Circular and Dynamic Module Imports

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In this lab, you will learn about two crucial import-related concepts in Python. Module imports in Python can sometimes result in complex dependencies, leading to errors or inefficient code structures. Circular imports, where two or more modules import each other, create a dependency loop that can cause issues if not properly managed.

You will also explore dynamic imports, which enable modules to be loaded at runtime instead of at the program's start. This provides flexibility and helps avoid import-related problems. The objectives of this lab are to understand circular import problems, implement solutions to avoid them, and learn how to use dynamic module imports effectively.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL python(("Python")) -.-> python/ModulesandPackagesGroup(["Modules and Packages"]) python(("Python")) -.-> python/ObjectOrientedProgrammingGroup(["Object-Oriented Programming"]) python/ModulesandPackagesGroup -.-> python/importing_modules("Importing Modules") python/ObjectOrientedProgrammingGroup -.-> python/classes_objects("Classes and Objects") python/ObjectOrientedProgrammingGroup -.-> python/inheritance("Inheritance") subgraph Lab Skills python/importing_modules -.-> lab-132531{{"Circular and Dynamic Module Imports"}} python/classes_objects -.-> lab-132531{{"Circular and Dynamic Module Imports"}} python/inheritance -.-> lab-132531{{"Circular and Dynamic Module Imports"}} end

Understanding the Import Problem

Let's start by understanding what module imports are. In Python, when you want to use functions, classes, or variables from another file (module), you use the import statement. However, the way you structure your imports can lead to various issues.

Now, we're going to examine an example of a problematic module structure. The code in tableformat/ has imports scattered throughout the file. This might not seem like a big deal at first, but it creates maintenance and dependency issues.

First, open the WebIDE file explorer and navigate to the structly directory. We'll run a couple of commands to understand the current structure of the project. The cd command is used to change the current working directory, and the ls -la command lists all the files and directories in the current directory, including hidden ones.

cd ~/project/structly
ls -la

This will show you the files in the project directory. Now, we'll look at one of the problematic files using the cat command, which displays the contents of a file.

cat tableformat/

You should see code similar to the following:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from .mixins import ColumnFormatMixin, UpperHeadersMixin

class TableFormatter(ABC):
    def headings(self, headers):

    def row(self, rowdata):

from .formats.text import TextTableFormatter
from .formats.csv import CSVTableFormatter
from .formats.html import HTMLTableFormatter

def create_formatter(name, column_formats=None, upper_headers=False):
    if name == 'text':
        formatter_cls = TextTableFormatter
    elif name == 'csv':
        formatter_cls = CSVTableFormatter
    elif name == 'html':
        formatter_cls = HTMLTableFormatter
        raise RuntimeError('Unknown format %s' % name)

    if column_formats:
        class formatter_cls(ColumnFormatMixin, formatter_cls):
              formats = column_formats

    if upper_headers:
        class formatter_cls(UpperHeadersMixin, formatter_cls):

    return formatter_cls()

Notice the placement of import statements in the middle of the file. This is problematic for several reasons:

  1. It makes the code harder to read and maintain. When you're looking at a file, you expect to see all the imports at the beginning so you can quickly understand what external modules the file depends on.
  2. It can lead to circular import issues. Circular imports happen when two or more modules depend on each other, which can cause errors and make your code behave unexpectedly.
  3. It breaks the Python convention of placing all imports at the top of a file. Following conventions makes your code more readable and easier for other developers to understand.

In the following steps, we'll explore these issues in more detail and learn how to resolve them.

Exploring Circular Imports

A circular import is a situation where two or more modules depend on each other. Specifically, when module A imports module B, and module B also imports module A, either directly or indirectly. This creates a dependency loop that Python's import system cannot resolve properly. In simpler terms, Python gets stuck in a loop trying to figure out which module to import first, and this can lead to errors in your program.

Let's experiment with our code to see how circular imports can cause problems.

First, we'll run the stock program to check if it works with the current structure. This step helps us establish a baseline and see the program working as expected before we make any changes.

cd ~/project/structly

The program should run correctly and display stock data in a formatted table. If it does, that means the current code structure is working fine without any circular import issues.

