Docker Search Images in Repository

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In this lab, you will step into the shoes of an ancient architect in the great pyramids of Egypt. Your role is to manage the digital repository of ancient knowledge and artifacts, storing and retrieving the blueprints (images) of the magnificent structures. Your goal is to learn how to search for existing Docker images in the repository to aid in your architectural endeavors.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/ImageOperationsGroup(["`Image Operations`"]) docker/ImageOperationsGroup -.-> docker/search("`Search Images in Repository`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/search -.-> lab-271497{{"`Docker Search Images in Repository`"}} end

Searching for Docker Images

In this step, you will learn how to search for Docker images in the repository. Use the docker search command to find available images relevant to your architectural projects.

docker search nginx


  • docker search: Command to search for Docker images in the repository.
  • nginx: Example of a search term, replace it with the desired keyword.

In this step, you will learn how to filter search results to narrow down the available Docker images based on specific criteria such as star ratings and official status.

docker search --filter=stars=3 nginx


  • docker search --filter=stars=3: Command to filter search results based on star ratings.
  • nginx: Example of a search term, replace it with the desired keyword.


In this lab, you have delved into the world of Docker image repository search. You have learned how to effectively search for images and filter the results to find the most suitable ones for your architectural projects. This knowledge will greatly assist you in retrieving the digital blueprints necessary for your ancient constructions.

Ensure to save your checker codes in a separate file and call them in each step. This lab ensures a comprehensive understanding for beginners on how to navigate and search Docker images within a repository.

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