Docker Space Racing Research

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In this lab, you will step into the world of the future space racing circuit and assume the role of a space racing technology researcher. Your task is to manage Docker containers in a simulated space race environment to ensure the smooth operation of the cutting-edge technologies used in the race.

Scenario Background

As a space racing technology researcher, you are part of a team preparing for an upcoming space race in the future. The race will take place in a simulated environment with advanced technology and futuristic settings. Your team is responsible for managing the Docker containers powering the various systems that will be utilized in the race. The success of the race depends on your ability to effectively manage and maintain these Docker containers.

Scenario Goals

Your main goal is to ensure that the Docker containers handling the space race technologies are properly managed and maintained. This includes tasks such as creating, running, and monitoring containers to support the technologies used in the race.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/SystemManagementGroup(["`System Management`"]) docker/SystemManagementGroup -.-> docker/system("`Manage Docker`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/system -.-> lab-268707{{"`Docker Space Racing Research`"}} end

Container Initialization and Run

In this step, you will initialize and run a Docker container to support the space race technology. Follow the instructions to complete the task.


In this step, you will be initializing and running a Docker container using the official hello-world image to ensure that Docker is properly set up on your system.

  1. In your terminal, run the following command to initialize the hello-world container:
docker run hello-world
  1. Once the container initializes and runs successfully, verify the output to confirm that the Docker setup is functioning as expected.

Managing Application Containers

In this step, you will practice managing application containers by running the Alpine Linux container and exploring its filesystem.


  1. Start by running an interactive Alpine Linux container with the following command:
docker run -it alpine sh
  1. Once inside the container, navigate to the / directory and list the contents using the ls command to explore the filesystem.

  2. After exploring the filesystem, exit the Alpine container.

Setting Up a Web Server Container

In this step, you will create and run an Nginx web server container to support the web-based systems in the space race environment.


  1. Start by running an Nginx container in detached mode with the following command:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name my-nginx nginx
  1. Once the container is running, use a web browser or tools like curl to access the default Nginx web page at http://localhost:8080 to verify that the Nginx web server is operational.

  2. After confirming the web server setup, stop and remove the Nginx container.


In this lab, you have explored the essential Docker container management tasks in the context of a futuristic space race scenario. By creating, running, and managing various Docker containers, you have gained valuable hands-on experience in the fundamental skills required for managing Docker in a system environment. This lab has provided practical insights into the crucial role of Docker in supporting complex technological infrastructures, setting the stage for further exploration of Docker's capabilities in system management.

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