How to create a Hive table and load data from a CSV file

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In the world of big data, Apache Hive has become an essential tool for data processing and analysis within the Hadoop ecosystem. This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a Hive table and importing data from a CSV file, enabling you to effectively manage and leverage your Hadoop-based data.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL hadoop(("Hadoop")) -.-> hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup(["Hadoop Hive"]) hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/hive_setup("Hive Setup") hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/hive_shell("Hive Shell") hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/manage_db("Managing Database") hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/create_tables("Creating Tables") hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/load_insert_data("Loading and Inserting Data") subgraph Lab Skills hadoop/hive_setup -.-> lab-415637{{"How to create a Hive table and load data from a CSV file"}} hadoop/hive_shell -.-> lab-415637{{"How to create a Hive table and load data from a CSV file"}} hadoop/manage_db -.-> lab-415637{{"How to create a Hive table and load data from a CSV file"}} hadoop/create_tables -.-> lab-415637{{"How to create a Hive table and load data from a CSV file"}} hadoop/load_insert_data -.-> lab-415637{{"How to create a Hive table and load data from a CSV file"}} end

Introduction to Apache Hive

Apache Hive is a data warehouse software built on top of Apache Hadoop for providing data summarization, query, and analysis. It was originally developed by Facebook and later donated to the Apache Software Foundation.

Hive provides a SQL-like interface, called HiveQL, for querying and managing large datasets stored in Hadoop's Distributed File System (HDFS) or other compatible storage systems, such as Amazon S3. It translates the SQL-like queries into MapReduce, Spark, or other execution engines to process the data.

Some key features of Apache Hive include:

Data Abstraction

Hive provides a way to structure the data stored in Hadoop into tables, similar to a traditional database. This allows users to query the data using a SQL-like language (HiveQL) without needing to know the underlying storage format or location of the data.


Hive is designed to handle large volumes of data, leveraging the scalability of the Hadoop ecosystem. It can process terabytes or even petabytes of data efficiently.

Integration with Hadoop Ecosystem

Hive is tightly integrated with the Hadoop ecosystem, allowing it to take advantage of the distributed processing power and storage capabilities of Hadoop.

User-Defined Functions (UDFs)

Hive supports the creation of custom functions, called User-Defined Functions (UDFs), which can be used to extend the functionality of HiveQL.

Partitioning and Bucketing

Hive provides features like partitioning and bucketing to optimize query performance by organizing data in a more efficient way.

By understanding the basic concepts and features of Apache Hive, you'll be better equipped to create and manage Hive tables, as well as load data from various sources, including CSV files.

Creating a Hive Table

To create a new Hive table, you can use the CREATE TABLE statement in HiveQL. Here's an example:

  product_id INT,
  product_name STRING,
  price FLOAT,
  quantity INT
LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/sales';

Let's break down the different parts of this statement:

Table Definition

  • CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales: This creates a new table named "sales" if it doesn't already exist.
  • (product_id INT, product_name STRING, price FLOAT, quantity INT): This defines the table schema, including the column names and data types.

Row Format

  • ROW FORMAT DELIMITED: This specifies that the data is delimited (separated) by a specific character.
  • FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',': This sets the field (column) delimiter to a comma.

Storage Format

  • STORED AS TEXTFILE: This tells Hive to store the data in a text file format.
  • LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/sales': This specifies the location of the table data in HDFS (or another compatible storage system).

You can also create partitioned tables in Hive, which can improve query performance by organizing the data based on one or more columns. Here's an example:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales_partitioned (
  product_id INT,
  product_name STRING,
  price FLOAT,
  quantity INT
LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/sales_partitioned';

In this example, the "sales_partitioned" table is partitioned by the "year" and "month" columns, allowing you to query the data more efficiently by filtering on these partitions.

Importing Data from a CSV File

To import data from a CSV file into a Hive table, you can use the LOAD DATA statement. Here's an example:

LOAD DATA INPATH '/path/to/sales.csv'

In this example, the LOAD DATA statement is used to load data from the /path/to/sales.csv file into the sales table. The OVERWRITE option will replace any existing data in the table.

You can also load data from a CSV file into a partitioned Hive table. Here's an example:

LOAD DATA INPATH '/path/to/sales_partitioned.csv'
OVERWRITE INTO TABLE sales_partitioned
PARTITION (year=2022, month=1);

In this case, the data from the /path/to/sales_partitioned.csv file is loaded into the sales_partitioned table, with the year partition set to 2022 and the month partition set to 1.

Here are a few things to consider when loading data from a CSV file into a Hive table:

File Format

Ensure that the CSV file format matches the table definition, including the field delimiter, header row (if any), and data types.

Data Types

Hive automatically infers the data types based on the first few rows of the CSV file. Make sure the inferred data types match your table definition.


If you're using partitioned tables, make sure the partition columns are correctly specified in the PARTITION clause of the LOAD DATA statement.


For large datasets, you can improve performance by using the MSCK REPAIR TABLE command to update the partition metadata after loading the data.

MSCK REPAIR TABLE sales_partitioned;

This command will scan the HDFS directory and update the partition information in the Hive metastore.

By following these guidelines, you can efficiently import data from a CSV file into a Hive table, taking advantage of Hive's data abstraction and scalability features.


By following this Hadoop-focused tutorial, you will learn how to create a Hive table and load data from a CSV file. This knowledge will empower you to efficiently organize and access your data within the Hadoop framework, unlocking the full potential of your big data initiatives.