How to create generator functions with the yield statement in Python

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Python's generator functions, powered by the yield statement, offer a unique and efficient way to work with data. In this tutorial, we'll explore the fundamentals of generator functions, understand the benefits they provide, and guide you through the process of creating your own generator functions in Python.

Skills Graph

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Understanding Python Generators

Python generators are a special type of function that allow you to create iterators. Unlike regular functions, which use the return statement to return a value and then terminate, generators use the yield statement to return a value and then pause the function's execution, allowing it to be resumed later.

Generators are particularly useful when you need to work with large or infinite datasets, as they can generate values on-the-fly, rather than storing the entire dataset in memory. This makes them more memory-efficient than traditional lists or other data structures.

Here's a simple example of a generator function in Python:

def count_up_to(n):
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        yield i
        i += 1

In this example, the count_up_to() function is a generator that generates the numbers from 0 up to (but not including) the value of n. When you call this function, it returns a generator object, which you can then iterate over to get the values one at a time.

>>> counter = count_up_to(5)
>>> for num in counter:
...     print(num)

As you can see, the generator function pauses its execution after each yield statement, allowing the for loop to consume the values one at a time. This is in contrast to a regular function, which would generate the entire list of numbers and return it all at once.

Generators can be a powerful tool in your Python programming toolbox, and understanding how they work is an important part of becoming a proficient Python developer.

Introducing the yield Statement

The yield statement is the key feature that distinguishes generator functions from regular functions in Python. When you call a regular function, it executes the entire function body and returns a value using the return statement. In contrast, a generator function using the yield statement can pause its execution, return a value, and then resume execution from where it left off.

Here's how the yield statement works:

  1. When you call a generator function, it returns a generator object, not the final result.
  2. When you iterate over the generator object (e.g., using a for loop), the generator function executes until it reaches a yield statement.
  3. The yield statement returns the value specified, and the function's execution is paused.
  4. The next time the generator is iterated over, the function resumes execution from where it left off, continuing until it reaches the next yield statement.

This process continues until the generator function completes, at which point it raises a StopIteration exception.

Here's an example to illustrate the use of the yield statement:

def count_up_to(n):
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        yield i
        i += 1

counter = count_up_to(5)
print(next(counter))  ## Output: 0
print(next(counter))  ## Output: 1
print(next(counter))  ## Output: 2
print(next(counter))  ## Output: 3
print(next(counter))  ## Output: 4
print(next(counter))  ## Raises StopIteration

In this example, the count_up_to() function is a generator that yields the numbers from 0 up to (but not including) the value of n. When we call next() on the generator object, it returns the next value in the sequence, and the function's execution is paused until the next call to next().

The yield statement is the key to creating generator functions in Python, and understanding how it works is essential for effectively using generators in your code.

Benefits of Generator Functions

Generator functions in Python offer several benefits over traditional functions and data structures:

Memory Efficiency

One of the primary advantages of generator functions is their memory efficiency. Unlike regular functions that generate and return the entire result set at once, generator functions yield values one at a time, which means they only store the current value in memory. This makes them particularly useful when working with large or infinite datasets, as they can generate values on-the-fly without consuming a lot of memory.

Lazy Evaluation

Generator functions employ lazy evaluation, which means they only generate values when they are needed, rather than generating the entire sequence upfront. This can be a significant performance advantage, especially when working with computationally expensive operations or large datasets.

Infinite Sequences

Generator functions can be used to create infinite sequences, which is not possible with traditional data structures like lists or arrays. This makes them useful for generating sequences that don't have a predetermined length, such as random numbers, Fibonacci numbers, or even user input.


Generator functions can be easily composed together, allowing you to create complex data processing pipelines. This can be achieved by using generator functions as inputs to other generator functions, creating a chain of transformations that can be executed efficiently.

Here's an example that demonstrates the benefits of generator functions:

import time

def fibonacci_generator(n):
    a, b = 0, 1
    for i in range(n):
        yield a
        a, b = b, a + b

## Memory-efficient Fibonacci sequence
fibonacci = fibonacci_generator(1000000)
for num in fibonacci:
    pass  ## Do something with the Fibonacci numbers

## Lazy evaluation
def square_numbers(nums):
    for num in nums:
        time.sleep(0.1)  ## Simulating a computationally expensive operation
        yield num ** 2

squares = square_numbers(range(10))
for square in squares:

In this example, the fibonacci_generator() function demonstrates the memory efficiency of generator functions by generating the Fibonacci sequence up to 1,000,000 without consuming a large amount of memory. The square_numbers() function shows the lazy evaluation aspect of generators, where the squares are only computed when they are needed.

By understanding the benefits of generator functions, you can write more efficient and powerful Python code that can handle large or infinite datasets with ease.


By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of Python generator functions and the yield statement. You'll be able to create your own generator functions, leveraging their advantages for memory optimization and efficient data processing. Mastering this Python programming technique will equip you with a powerful tool to enhance the performance and scalability of your applications.

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