Atlantis Docker Image Build

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Imagine a scenario where you are an ancient guardian of the lost city of Atlantis. As the guardian, you are tasked with safeguarding the ancient knowledge of Docker image creation through Dockerfile. Your mission is to guide the curious and determined students who seek to unravel the secrets of crafting Docker images like a skilled artisan.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/DockerfileGroup(["`Dockerfile`"]) docker/DockerfileGroup -.-> docker/build("`Build Image from Dockerfile`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/build -.-> lab-268694{{"`Atlantis Docker Image Build`"}} end

Creating a Dockerfile

In this step, you will embark on your journey by creating a Dockerfile to build a custom Docker image based on the alpine Linux distribution.

## Create a new directory for the Docker project
mkdir -p ~/project/hello-world

## Navigate to the project directory
cd ~/project/hello-world

## Create a file named Dockerfile
cat << 'EOF' > Dockerfile
FROM alpine:latest
CMD echo "Hello, World!"

Building the Docker Image

In this step, you will utilize the Docker build command to construct a Docker image using the Dockerfile created in the previous step.

## Build the Docker image
docker build -t hello-world:latest ~/project/hello-world


In this lab, you have ventured into the mystical realm of Docker image creation from a Dockerfile. By following the ancient teachings and mastering the Docker build command, you have gained insights into the art of crafting Docker images, paving the way for your journey towards Docker mastery.

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