Docker Manage Volumes

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In the vast and unforgiving Arabian Desert, there lies an ancient temple guarded by a mysterious magician. The magician is said to possess extraordinary powers and knowledge of the ancient arts. The temple's hidden chambers hold valuable secrets, but they can only be accessed by mastering the skills of managing Docker volumes. Your quest is to uncover these secrets by learning the art of Docker volume management under the guidance of the enigmatic magician.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/VolumeOperationsGroup(["`Volume Operations`"]) docker/VolumeOperationsGroup -.-> docker/volume("`Manage Volumes`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/volume -.-> lab-271511{{"`Docker Manage Volumes`"}} end

Journey through the Desert

In this step, you will embark on a journey into the heart of the desert to find the temple. The magician will guide you on creating and managing Docker volumes, a skill crucial for accessing the temple's inner chambers.

  1. Create a new Docker volume named my_volume by running the following command in your terminal:
docker volume create my_volume
  1. Check that the volume has been successfully created.

Entering the Temple

As you approach the temple, the magician provides further guidance on how to use the created volume to run a Docker container.

  1. Run a new Docker container named my_container using the created volume by executing the following command in your terminal:
docker run -d --name my_container -v my_volume:/app/data alpine
  1. Verify that the container is running and successfully using the volume.

Gaining the Magician's Knowledge

In this final step, the magician reveals the hidden knowledge within the temple's chambers. You will learn to backup and restore data stored in the Docker volume.

  1. Create a backup of the volume data by running the following command in your terminal:
docker run --rm -v my_volume:/source -v $(pwd):/backup alpine tar cvf /backup/backup.tar /source
  1. Check if the backup file backup.tar has been successfully created in your current directory.


In this lab, you embarked on a mystical journey through the desert to unlock the secrets hidden within the ancient temple. By mastering the skills of managing Docker volumes, you gained access to valuable knowledge and learned to wield the powers of data backups and restoration. Congratulations on completing this enlightening quest and acquiring the art of Docker volume management.

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