Mastering Bash Arrays

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Bash arrays are a fundamental data structure in the Bash scripting language, allowing you to store and manipulate multiple values. This comprehensive guide will take you through the essential concepts, practical applications, and advanced techniques for working with Bash arrays, empowering you to write more efficient and organized Bash scripts.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL shell(("`Shell`")) -.-> shell/VariableHandlingGroup(["`Variable Handling`"]) shell(("`Shell`")) -.-> shell/ControlFlowGroup(["`Control Flow`"]) shell(("`Shell`")) -.-> shell/AdvancedScriptingConceptsGroup(["`Advanced Scripting Concepts`"]) shell/VariableHandlingGroup -.-> shell/arrays("`Arrays`") shell/VariableHandlingGroup -.-> shell/assoc_arrays("`Associative Arrays`") shell/ControlFlowGroup -.-> shell/for_loops("`For Loops`") shell/ControlFlowGroup -.-> shell/while_loops("`While Loops`") shell/AdvancedScriptingConceptsGroup -.-> shell/read_input("`Reading Input`") subgraph Lab Skills shell/arrays -.-> lab-390335{{"`Mastering Bash Arrays`"}} shell/assoc_arrays -.-> lab-390335{{"`Mastering Bash Arrays`"}} shell/for_loops -.-> lab-390335{{"`Mastering Bash Arrays`"}} shell/while_loops -.-> lab-390335{{"`Mastering Bash Arrays`"}} shell/read_input -.-> lab-390335{{"`Mastering Bash Arrays`"}} end

Introduction to Bash Arrays

Bash, the Bourne-Again SHell, is a powerful scripting language that provides a wide range of features, including the ability to work with arrays. Arrays in Bash are a collection of variables that can store multiple values. They are a fundamental data structure that can be used to store and manipulate data in a variety of ways.

Arrays in Bash can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Storing and retrieving data
  • Performing operations on data
  • Iterating over a collection of values
  • Passing arguments to functions
  • Organizing and structuring data

Bash arrays can be either indexed arrays or associative arrays (also known as Bash hashes). Indexed arrays use numeric indices to access elements, while associative arrays use string keys.

In this tutorial, we will explore the various aspects of working with Bash arrays, including how to declare and initialize them, access and manipulate their elements, perform common operations, and leverage built-in commands for arrays. We will also discuss best practices and troubleshooting tips to help you effectively use arrays in your Bash scripts.

Declaring and Initializing Arrays

Declaring Indexed Arrays

Indexed arrays in Bash can be declared using the following syntax:

array_name=(value1 value2 value3 ...)

Here's an example:

fruits=(apple banana cherry)

You can also declare an empty array and then add elements to it later:


Declaring Associative Arrays

Associative arrays in Bash use string keys instead of numeric indices. They are declared using the following syntax:

declare -A array_name
array_name=([key1]=value1 [key2]=value2 [key3]=value3 ...)

Here's an example:

declare -A person
person=([name]=John [age]=30 [occupation]=Engineer)

Initializing Arrays with Command Substitution

You can also initialize arrays using the output of a command. This is known as command substitution:


In this example, the ls command is executed, and its output is used to populate the files array.

Accessing Array Elements

To access an element in an indexed array, you can use the array name followed by the index in square brackets:

echo ${fruits[0]}  ## Output: apple

For associative arrays, you can access an element using the key in square brackets:

echo ${person[name]}  ## Output: John

Array Length

To get the length of an array, you can use the ${#array_name[@]} syntax:

echo ${#fruits[@]}  ## Output: 3
echo ${#person[@]}  ## Output: 3

This will return the number of elements in the array.

Accessing and Manipulating Array Elements

Accessing Array Elements

As mentioned earlier, you can access elements in an array using the array name followed by the index or key in square brackets:

## Accessing elements in an indexed array
echo ${fruits[0]}  ## Output: apple
echo ${fruits[1]}  ## Output: banana
echo ${fruits[2]}  ## Output: cherry

## Accessing elements in an associative array
echo ${person[name]}   ## Output: John
echo ${person[age]}    ## Output: 30
echo ${person[occupation]}  ## Output: Engineer

You can also use the @ or * symbol to access all elements in an array:

echo ${fruits[@]}  ## Output: apple banana cherry
echo ${person[@]}  ## Output: John 30 Engineer

