Learn Nmap Basic Command Syntax

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In this lab, you will learn the basic command syntax of Nmap, a powerful network discovery and security auditing tool. Widely used by system administrators and security professionals, Nmap helps scan networks, detect open ports, and identify potential vulnerabilities.

Our scenario is set in 2145 at the Luna Gateway Spaceport, the moon's largest and most important spaceport. As the cybersecurity team leader, your mission is to secure the spaceport's network infrastructure from threats. With recent reports of increased suspicious activities, you suspect hackers are attempting to infiltrate the systems. By the end of this lab, you will gain practical experience in using Nmap for essential network reconnaissance, a crucial skill for securing any network, even a futuristic spaceport.

Understanding Nmap and Verifying Installation

Nmap, which stands for Network Mapper, is an open - source tool. In the field of network security, it plays a crucial role in discovering hosts and services on a computer network. Think of it as a detective that can find out what's going on in a network. In our fictional scenario of the Luna Gateway Spaceport, Nmap is extremely valuable for safeguarding the security of its complex network infrastructure.

Before we start using Nmap, we need to make sure it's installed on our system. Here's how you can verify its installation:

  1. First, you need to open a terminal window. In the LabEx environment, the terminal is usually already open and set to the /home/labex/project directory. The terminal is like a control center where you can type commands to interact with the system.

  2. Now, we'll run a command to check the version of Nmap installed. Type the following command into the terminal and press Enter:

    nmap --version

    This command is asking the system to show information about the installed version of Nmap. The --version option is a common way in many programs to get version - related details.

  3. After running the command, take a moment to look at the output. You'll see details such as the specific version of Nmap, how it was compiled, and other relevant information. This helps you confirm that Nmap is installed correctly and also gives you an idea of which features might be available based on the version.

Setting Up a Test Service

Before you start practicing with Nmap, you need a target to scan. Think of Nmap as a detective tool in the cybersecurity world, and you need a suspect (the target) to investigate. In this case, we'll set up a simple network service on your local machine using a tool called netcat (nc). Netcat is a versatile networking utility that can read and write data across network connections.

  1. First, let's verify that netcat is installed on your system. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

    nc -h

    This command asks netcat to display its help information. If netcat is installed, you'll see a list of available options and how to use them. If you get an error, it means netcat is not installed, and you'll need to install it before proceeding.

  2. Now, open a new terminal window. This is important because we'll use the original terminal for other commands later, and we need to keep the netcat service running in a separate window. You can open a new terminal window by right - clicking in the terminal area and selecting "New Terminal" or using the keyboard shortcut (usually Ctrl+Shift+T).

  3. In this new terminal window, we'll start a simple network service that will stay open. Run the following command:

    while true; do nc -n -lvp 7777; done

    This command creates an infinite loop. Every time a connection to the netcat service closes, the loop restarts netcat, ensuring that the service is always available for us to scan. You should see output indicating that netcat is listening on port 7777.

    • -n: This flag tells netcat to use IP addresses directly instead of trying to resolve hostnames. It speeds up the process and avoids potential DNS - related issues.
    • -l: This flag tells netcat to enter listening mode. It waits for incoming connections instead of trying to initiate them.
    • -v: This flag enables verbose output. Netcat will provide more detailed information about what it's doing, which is helpful for debugging and understanding what's happening.
    • -p 7777: This flag specifies the port number on which netcat should listen. In this case, we've chosen port 7777.
  4. Keep this terminal window open. We'll use it to observe incoming connections when we scan with Nmap in the next steps. The running netcat service in this window will act as our target for Nmap scans, allowing us to see how Nmap interacts with a real - world network service.

Performing a Basic Nmap Scan

Now that we have successfully set up a service, it's time to use Nmap to discover it. Nmap is a powerful network scanning tool that can help us find open ports and services on a target machine. In this step, we'll perform a basic scan of the localhost to find the service we just set up.

