return -.-> lab-393141{{"`Python Functions and Modules`"}} python/scope -.-> lab-393141{{"`Python Functions and Modules`"}} python/importing_modules -.-> lab-393141{{"`Python Functions and Modules`"}} python/creating_modules -.-> lab-393141{{"`Python Functions and Modules`"}} python/using_packages -.-> lab-393141{{"`Python Functions and Modules`"}} python/standard_libraries -.-> lab-393141{{"`Python Functions and Modules`"}} end

Defining and Using Functions

In this step, you will learn how to define and use functions in Python.

  1. Open the Python interpreter by typing the following command in your terminal:


    You should see the Python prompt (>>>), indicating that you're now in the Python interactive shell.

    Python Interpreter
  2. Let's start by defining a simple function that greets a person. In the Python interpreter, type the following:

    >>> def greet(name):
    ...     return f"Hello, {name}!"
    >>> result = greet("Alice")
    >>> print(result)
    Hello, Alice!
    1. Functions are defined using the def keyword followed by the function name and parameters in parentheses. The function body is indented.
    2. This function takes a name parameter and returns a greeting string. We then call the function with the argument "Alice" and print the result.
    3. The return statement is used to return a value from the function. If no return statement is present, the function returns None.
    4. Functions can be used to encapsulate reusable code and perform specific tasks. It's the main building block of Python programs.
  3. Now, let's create a function that performs a calculation:

    >>> def calculate_area(length, width):
    ...     return length * width
    >>> area = calculate_area(5, 3)
    >>> print(f"The area is: {area}")
    The area is: 15

    This function calculates the area of a rectangle given its length and width.

  4. Functions can also have default parameter values:

    >>> def power(base, exponent=2):
    ...     return base ** exponent
    >>> print(power(3))
    >>> print(power(3, 3))

    Here, if no exponent is provided, the function uses 2 as the default value.

  5. Functions can return multiple values using tuples:

    >>> def min_max(numbers):
    ...     return min(numbers), max(numbers)
    >>> minimum, maximum = min_max([1, 5, 3, 9, 2])
    >>> print(f"Minimum: {minimum}, Maximum: {maximum}")
    Minimum: 1, Maximum: 9

    This function returns both the minimum and maximum values from a list of numbers.

Remember, indentation is crucial in Python. Function bodies must be indented consistently.

Understanding Function Scope

In this step, you will learn about function scope and how variables behave inside and outside functions.

  1. In the Python interpreter, let's explore local and global variables:

    >>> x = 10  ## Global variable
    >>> def print_x():
    ...     print(f"Global x: {x}")
    >>> print_x()
    Global x: 10
    >>> def change_x():
    ...     x = 20  ## Local variable
    ...     print(f"Local x: {x}")
    >>> change_x()
    Local x: 20
    >>> print(f"Global x after change_x(): {x}")
    Global x after change_x(): 10

    Notice that the change_x() function creates a new local variable x, which doesn't affect the global x.

  2. To modify a global variable inside a function, use the global keyword:

    >>> def modify_global_x():
    ...     global x
    ...     x = 30
    ...     print(f"Modified global x: {x}")
    >>> modify_global_x()
    Modified global x: 30
    >>> print(f"Global x after modify_global_x(): {x}")
    Global x after modify_global_x(): 30

    Now the global x has been modified.

  3. Functions can also access variables from their enclosing scope:

    >>> def outer_function(x):
    ...     def inner_function():
    ...         print(f"x from outer function: {x}")
    ...     inner_function()
    >>> outer_function(40)
    x from outer function: 40

    The inner function can access the x parameter of the outer function.

Understanding function scope is crucial for writing clean and bug-free code. It helps prevent unintended side effects and makes your functions more predictable.

Creating and Using Modules

In this step, you will learn how to create and use Python modules.

  1. Exit the Python interpreter by typing exit() or pressing Ctrl+D.

  2. Open the WebIDE in the LabEx VM environment.

  3. Create a new file named in the ~/project directory:

    touch ~/project/
  4. Open the newly created file in the WebIDE editor and add the following content:

    def add(a, b):
        return a + b
    def subtract(a, b):
        return a - b
    def multiply(a, b):
        return a * b
    def divide(a, b):
        if b != 0:
            return a / b
            return "Error: Division by zero"
    PI = 3.14159

    This module contains four basic mathematical operations and a constant PI.

  5. Save the file (auto-save is enabled in WebIDE).

  6. Now, create another file named in the same directory:

    touch ~/project/
  7. Open in the WebIDE editor and add the following content:

    import math_operations
    result_add = math_operations.add(5, 3)
    result_subtract = math_operations.subtract(10, 4)
    result_multiply = math_operations.multiply(2, 6)
    result_divide = math_operations.divide(15, 3)
    print(f"Addition: {result_add}")
    print(f"Subtraction: {result_subtract}")
    print(f"Multiplication: {result_multiply}")
    print(f"Division: {result_divide}")
    print(f"Value of PI: {math_operations.PI}")

    This script imports the math_operations module and uses its functions and constant.