Manipulating Array Elements

Modifying Array Elements

You can modify the value of an array element by assigning a new value to it:


Adding Elements to an Array

To add a new element to an array, you can simply assign a value to a new index or key:

person[city]=New York

Removing Elements from an Array

You can remove an element from an array by unsetting the corresponding index or key:

unset fruits[1]
unset person[occupation]

Slicing Arrays

You can extract a subset of array elements using the array slicing syntax:

echo ${fruits[@]:1:2}  ## Output: banana cherry
echo ${person[@]:1}    ## Output: 30 New York

In the first example, it outputs the elements from index 1 (inclusive) to index 3 (exclusive). In the second example, it outputs all elements starting from index 1.

Array Operations and Transformations

Concatenating Arrays

You can concatenate two or more arrays using the + operator:

fruits=(${fruits[@]} orange pear)
person=("${person[@]}" city=London)

In the first example, the orange and pear elements are added to the fruits array. In the second example, the city=London key-value pair is added to the person associative array.

Merging Arrays

To merge the elements of two or more arrays into a single array, you can use the + operator or the printf command:

merged_array=(${fruits[@]} ${person[@]})
merged_array=($(printf '%s\n' "${fruits[@]}" "${person[@]}"))

Both of these examples will create a new array merged_array that contains all the elements from the fruits and person arrays.

Sorting Arrays

You can sort the elements of an array using the sort command:

sorted_fruits=($(echo "${fruits[@]}" | sort))
sorted_person=($(printf '%s\n' "${!person[@]}" | sort))

In the first example, the elements of the fruits array are sorted and stored in the sorted_fruits array. In the second example, the keys of the person associative array are sorted and stored in the sorted_person array.

Array Transformations

You can perform various transformations on array elements, such as converting to uppercase or lowercase, using parameter expansion:

## Convert to uppercase
upper_person=("${!person[@]^^}" "${person[@]^^}")

## Convert to lowercase
lower_person=("${!person[@],,[a-z]}" "${person[@],,[a-z]}")

In the first two examples, the elements of the fruits and person arrays are converted to uppercase. In the last two examples, the elements are converted to lowercase.

Array Arithmetic

You can perform arithmetic operations on array elements using the $((expression)) syntax:

numbers=(1 2 3 4 5)
sum=$((${numbers[@]} + 10))
product=$((${numbers[@]} * 2))

In the above examples, the value of each element in the numbers array is increased by 10 and multiplied by 2, respectively, and the results are stored in the sum and product variables.

Looping and Iterating Through Arrays

Looping Through Indexed Arrays

You can use various loop constructs to iterate through the elements of an indexed array:

## Using a for loop
for fruit in "${fruits[@]}"; do
    echo "$fruit"

## Using a for loop with index
for i in "${!fruits[@]}"; do
    echo "${fruits[$i]}"

## Using a while loop
while [ $i -lt ${#fruits[@]} ]; do
    echo "${fruits[$i]}"

All of these examples will output the elements of the fruits array.

Looping Through Associative Arrays

To loop through the elements of an associative array, you can use the "${!array_name[@]}" syntax to iterate over the keys, and then access the corresponding values:

## Looping through keys
for key in "${!person[@]}"; do
    echo "$key: ${person[$key]}"

## Looping through values
for value in "${person[@]}"; do
    echo "$value"

The first example will output the key-value pairs of the person associative array, while the second example will output only the values.

Parallel Array Iteration

You can iterate through multiple arrays simultaneously using a single loop:

for i in "${!fruits[@]}"; do
    echo "Fruit: ${fruits[$i]}, Person: ${person[$i]}"

This will output the corresponding elements from the fruits and person arrays, assuming they have the same number of elements.

Associative Arrays (Bash Hashes)

What are Associative Arrays?

Associative arrays, also known as Bash hashes, are a special type of array in Bash where the indices are strings instead of integers. This allows you to associate a value with a specific key, making them a powerful data structure for storing and retrieving information.

