Hadoop FS Shell cat

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Imagine diving into the ancient city of Atlantis, filled with mysterious ruins and hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. You are an Atlantis treasure hunter equipped with advanced technology to unveil the secrets of this lost civilization. Your goal is to use the power of Hadoop's HDFS skill cat to navigate through the digital remnants of Atlantis and reveal the valuable data stored within.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL hadoop(("`Hadoop`")) -.-> hadoop/HadoopHDFSGroup(["`Hadoop HDFS`"]) hadoop/HadoopHDFSGroup -.-> hadoop/fs_cat("`FS Shell cat`") subgraph Lab Skills hadoop/fs_cat -.-> lab-271862{{"`Hadoop FS Shell cat`"}} end

Explore the Atlantis Data Vault

In this step, you will access the Atlantis Data Vault using the Hadoop FS Shell cat command.

  1. First, Explore the Atlantis Directory using Hadoop Identity:

    su - hadoop
    hdfs dfs -ls /atlantis

    You will find three folders representing vaults, treasure maps, and treasures. The real vault file is named "treasure_note_alpha" and is stored in the vaults directory.

  2. Use the Hadoop FS Shell cat command to display the contents of a file named treasure_note_alpha.txt:

    hdfs dfs -ls /atlantis/vaults
    hdfs dfs -cat /atlantis/vaults/treasure_note_alpha.txt
  3. Analyze the contents of the file to uncover clues about the location of the hidden treasure.

Before we move on to the next step, let's take a closer look at the powerful command above! The command hdfs dfs -cat <file_path> is a Hadoop File System (HDFS) command used to view the contents of the file specified by <file_path>. This command can be interpreted as follows:

  • hdfs dfs: This is a command used to interact with the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). dfs stands for Distributed File System.
  • -cat: This is an option indicating that the HDFS command should read the contents of the file and output it to the terminal (or standard output). -ls is similarly an option used to display file information in a directory, which will be explained in detail later.
  • /atlantis/vaults/treasure_note_alpha.txt: This is the file path. In HDFS, file paths are similar to Unix/Linux file paths.

Decode the Ancient Map

In this step, you will decode an ancient map stored in HDFS to pinpoint the exact location of the Atlantis treasure.

  1. Explore the treasure map directory:

    hdfs dfs -ls /atlantis/maps

    At this point you should be able to find the file deep_sea_ancient_map prompted by the previous step.

  2. Use the Hadoop FS Shell cat command to view the map file deep_sea_ancient_map.jpg:

    hdfs dfs -cat /atlantis/maps/depp_sea_ancient_map.txt
  3. Decode the symbols on the map to reveal the secret path leading to the treasure trove.

Unveil the Atlantis Treasure

In this final step, you will follow the decoded map path to uncover the legendary Atlantis treasure hidden deep within the digital landscape.

  1. Explore the treasures directory:

    hdfs dfs -ls /atlantis/treasures

    At this point you should be able to find the file atlastreasure_A.txt prompted by the previous step.

  2. Use the Hadoop FS Shell cat command to retrieve the treasure details from atlastreasure_A.txt:

    hdfs dfs -cat /atlantis/treasures/atlastreasure_A.txt
  3. Behold the riches of Atlantis and complete your quest as the legendary treasure hunter.


In this lab, we embarked on an exciting journey through the mythical city of Atlantis, harnessing the power of Hadoop's FS Shell cat command to navigate the digital remnants of this ancient civilization. By exploring files, decoding maps, and unveiling treasure details, we honed our Hadoop HDFS skills and unearthed the hidden riches of Atlantis. This lab aimed to provide a hands-on and engaging experience for beginners to delve into the world of Hadoop data manipulation and exploration.

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