Now, we're going to modify the file. Usually, it's a good practice to move imports to the top of a file. This makes the code more organized and easier to understand at a glance.

cd ~/project/structly

Open tableformat/ in the WebIDE. We'll move the following imports to the top of the file, right after the existing imports. These imports are for different table formatters, like text, CSV, and HTML.

from .formats.text import TextTableFormatter
from .formats.csv import CSVTableFormatter
from .formats.html import HTMLTableFormatter

So the beginning of the file should now look like this:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from .mixins import ColumnFormatMixin, UpperHeadersMixin
from .formats.text import TextTableFormatter
from .formats.csv import CSVTableFormatter
from .formats.html import HTMLTableFormatter

class TableFormatter(ABC):
    def headings(self, headers):

    def row(self, rowdata):

Save the file and try running the stock program again.


You should see an error message about TableFormatter not being defined. This is a clear sign of a circular import problem.

The issue occurs because of the following chain of events:

  1. tries to import TextTableFormatter from formats/
  2. formats/ imports TableFormatter from
  3. When Python tries to resolve these imports, it gets stuck in a loop because it can't decide which module to fully import first.

Let's revert our changes to make the program work again. Edit tableformat/ and move the imports back to where they were originally (after the TableFormatter class definition).

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from .mixins import ColumnFormatMixin, UpperHeadersMixin

class TableFormatter(ABC):
    def headings(self, headers):

    def row(self, rowdata):

from .formats.text import TextTableFormatter
from .formats.csv import CSVTableFormatter
from .formats.html import HTMLTableFormatter

Run the program again to confirm it's working.


This demonstrates that even though having imports in the middle of the file is not the best practice in terms of code organization, it was done to avoid a circular import problem. In the next steps, we'll explore better solutions.

Implementing Subclass Registration

In programming, circular imports can be a tricky problem. Instead of directly importing formatter classes, we can use a registration pattern. In this pattern, subclasses register themselves with their parent class. This is a common and effective way to avoid circular imports.

First, let's understand how we can find out the module name of a class. The module name is important because we'll use it in our registration pattern. To do this, we'll run a Python command in the terminal.

cd ~/project/structly
python3 -c "from structly.tableformat.formats.text import TextTableFormatter; print(TextTableFormatter.__module__); print(TextTableFormatter.__module__.split('.')[-1])"

When you run this command, you'll see output like this:


This output shows that we can extract the name of the module from the class itself. We'll use this module name later to register the subclasses.

Now, let's modify the TableFormatter class in the tableformat/ file to add a registration mechanism. Open this file in the WebIDE. We'll add some code to the TableFormatter class. This code will help us register the subclasses automatically.

class TableFormatter(ABC):
    _formats = { }  ## Dictionary to store registered formatters

    def __init_subclass__(cls):
        name = cls.__module__.split('.')[-1]
        TableFormatter._formats[name] = cls

    def headings(self, headers):

    def row(self, rowdata):

The __init_subclass__ method is a special method in Python. It gets called whenever a subclass of TableFormatter is created. In this method, we extract the module name of the subclass and use it as a key to register the subclass in the _formats dictionary.

Next, we need to modify the create_formatter function to use the registration dictionary. This function is responsible for creating the appropriate formatter based on the given name.

def create_formatter(name, column_formats=None, upper_headers=False):
    formatter_cls = TableFormatter._formats.get(name)
    if not formatter_cls:
        raise RuntimeError('Unknown format %s' % name)

    if column_formats:
        class formatter_cls(ColumnFormatMixin, formatter_cls):
              formats = column_formats

    if upper_headers:
        class formatter_cls(UpperHeadersMixin, formatter_cls):

    return formatter_cls()

After making these changes, save the file. Then, let's test if the program still works. We'll run the script.


