Step-by-Step Logistic Regression

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In this lab, we will explore the sparsity of solutions when L1, L2, and Elastic-Net penalty are used for different values of C. We will use logistic regression to classify 8x8 images of digits into two classes: 0-4 against 5-9. We will visualize the coefficients of the models for varying C.

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Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL sklearn(("`Sklearn`")) -.-> sklearn/CoreModelsandAlgorithmsGroup(["`Core Models and Algorithms`"]) sklearn(("`Sklearn`")) -.-> sklearn/DataPreprocessingandFeatureEngineeringGroup(["`Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering`"]) ml(("`Machine Learning`")) -.-> ml/FrameworkandSoftwareGroup(["`Framework and Software`"]) sklearn/CoreModelsandAlgorithmsGroup -.-> sklearn/linear_model("`Linear Models`") sklearn/DataPreprocessingandFeatureEngineeringGroup -.-> sklearn/preprocessing("`Preprocessing and Normalization`") ml/FrameworkandSoftwareGroup -.-> ml/sklearn("`scikit-learn`") subgraph Lab Skills sklearn/linear_model -.-> lab-49202{{"`Step-by-Step Logistic Regression`"}} sklearn/preprocessing -.-> lab-49202{{"`Step-by-Step Logistic Regression`"}} ml/sklearn -.-> lab-49202{{"`Step-by-Step Logistic Regression`"}} end

Import Required Libraries

The first step is to import the necessary libraries. We will need numpy, matplotlib.pyplot, datasets, StandardScaler, and LogisticRegression from sklearn.linear_model.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

Load the Dataset

We will load the digits dataset using datasets.load_digits(return_X_y=True). We will also standardize the data using StandardScaler().fit_transform(X). The target variable will be binary, where 0-4 will be classified as 0 and 5-9 will be classified as 1.

X, y = datasets.load_digits(return_X_y=True)
X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)
y = (y > 4).astype(int)

Define Regularization Parameter and L1 Ratio

We will define the regularization parameter C and the L1 ratio l1_ratio for the Elastic-Net penalty. We will set l1_ratio to 0.5.

l1_ratio = 0.5

Create Subplots for Visualization

We will create subplots to visualize the coefficients of the models for varying C. We will create 3 rows and 3 columns of subplots.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3)

Train Logistic Regression Models with Different Penalties and Regularization Parameters

We will train logistic regression models with L1, L2, and Elastic-Net penalties and different values of C. We will increase the tolerance for short training time.

for i, (C, axes_row) in enumerate(zip((1, 0.1, 0.01), axes)):
    clf_l1_LR = LogisticRegression(C=C, penalty="l1", tol=0.01, solver="saga")
    clf_l2_LR = LogisticRegression(C=C, penalty="l2", tol=0.01, solver="saga")
    clf_en_LR = LogisticRegression(C=C, penalty="elasticnet", solver="saga", l1_ratio=l1_ratio, tol=0.01), y), y), y)

Calculate Sparsity and Scores

We will calculate the sparsity (percentage of zero coefficients) and scores for each model.

    coef_l1_LR = clf_l1_LR.coef_.ravel()
    coef_l2_LR = clf_l2_LR.coef_.ravel()
    coef_en_LR = clf_en_LR.coef_.ravel()

    sparsity_l1_LR = np.mean(coef_l1_LR == 0) * 100
    sparsity_l2_LR = np.mean(coef_l2_LR == 0) * 100
    sparsity_en_LR = np.mean(coef_en_LR == 0) * 100

    score_l1_LR = clf_l1_LR.score(X, y)
    score_l2_LR = clf_l2_LR.score(X, y)
    score_en_LR = clf_en_LR.score(X, y)

Visualize Coefficients

We will visualize the coefficients of the models for each penalty and C value.

    for ax, coefs in zip(axes_row, [coef_l1_LR, coef_en_LR, coef_l2_LR]):
        ax.imshow(np.abs(coefs.reshape(8, 8)), interpolation='nearest', cmap='binary', vmax=1, vmin=0)

Set Titles and Labels

We will set the titles and labels for the subplots.

    if i == 0:
        axes_row[0].set_title("L1 penalty")
        axes_row[1].set_title("Elastic-Net\nl1_ratio = %s" % l1_ratio)
        axes_row[2].set_title("L2 penalty")

    axes_row[0].set_ylabel("C = %s" % C)

Print Results

We will print the sparsity and scores for each model.

    print("C=%.2f" % C)
    print("{:<40} {:.2f}%".format("Sparsity with L1 penalty:", sparsity_l1_LR))
    print("{:<40} {:.2f}%".format("Sparsity with Elastic-Net penalty:", sparsity_en_LR))
    print("{:<40} {:.2f}%".format("Sparsity with L2 penalty:", sparsity_l2_LR))
    print("{:<40} {:.2f}".format("Score with L1 penalty:", score_l1_LR))
    print("{:<40} {:.2f}".format("Score with Elastic-Net penalty:", score_en_LR))
    print("{:<40} {:.2f}".format("Score with L2 penalty:", score_l2_LR))

Display Visualization

We will display the subplots.


In this lab, we explored the sparsity of solutions when L1, L2, and Elastic-Net penalty are used for different values of C. We used logistic regression to classify 8x8 images of digits into two classes: 0-4 against 5-9. We visualized the coefficients of the models for varying C. We also calculated the sparsity and scores for each model and printed the results.

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