Create React Email Link Component

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In this lab, we will learn how to create an Email Link component in React that generates a link formatted to send an email. This component will use the mailto: link format and will accept props for the email recipient, email subject, and email body. We will also learn how to safely encode the email subject and body using encodeURIComponent.

Skills Graph

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index.html and script.js have already been provided in the VM. In general, you only need to add code to script.js and style.css.

This function creates a link that, when clicked, opens the user's email client and populates a new email with specified subject and body content. The link is formatted using the mailto: protocol.

To use the function, provide an email prop with the recipient's email address, and optionally provide subject and body props to populate the email with initial content. These props are safely encoded using encodeURIComponent before being added to the link URL.

The link is rendered with the provided children as its content.

const Mailto = ({ email, subject = "", body = "", children }) => {
  const params =
    subject || body
      ? `?subject=${encodeURIComponent(subject)}&body=${encodeURIComponent(
      : "";

  return <a href={`mailto:${email}${params}`}>{children}</a>;

Example usage:

  <Mailto email="foo@bar.baz" subject="Hello & Welcome" body="Hello world!">
    Mail me!

Please click on 'Go Live' in the bottom right corner to run the web service on port 8080. Then, you can refresh the Web 8080 Tab to preview the web page.


Congratulations! You have completed the Email Link lab. You can practice more labs in LabEx to improve your skills.

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