Fibonacci Sequence Generator

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The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. It starts with 0 and 1, and the next number is the sum of the previous two numbers. In this challenge, you will write a function that generates a list containing the Fibonacci sequence up until the nth term.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/BasicConceptsGroup(["`Basic Concepts`"]) python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/ControlFlowGroup(["`Control Flow`"]) python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/DataStructuresGroup(["`Data Structures`"]) python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/FunctionsGroup(["`Functions`"]) python/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> python/comments("`Comments`") python/ControlFlowGroup -.-> python/conditional_statements("`Conditional Statements`") python/ControlFlowGroup -.-> python/while_loops("`While Loops`") python/DataStructuresGroup -.-> python/lists("`Lists`") python/FunctionsGroup -.-> python/function_definition("`Function Definition`") python/FunctionsGroup -.-> python/build_in_functions("`Build-in Functions`") subgraph Lab Skills python/comments -.-> lab-13098{{"`Fibonacci Sequence Generator`"}} python/conditional_statements -.-> lab-13098{{"`Fibonacci Sequence Generator`"}} python/while_loops -.-> lab-13098{{"`Fibonacci Sequence Generator`"}} python/lists -.-> lab-13098{{"`Fibonacci Sequence Generator`"}} python/function_definition -.-> lab-13098{{"`Fibonacci Sequence Generator`"}} python/build_in_functions -.-> lab-13098{{"`Fibonacci Sequence Generator`"}} end

Fibonacci Challenge


Write a function called fibonacci(n) that takes an integer n as its parameter and returns a list containing the Fibonacci sequence up until the nth term.

To solve this problem, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create an empty list called sequence.
  2. If n is less than or equal to 0, append 0 to the sequence list and return the list.
  3. Append 0 and 1 to the sequence list.
  4. Use a while loop to add the sum of the last two numbers of the sequence list to the end of the list, until the length of the list reaches n.
  5. Return the sequence list.


fibonacci(7) ## [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]


In this challenge, you have learned how to generate a list containing the Fibonacci sequence up until the nth term. You have also learned how to use a while loop to add the sum of the last two numbers of a list to the end of the list.

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