Intergalactic Data Analysis Journey

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Welcome to the Intergalactic Space Racing Track Design Lab! As a renowned Space Racing Track Designer, your mission is to analyze the data from previous races and design an exhilarating new track for the upcoming Intergalactic Space Racing Championship. The galaxy's finest pilots will compete on this track, pushing the limits of speed and endurance.

Your goal is to utilize the power of Hadoop and its Aggregating Functions to extract valuable insights from the race data. By analyzing various metrics such as lap times, boost usage, and energy consumption, you'll be able to identify patterns and make informed decisions for the new track design.

Get ready to embark on an exciting journey through the cosmos, where your analytical skills and knowledge of Hadoop will shape the future of intergalactic racing!

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL hadoop(("`Hadoop`")) -.-> hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup(["`Hadoop Hive`"]) hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/aggregating("`Aggregating Function`") subgraph Lab Skills hadoop/aggregating -.-> lab-288955{{"`Intergalactic Data Analysis Journey`"}} end

Setting Up the Environment

In this step, we'll set up the Hadoop environment and familiarize ourselves with the race data.

  1. Open a terminal and switch to the hadoop user by running the following command:
su - hadoop
  1. Navigate to the /home/hadoop directory:
cd /home/hadoop
  1. Create a new directory called race_data and copy the race data files into it:
hadoop fs -mkdir -p /home/hadoop/race_data
hadoop fs -put /home/hadoop/race_data/* /home/hadoop/race_data
  1. Verify that the files have been copied successfully by listing the contents of the race_data directory:
hadoop fs -ls /home/hadoop/race_data

You should see the race data files listed in the output.

Analyzing Lap Times

In this step, we'll use the avg function to analyze the average lap times of pilots during the previous races.

  1. Start the Hive shell:
  1. Create a new table called lap_times to store the lap time data:
CREATE TABLE lap_times (
  pilot_id INT,
  race_id INT,
  lap_time DOUBLE
  1. Load the lap time data from the race_data/lap_times.csv file into the lap_times table:
LOAD DATA INPATH '/home/hadoop/race_data/lap_times.csv' INTO TABLE lap_times;
  1. Calculate the average lap time for each pilot across all races:
SELECT pilot_id, avg(lap_time) AS avg_lap_time
FROM lap_times
GROUP BY pilot_id;

This query will output the average lap time for each pilot, allowing you to identify the fastest pilots and consider their strengths when designing the new track.

Analyzing Boost Usage

In this step, we'll use the sum and count functions to analyze the boost usage patterns of pilots during the previous races.

  1. Create a new table called boost_usage to store the boost usage data:
CREATE TABLE boost_usage (
  pilot_id INT,
  race_id INT,
  boost_used BOOLEAN
  1. Load the boost usage data from the race_data/boost_usage.csv file into the boost_usage table:
LOAD DATA INPATH '/home/hadoop/race_data/boost_usage.csv' INTO TABLE boost_usage;
  1. Calculate the total number of times each pilot used the boost during races:
SELECT pilot_id, sum(CASE WHEN boost_used THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS total_boosts_used
FROM boost_usage
GROUP BY pilot_id;
  1. Calculate the percentage of races where each pilot used the boost:
SELECT pilot_id,
         sum(CASE WHEN boost_used THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100.0 / count(*),
       ) AS boost_usage_percentage
FROM boost_usage
GROUP BY pilot_id;

These queries will provide insights into the boost usage patterns of pilots, which can help you determine the optimal placement of boost pads and energy refill stations on the new track.

Analyzing Energy Consumption

In this step, we'll use the min and max functions to analyze the energy consumption patterns of pilots during the previous races.

  1. Create a new table called energy_consumption to store the energy consumption data:
CREATE TABLE energy_consumption (
  pilot_id INT,
  race_id INT,
  energy_consumed DOUBLE
  1. Load the energy consumption data from the race_data/energy_consumption.csv file into the energy_consumption table:
LOAD DATA INPATH '/home/hadoop/race_data/energy_consumption.csv' INTO TABLE energy_consumption;
  1. Find the minimum and maximum energy consumption for each pilot across all races:
SELECT pilot_id, min(energy_consumed) AS min_energy_consumed, max(energy_consumed) AS max_energy_consumed
FROM energy_consumption
GROUP BY pilot_id;
  1. Calculate the average energy consumption for each pilot across all races:
SELECT pilot_id, avg(energy_consumed) AS avg_energy_consumed
FROM energy_consumption
GROUP BY pilot_id;

These queries will help you understand the energy consumption patterns of pilots, which can influence the placement of energy refill stations and the design of energy-efficient sections on the new track.


In this lab, you explored the power of Hadoop Aggregating Functions to analyze various aspects of race data, including lap times, boost usage, and energy consumption. By leveraging the avg, sum, count, min, and max functions, you gained valuable insights into the performance and patterns of pilots from previous races.

These insights will serve as a foundation for designing an exhilarating new track that caters to the strengths and weaknesses of the pilots, ensuring a thrilling and competitive Intergalactic Space Racing Championship.

Through this hands-on experience, you not only honed your Hadoop and Hive skills but also developed a deeper understanding of data analysis techniques that can be applied in various domains. Congratulations on completing this lab and contributing to the future of intergalactic racing!

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