Numpy Index Function

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This lab covers the index() function of the char module in the Numpy library. The main purpose of this function is to perform a string search operation on a given array of strings. If we have an array of strings then this function will provide the first index of any substring to be searched, if it is present in the array elements.

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Import Required Libraries

In the first step, we will import necessary libraries including the Numpy library.

import numpy as np

Create Input Array

In the second step, we will create an input array of strings.

ar = np.array(['bBaBaBb', 'baAbaB', 'abBABba'])

In the third step, we will use the index() function to search for a substring within the input array. We can specify the substring we want to search for. In this example, we are searching for the letter 'b' in the above array.

output = np.char.index(ar, sub ='b')

View Output

In the fourth step, we will view the output array to see the index values for the substring 'b' in the input array.

print ("The Output array:\n", output)

Handle Value Error

In the fifth step, we will try to search for a substring that does not exist in the input strings and handle the ValueError exception.

    output = np.char.index(ar, sub ='c')
    print("The Output array:\n", output)
except ValueError as ve:
    print("ValueError: substring not found")


In this lab, we have covered the index() function of the Numpy library. We used this function to perform a string search operation on a given array of strings, provided the first index of any substring to be searched, if it is present in the array elements and handle the ValueError exception in case the substring wasn't found.

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