Min Heap Binary Tree Introduction

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A min heap is a binary tree data structure that satisfies the heap property, where the parent node is always less than or equal to its children. In a min heap, the root node is always the minimum value in the tree.

Skills Graph

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Min Heap


Implement a min heap with the following methods:

  • extract_min(): removes and returns the minimum value in the heap
  • insert(value): inserts a new value into the heap while maintaining the heap property


The implementation should meet the following requirements:

  • The inputs are integers
  • The implementation should fit in memory

Example Usage

Consider the following min heap:

        /     \
       20     15
      / \    /  \
     22  40 25
  • extract_min(): removes and returns the minimum value in the heap, which is 5. The resulting heap is:
        /      \
       20      25
      / \     /  \
     22  40
  • insert(2): inserts the value 2 into the heap while maintaining the heap property. The resulting heap is:
        /     \
       20      5
      / \     / \
     22  40  25  15


In summary, a min heap is a binary tree data structure that maintains the heap property, where the parent node is always less than or equal to its children. The implementation of a min heap should include the extract_min() and insert(value) methods, and meet the requirements of integer inputs and fitting in memory.

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