Practical Argument Expansion
Real-World Argument Expansion Scenarios
Argument expansion is not just a theoretical concept, but a practical tool in everyday Python programming.
def process_data(data, filter_func=None, transform_func=None):
if filter_func:
data = list(filter(filter_func, data))
if transform_func:
data = list(map(transform_func, data))
return data
## Example usage
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
filtered = process_data(numbers,
filter_func=lambda x: x % 2 == 0,
transform_func=lambda x: x * 2)
print(filtered) ## Output: [4, 8, 12]
API Calls and Configuration
def make_api_request(base_url, **request_params):
params = {
'method': 'GET',
'timeout': 5,
print(f"Making request to {base_url} with params: {params}")
## Flexible API configuration
data={'user': 'admin'},
headers={'X-Token': 'secret'})
Function Composition and Chaining
def compose(*functions):
def inner(arg):
for f in reversed(functions):
arg = f(arg)
return arg
return inner
## Creating complex transformations
double = lambda x: x * 2
square = lambda x: x ** 2
add_ten = lambda x: x + 10
complex_transform = compose(double, square, add_ten)
print(complex_transform(3)) ## Output: 100
Argument Expansion Patterns
Pattern |
Description |
Use Case |
Default Expansion |
Using *args |
Flexible function inputs |
Keyword Expansion |
Using **kwargs |
Dynamic configuration |
Partial Application |
Fixing some arguments |
Creating specialized functions |
Argument Expansion Flow
graph TD
A[Argument Expansion] --> B[Input Collection]
B --> C{Expansion Method}
C --> |*args| D[Positional Unpacking]
C --> |**kwargs| E[Keyword Unpacking]
D --> F[Function Execution]
E --> F
Advanced Decorator Example
def validate_args(*valid_types, **constraints):
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
for arg, arg_type in zip(args, valid_types):
if not isinstance(arg, arg_type):
raise TypeError(f"Invalid argument type")
for key, constraint in constraints.items():
if key in kwargs and not constraint(kwargs[key]):
raise ValueError(f"Constraint failed for {key}")
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
@validate_args(int, str, age=lambda x: 0 < x < 120)
def create_user(user_id, name, age):
return f"User {name} (ID: {user_id}) created"
## Successful call
print(create_user(1, "Alice", age=30))
Best Practices
- Use argument expansion for creating flexible and reusable functions
- Be mindful of code readability
- Leverage LabEx's learning resources to master these techniques
Argument expansion provides powerful ways to write more dynamic and adaptable Python code.