If the program runs correctly, it means our changes haven't broken anything. Now, let's take a look at the contents of the _formats dictionary to see how the registration works.

python3 -c "from structly.tableformat.formatter import TableFormatter; print(TableFormatter._formats)"

You should see output like this:

{'text': <class 'structly.tableformat.formats.text.TextTableFormatter'>, 'csv': <class 'structly.tableformat.formats.csv.CSVTableFormatter'>, 'html': <class 'structly.tableformat.formats.html.HTMLTableFormatter'>}

This output confirms that our subclasses are being registered correctly in the _formats dictionary. However, we still have some imports in the middle of the file. In the next step, we'll fix this issue using dynamic imports.

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Using Dynamic Imports

In programming, imports are used to bring in code from other modules so that we can use their functionality. However, sometimes having imports in the middle of a file can make the code a bit messy and hard to understand. In this part, we'll learn how to use dynamic imports to solve this problem. Dynamic imports are a powerful feature that allows us to load modules at runtime, which means we only load a module when we actually need it.

First, we need to remove the import statements that are currently placed after the TableFormatter class. These imports are static imports, which are loaded when the program starts. To do this, open the tableformat/ file in the WebIDE. Once you've opened the file, find and delete the following lines:

from .formats.text import TextTableFormatter
from .formats.csv import CSVTableFormatter
from .formats.html import HTMLTableFormatter

If you try to run the program now by executing the following command in the terminal:


The program will fail. The reason is that the formatters won't be registered in the _formats dictionary. You'll see an error message about an unknown format. This is because the program can't find the formatter classes it needs to work properly.

To fix this issue, we'll modify the create_formatter function. The goal is to dynamically import the required module when it's needed. Update the function as shown below:

def create_formatter(name, column_formats=None, upper_headers=False):
    if name not in TableFormatter._formats:

    formatter_cls = TableFormatter._formats.get(name)
    if not formatter_cls:
        raise RuntimeError('Unknown format %s' % name)

    if column_formats:
        class formatter_cls(ColumnFormatMixin, formatter_cls):
              formats = column_formats

    if upper_headers:
        class formatter_cls(UpperHeadersMixin, formatter_cls):

    return formatter_cls()

The most important line in this function is:


This line dynamically imports the module based on the format name. When the module is imported, its subclass of TableFormatter automatically registers itself. This is thanks to the __init_subclass__ method we added earlier. This method is a special Python method that gets called when a subclass is created, and in our case, it's used to register the formatter class.

After making these changes, save the file. Then, run the program again using the following command:


The program should now work correctly, even though we've removed the static imports. To verify that the dynamic import is working as expected, we'll clear the _formats dictionary and then call the create_formatter function. Run the following command in the terminal:

python3 -c "from structly.tableformat.formatter import TableFormatter, create_formatter; TableFormatter._formats.clear(); print('Before:', TableFormatter._formats); create_formatter('text'); print('After:', TableFormatter._formats)"

You should see output similar to this:

Before: {}
After: {'text': <class 'structly.tableformat.formats.text.TextTableFormatter'>}

This output confirms that the dynamic import is loading the module and registering the formatter class when needed.

By using dynamic imports and class registration, we've created a cleaner and more maintainable code structure. Here are the benefits:

  1. All imports are now at the top of the file, which follows Python conventions. This makes the code easier to read and understand.
  2. We've eliminated circular imports. Circular imports can cause problems in a program, such as infinite loops or hard-to-debug errors.
  3. The code is more flexible. Now, we can add new formatters without modifying the create_formatter function. This is very useful in a real-world scenario where new features might be added over time.

This pattern of using dynamic imports and class registration is commonly used in plugin systems and frameworks. In these systems, components need to be loaded dynamically based on the user's needs or the program's requirements.

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In this lab, you have learned about crucial Python module import concepts and techniques. First, you explored circular imports, understanding how circular dependencies between modules can lead to issues and why careful handling is necessary to avoid them. Second, you implemented subclass registration, a pattern where subclasses register with their parent class, eliminating the need for direct subclass imports.

You also used the __import__() function for dynamic imports, loading modules at runtime only when required. This makes the code more flexible and helps avoid circular dependencies. These techniques are essential for creating maintainable Python packages with complex module relationships and are commonly used in frameworks and libraries. Applying these patterns to your projects can help you build more modular, extensible, and maintainable code structures.