Ansible Hostvars

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Ansible's "hostvars" feature is a crucial component for building flexible and adaptable automation workflows. This comprehensive guide will take you on a journey to master the use of hostvars, covering everything from understanding the Ansible inventory to leveraging hostvars in your playbooks and templates. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and best practices to unlock the full potential of Ansible hostvars and create more dynamic and scalable automation solutions.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL ansible(("`Ansible`")) -.-> ansible/InventoryManagementGroup(["`Inventory Management`"]) ansible(("`Ansible`")) -.-> ansible/PlaybookEssentialsGroup(["`Playbook Essentials`"]) ansible/InventoryManagementGroup -.-> ansible/groups_inventory("`Define Inventory Groups`") ansible/InventoryManagementGroup -.-> ansible/host_variables("`Set Host Variables`") ansible/InventoryManagementGroup -.-> ansible/mutil_inventory("`Multiple Inventory Sources`") ansible/PlaybookEssentialsGroup -.-> ansible/playbook("`Execute Playbook`") ansible/PlaybookEssentialsGroup -.-> ansible/with_items("`Iterate Items`") subgraph Lab Skills ansible/groups_inventory -.-> lab-391846{{"`Ansible Hostvars`"}} ansible/host_variables -.-> lab-391846{{"`Ansible Hostvars`"}} ansible/mutil_inventory -.-> lab-391846{{"`Ansible Hostvars`"}} ansible/playbook -.-> lab-391846{{"`Ansible Hostvars`"}} ansible/with_items -.-> lab-391846{{"`Ansible Hostvars`"}} end

Introduction to Ansible hostvars

Ansible is a powerful open-source IT automation tool that simplifies the management of complex infrastructure. One of the key features of Ansible is its ability to work with variables, which are used to store and manipulate data throughout the automation process. Among these variables, "hostvars" play a crucial role in Ansible's functionality.

Hostvars are a special type of variable in Ansible that provide access to information about the hosts in your inventory. These variables contain details about each host, such as their IP addresses, hostnames, and any custom variables that have been defined. By leveraging hostvars, you can dynamically tailor your Ansible playbooks and templates to the specific needs of each host, making your automation more flexible and adaptable.

In this tutorial, we will explore the concept of hostvars in depth, covering its usage, benefits, and best practices. We will start by understanding the Ansible inventory and how it relates to hostvars, then dive into accessing and utilizing hostvars within your playbooks and templates. Finally, we will discuss advanced techniques and explore the best practices for working with hostvars effectively.

graph TD A[Ansible Inventory] --> B[Hostvars] B --> C[Playbooks] B --> D[Templates]

By the end of this tutorial, you will have a comprehensive understanding of Ansible hostvars and how to leverage them to streamline your automation workflows.

Exploring Ansible Inventory

Ansible's inventory is the foundation for managing your infrastructure. It defines the hosts, groups, and variables that Ansible will interact with during the automation process. Understanding the inventory structure is crucial for effectively utilizing hostvars.

Inventory Formats

Ansible supports various inventory formats, including:

  1. INI-style: The traditional Ansible inventory format, where hosts and groups are defined in a plain-text file.
  2. YAML: A more structured and readable format that uses YAML syntax to define the inventory.
  3. Dynamic Inventory: Ansible can integrate with external data sources, such as cloud providers or configuration management tools, to dynamically generate the inventory.

Here's an example of an INI-style inventory file:

web01 ansible_host=
web02 ansible_host=

db01 ansible_host=
db02 ansible_host=


In this example, we have two host groups: "webservers" and "databases". Each host has an ansible_host variable defined, which specifies the IP address or hostname of the host. Additionally, we have defined some global variables for the entire inventory using the all:vars section.

Accessing Inventory Variables

Ansible provides several ways to access inventory variables, including:

  1. hostvars: This special variable allows you to access the variables defined for a specific host.
  2. group_vars: This variable provides access to the variables defined for a specific group of hosts.
  3. host_vars: This variable allows you to access the variables defined for a specific host.

By understanding the structure and capabilities of the Ansible inventory, you can effectively leverage hostvars to tailor your automation to the specific needs of your infrastructure.

Accessing hostvars in Playbooks

Ansible playbooks are the core of your automation workflow, and understanding how to access hostvars within these playbooks is crucial. Hostvars can be used to dynamically configure your tasks, templates, and other playbook elements based on the specific characteristics of each host.

Accessing hostvars

To access hostvars in your playbooks, you can use the hostvars dictionary. This dictionary allows you to retrieve the values of variables associated with a specific host. Here's an example:

- hosts: webservers
    - name: Print the hostname of the current host
        msg: "The hostname of this host is {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_hostname'] }}"

In this example, we're accessing the ansible_hostname variable of the current host using the hostvars dictionary and the inventory_hostname special variable, which represents the name of the current host.

Advanced Hostvars Usage

Hostvars can be used in more complex ways within your playbooks, such as:

  1. Conditional Execution: Use hostvars to conditionally execute tasks based on host-specific characteristics.
  2. Dynamic Templating: Leverage hostvars to dynamically generate configuration files or other artifacts using Jinja2 templates.
  3. Task Parameterization: Pass hostvars as parameters to your tasks, allowing for more flexible and adaptable automation.

Here's an example of using hostvars in a conditional task:

- hosts: all
    - name: Install Apache on web servers
        name: httpd
        state: present
      when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_os_family'] == 'RedHat'

In this example, the "Install Apache on web servers" task will only be executed on hosts where the ansible_os_family variable (retrieved from hostvars) is "RedHat".