  1. First, return to your original terminal window. Make sure it's not the one running netcat. We need to use this terminal to run our Nmap commands.

  2. Next, run the following Nmap command:

    nmap -v -p 7777 localhost

    Let's break down this command to understand what each part does:

    • nmap: This is the base command to run Nmap. It tells the system that we want to use the Nmap tool for network scanning.
    • -v: This option enables verbose output. When we use -v, Nmap will give us more detailed information about the scan, such as the progress and additional details about the target.
    • -p 7777: This option tells Nmap to scan only port 7777. Ports are like doors on a computer, and different services use different ports. By specifying -p 7777, we are asking Nmap to check if port 7777 is open on the target machine.
    • localhost: This is the target we want to scan. In this case, localhost refers to your own machine. It's a way to test the network scanning on your local environment.
  3. After running the command, observe the output. You should see something similar to this:

    Starting Nmap ( http://nmap.org )
    Nmap scan report for localhost (
    Host is up (0.000040s latency).
    7777/tcp open  cbt

    This output provides important information. It tells us that Nmap has started the scan, and the target (localhost) is up and running. The line 7777/tcp open cbt indicates that port 7777 is open on the localhost, and the service running on this port is identified as cbt.

  4. To keep a record of this scan for future reference, let's save the output to a file. Run the command again with output redirection:

    nmap -v -p 7777 localhost > /home/labex/project/nmap_scan_output.txt

    This command performs the same scan as before, but the > symbol redirects the output to a file named nmap_scan_output.txt in the /home/labex/project directory. This way, we can easily access the scan results later.

  5. You can view the contents of this file using the cat command. Run the following command:

    cat /home/labex/project/nmap_scan_output.txt

    The cat command is used to display the contents of a file on the terminal. By running this command, you can see the saved scan output.

  6. Finally, check the netcat terminal. You should notice that Nmap attempted to connect to the service. Due to the loop we set up in netcat, it will have closed and reopened, ensuring that the service remains available for further scans. This is important because it allows us to continue testing and exploring the network using Nmap.

Exploring Nmap Output

Now that we've successfully performed a basic scan using Nmap, it's time to take a closer look at the output that Nmap generates. Understanding this output is crucial as it provides valuable information about the target system, such as open ports and running services.

  1. First, we need to open the Nmap scan output file. This file contains all the details of the scan we just conducted. To open it, we'll use the nano text editor. nano is a simple and user - friendly text editor that allows us to view and edit text files easily. Run the following command in your terminal:

    nano /home/labex/project/nmap_scan_output.txt

    This command will open the specified file in the nano text editor.

  2. Once the file is open, examine its contents. You'll notice that the file is divided into several sections, each providing different types of information:

    • Nmap scan report: This section shows the target of the scan. In our case, the target is localhost, which refers to the local machine we are currently working on.
    • Host status: This part indicates whether the host (the target system) is up and running. It also provides information about the host's latency, which is the time it takes for a signal to travel from our machine to the target and back.
    • Port table: This table shows the state of the scanned port(s). It tells us whether a port is open, closed, or filtered. Additionally, it shows the service that Nmap thinks might be running on that port.
  3. You might notice that Nmap identifies the service on port 7777 as "cbt". However, it's important to note that this is just Nmap's best guess based on common port assignments. For non - standard ports like 7777, this identification might not always be accurate.

