Magical Docker System Insight

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Welcome to the Royal Magic Academy, where magical technology meets the art of Docker sorcery. As the mystical librarian of the academy, it's your task to guide the young wizards and sorcerers in learning how to display system-wide information using Docker. In this lab, students will delve into the enchanting world of Docker and explore the secrets of system-wide information display.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/SystemManagementGroup(["`System Management`"]) docker/SystemManagementGroup -.-> docker/info("`Display System-Wide Information`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/info -.-> lab-268698{{"`Magical Docker System Insight`"}} end

Exploring Docker Info

In this step, you will present the students with the basic command to display system-wide information about Docker. Students will become familiar with the docker info command and understand its significance. They will execute the command in the terminal and analyze the output to gain insights into the Docker environment.

Code and Explanation
$ docker info

This command will provide system-wide information about Docker, giving students an overview of the Docker environment, including the number of containers, images, storage driver, and more.

Inspecting Docker Version

In this step, students will embark on a journey to inspect the Docker version installed on their magical workstations. By executing the docker version command, they will reveal the cryptic details of their Docker installation, including the Client and Server components.

Code and Explanation
$ docker version

This command will unearth the version details of Docker Client and Server, providing valuable insights into the mystical underpinnings of Docker.


In this lab, we have embarked on a magical journey through the realm of Docker, uncovering the secrets of system-wide information display. By exploring commands such as docker info and docker version, students have gained valuable insights into the inner workings of Docker, equipping them with the knowledge to wield Docker sorcery with confidence. May the Docker magic continue to illuminate their path as they delve deeper into the enchanting world of containerization.

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