Exploring Golang's Range Keyword

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The range keyword is used to iterate over elements in a variety of data structures in Golang. In this challenge, we will explore how to use range with different data structures.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL go(("`Go`")) -.-> go/FunctionsandControlFlowGroup(["`Functions and Control Flow`"]) go/FunctionsandControlFlowGroup -.-> go/range("`Range`") subgraph Lab Skills go/range -.-> lab-15417{{"`Exploring Golang's Range Keyword`"}} end


The problem to be solved in this challenge is to demonstrate how to use range with slices, arrays, maps, and strings.


To complete this challenge, you will need:

  • Basic knowledge of Golang syntax
  • Golang installed on your machine


$ go run range.go
sum: 9
index: 1
a - > apple
b - > banana
key: a
key: b
0 103
1 111


In this challenge, we learned how to use range with slices, arrays, maps, and strings in Golang. The range keyword provides a convenient way to iterate over elements in different data structures.

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