  4. When you're done examining the file, you can exit the nano text editor by pressing Ctrl+X.

  5. Now, let's try a slightly more comprehensive scan. We'll use a new command that includes additional options to gather more information about the target. Run the following command in your terminal:

    nmap -v -p 7777 -sV localhost > /home/labex/project/nmap_service_scan.txt

    Here's what each part of the command means:

    • -v: This option enables verbose mode, which means Nmap will provide more detailed information about the scan process.
    • -p 7777: This specifies that we want to scan only port 7777.
    • -sV: This flag tells Nmap to probe open ports to determine the service and its version running on those ports.
    • localhost: This is the target of our scan, which is the local machine.
    • > /home/labex/project/nmap_service_scan.txt: This redirects the output of the scan to the specified file.
  6. After running the scan, we want to view the contents of this new file. To do this, we'll use the cat command, which is used to display the contents of a file in the terminal. Run the following command:

    cat /home/labex/project/nmap_service_scan.txt

    You should see additional information about port 7777 in the output. Even if Nmap can't determine the exact service running on the port, it will still provide more detailed output compared to the basic scan.

  7. As you look through the output, look for lines like:

    7777/tcp open  cbt?

    This line indicates that Nmap detected an open port 7777. However, the question mark after "cbt" suggests that Nmap is uncertain about the service classification. It means that Nmap couldn't definitively identify the service running on this port.

Conducting a Network-Wide Scan

In a real-world scenario at the Luna Gateway Spaceport, you'd need to scan multiple hosts on the network. This is important because it helps you understand the devices connected to the network and their open ports, which is crucial for network security. Let's simulate this by scanning a range of IP addresses.

  1. First, let's find out our IP address. Your IP address is like your network's "home address", which uniquely identifies your device on the network. To find it, we'll run the following command:

    ip addr show | grep inet

    The ip addr show part of the command lists all the network interfaces and their associated IP addresses on your device. The | is a pipe, which takes the output of the ip addr show command and passes it to the grep inet command. The grep inet command then filters the output to show only the lines that contain the word "inet", which are the lines with IP addresses.

    Sample output:

    inet scope host lo
    inet brd scope global eth1 is the loopback address, which is not useful for our purpose. So, we can ignore it. is the IP address of the network interface, which is useful for our purpose. So, we can use this IP address in the following steps.

  2. Now, let's scan a range of IP addresses around our own. Scanning a range of IP addresses helps you discover other devices on the same network. If your IP is, you might scan Replace the IP range in the following command with one that includes your IP:

    sudo nmap -v -p 7777 > /home/labex/project/network_scan.txt

    The sudo command is used to run the following command with administrative privileges, which is often required for network scanning. nmap is a powerful network scanning tool. The -v option stands for "verbose", which means it will provide more detailed information about the scan. The -p 7777 option specifies that we want to scan port 7777 on the target IP addresses. The - 10 is the range of IP addresses we want to scan. The > symbol redirects the output of the nmap command to the file /home/labex/project/network_scan.txt.

    This command scans the first 10 IP addresses in the network for port 7777.

  3. View the results of the scan:

    cat /home/labex/project/network_scan.txt

    The cat command is used to display the contents of a file. In this case, it will show you the results of the network scan that we saved in the network_scan.txt file. You should see a list of IP addresses, with information about port 7777 for each one.

  4. In a real-world scenario, this type of scan would help you identify all devices on the network with a particular port open, which could be crucial for maintaining the security of the Luna Gateway Spaceport's network. By knowing which devices have a specific port open, you can determine if there are any potential security risks or unauthorized access points on the network.


In this lab, you have learned the basic command syntax of Nmap in the context of securing the Luna Gateway Spaceport's network infrastructure. First, you verified the Nmap installation and set up a test service with netcat. Then, you conducted basic scans on localhost, learned to interpret Nmap's output, and saved it for further analysis.

You also advanced to more complex techniques, such as service version detection, which reveals details about services on open ports. Finally, you simulated a network - wide scan, showing how Nmap can survey multiple hosts. These skills are fundamental for network reconnaissance and security auditing, crucial for identifying risks in the spaceport's operations.

Remember, use Nmap responsibly and only on authorized networks. Unauthorized scanning can be seen as an attack and may have legal consequences. As you keep learning, think about expanding these basic Nmap techniques and combining them with other tools for a comprehensive security strategy in complex environments like the Luna Gateway Spaceport.