  8. Save the file and run it using the following command in the terminal:

    python ~/project/

    You should see output similar to this:

    Addition: 8
    Subtraction: 6
    Multiplication: 12
    Division: 5.0
    Value of PI: 3.14159

By creating modules, you can organize related functions and variables into separate files, making your code more maintainable and reusable.

When you import a module, Python compiles it into bytecode and stores the compiled code in a __pycache__ directory. This directory is created in the same location as the module file and contains compiled bytecode files (.pyc or .pyo).

You can safely ignore this directory, as Python automatically handles the compilation and caching of modules.

Importing Specific Functions from Modules

In this step, you will learn how to import specific functions from modules and use aliases to make your code more concise.

  1. Create a new file named in the ~/project directory:

    touch ~/project/
  2. Open in the WebIDE editor and add the following content:

    import math
    def square_root(x):
        return math.sqrt(x)
    def power(base, exponent):
        return math.pow(base, exponent)
    def sin(angle):
        return math.sin(math.radians(angle))
    def cos(angle):
        return math.cos(math.radians(angle))

    This module uses Python's built-in math module to provide more advanced mathematical operations.

  3. Now, create a file named in the same directory:

    touch ~/project/
  4. Open in the WebIDE editor and add the following content:

    from advanced_math import square_root, power
    from advanced_math import sin as sine, cos as cosine
    x = 16
    y = 2
    angle = 30
    print(f"Square root of {x}: {square_root(x)}")
    print(f"{x} to the power of {y}: {power(x, y)}")
    print(f"Sine of {angle} degrees: {sine(angle)}")
    print(f"Cosine of {angle} degrees: {cosine(angle)}")

    This script imports specific functions from the advanced_math module and uses aliases for sin and cos.

  5. Save the file and run it using the following command in the terminal:

    python ~/project/

    You should see output similar to this:

    Square root of 16: 4.0
    16 to the power of 2: 256.0
    Sine of 30 degrees: 0.49999999999999994
    Cosine of 30 degrees: 0.8660254037844387

By importing specific functions and using aliases, you can make your code more readable and avoid naming conflicts between different modules.

Creating a Package

In this final step, you will learn how to create a package, which is a way to organize related modules into a directory hierarchy.

  1. Create a new directory named geometry in the ~/project directory:

    mkdir ~/project/geometry
  2. Inside the geometry directory, create two files: and

    touch ~/project/geometry/
    touch ~/project/geometry/

    The file is required to make Python treat the directory as a package. It can be empty or contain initialization code for the package.

  3. Open in the WebIDE editor and add the following content:

    ## geometry/
    import math
    def circle_area(radius):
        return math.pi * radius ** 2
    def rectangle_area(length, width):
        return length * width
    def triangle_area(base, height):
        return 0.5 * base * height
  4. Now, create a file named in the ~/project directory:

    touch ~/project/
  5. Open in the WebIDE editor and add the following content:

    from geometry.shapes import circle_area, rectangle_area, triangle_area
    radius = 5
    length = 4
    width = 6
    base = 3
    height = 8
    print(f"Area of circle with radius {radius}: {circle_area(radius):.2f}")
    print(f"Area of rectangle with length {length} and width {width}: {rectangle_area(length, width)}")
    print(f"Area of triangle with base {base} and height {height}: {triangle_area(base, height)}")
  6. Save the file and run it using the following command in the terminal:

    python ~/project/

    You should see output similar to this:

    Area of circle with radius 5: 78.54
    Area of rectangle with length 4 and width 6: 24
    Area of triangle with base 3 and height 8: 12.0

By creating a package, you've organized related modules into a directory hierarchy, making it easier to manage and import related functionality in your projects.


In this lab, you have explored two fundamental concepts in Python programming: functions and modules. You have learned how to define and use functions, understand function scope, create and use modules, import specific functions from modules, and organize related modules into packages.

You started by creating simple functions and gradually moved to more complex concepts like function scope and global variables. You then learned how to create modules to organize related functions and variables into separate files, making your code more maintainable and reusable.

You explored different ways of importing functions from modules, including importing specific functions and using aliases. This knowledge allows you to write more concise and readable code while avoiding naming conflicts between different modules.

Finally, you learned how to create a package, which is a way to organize related modules into a directory hierarchy. This is particularly useful for larger projects where you need to manage multiple related modules.

These concepts of functions and modules are crucial for writing well-organized, efficient, and reusable Python code. As you continue your Python journey, you'll find these skills essential for building more complex programs and collaborating on larger projects. Remember to practice these concepts regularly and explore the vast ecosystem of Python modules and packages available to enhance your programming capabilities.

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