Synchronize Shared State with Goroutines

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This challenge aims to demonstrate how to use channels and goroutines to synchronize access to shared state across multiple goroutines.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL go(("`Go`")) -.-> go/ConcurrencyGroup(["`Concurrency`"]) go/ConcurrencyGroup -.-> go/stateful_goroutines("`Stateful Goroutines`") subgraph Lab Skills go/stateful_goroutines -.-> lab-15430{{"`Synchronize Shared State with Goroutines`"}} end

Stateful Goroutines

In concurrent programming, it is essential to synchronize access to shared state to avoid race conditions and data corruption. This challenge presents a scenario where a single goroutine owns the state, and other goroutines send messages to read or write the state.


  • Use channels to issue read and write requests to the state-owning goroutine.
  • Use readOp and writeOp structs to encapsulate requests and responses.
  • Use a map to store the state.
  • Use resp channels to indicate success and return values.
  • Use atomic package to count read and write operations.
  • Use time package to add a delay between operations.


## Running our program shows that the goroutine-based
## state management example completes about 80,000
## total operations.
$ go run stateful-goroutines.go
readOps: 71708
writeOps: 7177

## For this particular case the goroutine-based approach
## was a bit more involved than the mutex-based one. It
## might be useful in certain cases though, for example
## where you have other channels involved or when managing
## multiple such mutexes would be error-prone. You should
## use whichever approach feels most natural, especially
## with respect to understanding the correctness of your
## program.


This challenge demonstrated how to use channels and goroutines to synchronize access to shared state. By having a single goroutine own the state and using channels to issue read and write requests, we can avoid race conditions and data corruption.

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