Declaring and Initializing Associative Arrays

To declare an associative array, you need to use the -A flag with the declare command:

declare -A my_array

You can then initialize the array with key-value pairs:

my_array=([key1]=value1 [key2]=value2 [key3]=value3)

Accessing and Manipulating Associative Array Elements

To access an element in an associative array, you can use the key in square brackets:

echo ${my_array[key1]}  ## Output: value1

You can also add, modify, and remove elements using the same syntax:

my_array[key4]=value4  ## Add a new element
my_array[key2]=new_value2  ## Modify an existing element
unset my_array[key3]  ## Remove an element

Looping Through Associative Arrays

As mentioned in the previous section, you can loop through the keys and values of an associative array using the "${!array_name[@]}" and "${array_name[@]}" syntax:

for key in "${!my_array[@]}"; do
    echo "$key: ${my_array[$key]}"

This will output all the key-value pairs in the my_array associative array.

Use Cases for Associative Arrays

Associative arrays are particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  • Configuration Management: Storing and retrieving configuration settings
  • Data Structures: Representing complex data structures with named fields
  • Lookup Tables: Implementing efficient lookup mechanisms
  • Caching: Caching data for faster retrieval

By leveraging the flexibility and expressiveness of associative arrays, you can write more organized and maintainable Bash scripts.

Useful Built-in Commands for Arrays

Bash provides several built-in commands and functions that can be used to work with arrays. Here are some of the most useful ones:


The declare command is used to declare variables, including arrays. It can be used to declare both indexed and associative arrays.

declare -a indexed_array  ## Declare an indexed array
declare -A associative_array  ## Declare an associative array


The echo command can be used to display the contents of an array.

echo "${indexed_array[@]}"  ## Display all elements of an indexed array
echo "${!associative_array[@]}"  ## Display all keys of an associative array
echo "${associative_array[@]}"  ## Display all values of an associative array


The read command can be used to read input into an array.

read -a indexed_array  ## Read input into an indexed array
read -A associative_array  ## Read input into an associative array


The printf command can be used to format and display array elements.

printf '%s\n' "${indexed_array[@]}"  ## Display each element on a new line
printf '%s: %s\n' "${!associative_array[@]}" "${associative_array[@]}"  ## Display key-value pairs

mapfile (or readarray)

The mapfile (or readarray) command can be used to read the contents of a file into an array.

mapfile -t indexed_array < file.txt  ## Read file contents into an indexed array
mapfile -t -A associative_array < file.txt  ## Read file contents into an associative array


The set command can be used to display all variables, including arrays.

set | grep '^indexed_array='  ## Display the indexed_array variable
set | grep '^associative_array='  ## Display the associative_array variable

These built-in commands provide a wide range of functionality for working with arrays in Bash, making it easier to manipulate and manage your data.

Best Practices and Troubleshooting Tips

Best Practices

  1. Use Consistent Naming Conventions: Adopt a consistent naming convention for your arrays, such as using a prefix or suffix to distinguish them.
  2. Avoid Spaces in Array Elements: When initializing arrays, avoid using spaces within the individual elements, as this can lead to unexpected behavior.
  3. Handle Empty Arrays: Check for empty arrays before attempting to access or manipulate their elements.
  4. Use Arrays for Structured Data: Leverage arrays to organize and manage complex data structures, rather than relying on individual variables.
  5. Prefer Associative Arrays for Key-Value Pairs: Use associative arrays (Bash hashes) when you need to associate a value with a specific key.
  6. Document Your Arrays: Provide clear comments and documentation about the purpose and structure of your arrays, especially in larger or more complex scripts.

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Unset Array Elements: If you encounter issues with array elements, try unsetting the problematic elements using the unset command.
  2. Check Array Indices: Ensure that you are using the correct indices or keys when accessing array elements.
  3. Avoid Spaces in Array Declarations: Make sure that there are no spaces between the array name and the opening parenthesis when declaring an array.
  4. Use Quotes for Array Expansion: Always use double quotes when expanding array elements to avoid word splitting and globbing.
  5. Verify Array Lengths: Ensure that the length of your arrays matches your expectations, especially when working with dynamically generated or modified arrays.
  6. Debug with set -x: Enable the set -x option in your script to print debugging information and trace the execution of your array-related code.

By following these best practices and troubleshooting tips, you can write more robust and maintainable Bash scripts that effectively leverage the power of arrays.


In this in-depth tutorial, you'll learn how to declare and initialize Bash arrays, access and manipulate their elements, perform various array operations and transformations, loop through arrays, and leverage the power of associative arrays (Bash hashes). Additionally, you'll discover a range of useful built-in commands for arrays, as well as best practices and troubleshooting tips to help you master Bash arrays and take your scripting skills to the next level.

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