Docker List Containers

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In this lab, you will immerse yourself in a medieval city setting with the role of a knight. Your task is to navigate through the city and gather information about various containers that exist within the realm. The goal is to use your skills to understand how to list containers in the Docker environment.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/ContainerOperationsGroup(["`Container Operations`"]) docker/ContainerOperationsGroup -.-> docker/ls("`List Containers`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/ls -.-> lab-271475{{"`Docker List Containers`"}} end

Exploring the Realm

In this step, you will begin your quest by inspecting the local area for the presence of any containers.

First, navigate to the designated area for exploration:

cd ~/project

Next, use the following command to list all the containers in the realm:

docker container ls -a

This will display a list of all containers, including their IDs, status, and names.

Understanding Container Details

In this step, you will delve deeper into the container details to gain a better understanding.

Begin by selecting a specific container from the list obtained in Step 1. Let's choose a container with the name "minikube" for the purpose of this step. Now, use the following command to inspect the details of this container:

docker container inspect minikube

This will provide you with extensive information about the selected container, including its configuration and attributes.

The Unseen Containers

In this step, you will utilize your skills to identify hidden containers within the kingdom.

To reveal any hidden containers, use the following command:

docker container ls -aq

This command will display a list of only the container IDs, including those that may not be visible in the regular container listing.


In this lab, you embarked on a quest as a knight to explore the medieval city while mastering the art of listing containers in the Docker environment. By following the provided steps, you honed your skills in inspecting, understanding, and uncovering containers, thus enriching your Docker knowledge and prowess.

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