By mastering the use of hostvars within your Ansible playbooks, you can create more dynamic and adaptable automation workflows that cater to the unique requirements of your infrastructure.

Leveraging hostvars in Templates

Ansible's templates feature allows you to dynamically generate configuration files, scripts, or any other text-based artifacts based on the specific characteristics of your hosts. By integrating hostvars into your templates, you can create highly customized and adaptable outputs that cater to the unique requirements of each host in your infrastructure.

Using Hostvars in Jinja2 Templates

Ansible uses the Jinja2 templating engine to enable dynamic templating. Within your Jinja2 templates, you can access hostvars using the same syntax as in your playbooks:

## nginx.conf.j2
server {
  listen {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_eth0']['ipv4']['address'] }}:80;
  server_name {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_fqdn'] }};

  root /var/www/html;
  index index.html index.htm;

In this example, we're using hostvars to dynamically retrieve the IP address of the ansible_eth0 interface and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the current host, and then using these values to configure the Nginx web server.

Template Conditionals and Loops

Hostvars can also be used in conjunction with Jinja2 conditional statements and loops to create more complex and versatile templates. For instance, you can use hostvars to determine which packages to install or which configuration options to enable based on the host's operating system or other attributes.

## packages.yml.j2
{% if hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_os_family'] == 'RedHat' %}
- httpd
- mariadb
{% elif hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_os_family'] == 'Debian' %}
- apache2
- mysql-server
{% endif %}

By leveraging hostvars within your templates, you can create a single template that can be used across multiple hosts, reducing the maintenance overhead and ensuring consistency throughout your infrastructure.

Advanced Usage of hostvars

As you become more proficient with Ansible, you'll discover that the capabilities of hostvars extend far beyond the basic use cases. In this section, we'll explore some advanced techniques and use cases for leveraging hostvars in your automation workflows.

Dynamic Inventory Integration

Ansible supports dynamic inventory, which allows you to integrate with external data sources, such as cloud providers or configuration management tools, to generate your inventory on the fly. By combining dynamic inventory with hostvars, you can create highly adaptable and scalable automation solutions that can seamlessly handle infrastructure changes.

graph TD A[Dynamic Inventory] --> B[Hostvars] B --> C[Playbooks] B --> D[Templates]

Hostvars Manipulation

Hostvars can be manipulated and transformed using Jinja2 filters and other built-in Ansible functionality. This allows you to perform complex operations on the data, such as merging, filtering, or transforming hostvars to suit your specific needs.

- hosts: all
    - name: Print the unique operating systems in the inventory
        msg: "Unique operating systems: {{ hostvars | json_query('[*].ansible_os_family') | unique }}"

Hostvars Delegation

Ansible's delegation feature allows you to execute tasks on a different host than the one specified in the hosts directive. By leveraging hostvars in conjunction with delegation, you can create more flexible and powerful automation workflows.

- hosts: webservers
    - name: Restart Nginx on all web servers
        name: nginx
        state: restarted
      delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
      loop: "{{ groups['webservers'] }}"

In this example, we're restarting the Nginx service on all hosts in the "webservers" group, using the delegate_to directive to execute the task on each individual host.

By exploring these advanced techniques, you can unlock the full potential of hostvars and create more sophisticated, adaptable, and scalable Ansible automation solutions.

Best Practices for hostvars

As you work with Ansible hostvars, it's important to follow best practices to ensure your automation workflows are maintainable, scalable, and efficient. Here are some recommendations to keep in mind:

Organize and Document Hostvars

Maintain a clear and consistent naming convention for your hostvars. This will make it easier to understand and navigate your codebase. Additionally, provide thorough documentation, including descriptions of each hostvar and its purpose, to help other team members (or your future self) understand the purpose and usage of each variable.

Leverage Group-level Variables

Whenever possible, use group-level variables (defined in the group_vars directory) instead of host-level variables (defined in the host_vars directory). This can help reduce duplication and make your automation more scalable, as changes can be applied to an entire group of hosts rather than individually.

Validate Hostvars

Ensure that your playbooks and templates properly handle missing or unexpected hostvars. Implement error handling and graceful fallbacks to prevent your automation from failing unexpectedly.

- hosts: all
    - name: Print the hostname
        msg: "The hostname is {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_hostname'] | default('Unknown') }}"

Use Hostvars Consistently

Maintain a consistent approach to using hostvars throughout your Ansible codebase. This includes using the same syntax and conventions, as well as ensuring that hostvars are accessed in a similar manner across your playbooks and templates.

Monitor and Audit Hostvars

Regularly review and audit the hostvars used in your automation workflows. This will help you identify unused or outdated variables, as well as ensure that the information stored in hostvars remains accurate and up-to-date.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your use of Ansible hostvars is efficient, maintainable, and scalable, ultimately leading to more robust and reliable automation solutions.


In this Ansible hostvars tutorial, you've learned how to effectively utilize this powerful feature to enhance your infrastructure automation. From exploring the Ansible inventory and accessing hostvars in playbooks to leveraging hostvars in templates and exploring advanced techniques, you now have a solid understanding of how to harness the versatility of Ansible hostvars. By following the best practices outlined in this guide, you can ensure your Ansible automation workflows are maintainable, scalable, and efficient. Embrace the power of Ansible hostvars and take your infrastructure management to new heights.

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