Random Alphanumeric String

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In this lab, we will explore the topic of generating random alphanumeric strings using JavaScript. We will learn how to create a function that generates a random string of a specified length by utilizing various JavaScript methods, such as Array.from(), Math.random(), Number.prototype.toString(), and String.prototype.slice(). By the end of this lab, you will have a better understanding of how to generate random strings in JavaScript and how to use these methods to build more complex applications.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL javascript(("`JavaScript`")) -.-> javascript/BasicConceptsGroup(["`Basic Concepts`"]) javascript/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> javascript/variables("`Variables`") javascript/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> javascript/data_types("`Data Types`") javascript/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> javascript/arith_ops("`Arithmetic Operators`") javascript/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> javascript/comp_ops("`Comparison Operators`") subgraph Lab Skills javascript/variables -.-> lab-28568{{"`Random Alphanumeric String`"}} javascript/data_types -.-> lab-28568{{"`Random Alphanumeric String`"}} javascript/arith_ops -.-> lab-28568{{"`Random Alphanumeric String`"}} javascript/comp_ops -.-> lab-28568{{"`Random Alphanumeric String`"}} end

How to Generate a Random Alphanumeric String in JavaScript

To generate a random string of alphanumeric characters in JavaScript, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Terminal/SSH and type node to start practicing coding.
  2. Create a new array with the specified length using Array.from().
  3. Generate a random floating-point number using Math.random().
  4. Convert the number to an alphanumeric string using Number.prototype.toString() with a radix value of 36.
  5. Remove the integral part and decimal point from each generated number using String.prototype.slice().
  6. Repeat this process as many times as required, up to length, using Array.prototype.some(), as it produces a variable-length string each time.
  7. Trim down the generated string if it's longer than the given length using String.prototype.slice().
  8. Return the generated string.

Here's the code:

const randomAlphaNumeric = (length) => {
  let s = "";
  Array.from({ length }).some(() => {
    s += Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
    return s.length >= length;
  return s.slice(0, length);

You can call the randomAlphaNumeric() function with the desired length as the argument. For example:

randomAlphaNumeric(5); // '0afad'


Congratulations! You have completed the Random Alphanumeric String lab. You can practice more labs in LabEx to improve your skills.

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