undefined Tutorials

Database Management Fundamentals
Database Management Fundamentals
Previously, we have covered the process of installing a MySQL server, connecting to it using a client and performing some basic administration tasks.
Other Basic Operations
Other Basic Operations
In this lab, we will learn and practice index, view, backup and recovery. These concepts are very crucial for a database manager.
SQL's SELECT Statement
SQL's SELECT Statement
SELECT statement, one of the most commonly used statements in SQL, is used to select data in a table. This lab will learn SELECT and how to apply it to real practices.
Modify and Delete
Modify and Delete
In today's lab, we will learn and practice how to modify, delete, rename the database table and the contents of the table and other operations.
Wuxu Reform Duration Calculation
Wuxu Reform Duration Calculation
In this project, you will learn how to access a MySQL database using the sudo command and write an SQL query to calculate the duration of the Wuxu Reform, also known as the 'Hundred Days' Reform'.
Exploring MySQL User Permissions
Exploring MySQL User Permissions
In this project, you will learn how to retrieve and view the user permission information from the MySQL database. This project is designed to help you understand the MySQL user management and permission system, which is an essential skill for database administrators and developers.
Manage MySQL User Permissions
Manage MySQL User Permissions
In this project, you will learn how to manage user permissions in a MySQL database. Specifically, you will create a new local user named 'Rong' and grant them access to the performance_schema database.
View for Course Information
View for Course Information
In this project, you will learn how to create and use database views in MySQL. Database views are virtual tables that provide a customized perspective of the underlying data, allowing you to hide certain data processes from users and simplify data access.
Creating and Updating Database Views
Creating and Updating Database Views
In this project, you will learn how to create a student view in a MySQL database and update the data in the view.
Updating Student GPA in MySQL Database
Updating Student GPA in MySQL Database
In this project, you will learn how to update a student's GPA (Grade Point Average) in a database using the UPDATE statement in SQL.
Top 5 Countries by Land Area
Top 5 Countries by Land Area
In this project, you will learn how to retrieve the top 5 countries by land area from the MySQL country table. You will learn how to access MySQL, import data, and write SQL queries to retrieve the desired information.
SQL Subqueries for Data Analysis
SQL Subqueries for Data Analysis
In this project, you will learn how to use subqueries to retrieve relevant information from the employee (emp) and department (dept) tables in the personnel database. You will practice writing complex SQL queries to access and analyze data from multiple tables.
Student Grade Management System
Student Grade Management System
In this project, you will learn how to create a student information management system using MySQL. This system includes two tables: student_info and student_score, with a foreign key relationship between them.
Creating Database Views in MySQL
Creating Database Views in MySQL
In this project, you will learn how to create a database view based on the student table in the edusys database. The view will include the ID, name, and dept_name columns from the student table, providing a simplified and focused view of the student data.
Search for Favorite Courses
Search for Favorite Courses
In this project, you will learn how to create a 'favorite' table in a MySQL database. The 'favorite' table will store the courses with the longest study time for each user in the 'usercourse' table.
Stored Procedure Cursor Database Retrieval
Stored Procedure Cursor Database Retrieval
In this project, you will learn how to use a cursor to output the course information from the section table where the semester is Spring. You will create a stored procedure to retrieve the course details and then execute the procedure to display the results.
Reverse Print File Content Command
Reverse Print File Content Command
In this project, you will learn how to reverse print a Linux terminal command using SQL statements in the MySQL client. This project is designed to help you understand the basics of SQL and how to use it to perform simple operations on text data.
Querying Official Languages of Each Country
Querying Official Languages of Each Country
In this project, you will learn how to retrieve the official languages of each country using an equijoin query in MySQL. This project will help you understand how to work with relational databases, perform complex queries, and extract specific information from a database.
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