Utilize Generators For Stocksim Pipelines

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  • Using generators to set up processing pipelines

Files Created: ticker.py


For this exercise the stocksim.py program should still be running in the background. You're going to use the follow() function you wrote in the previous exercise.

Setting up a processing pipeline

A major power of generators is that they allow you to create programs that set up processing pipelines--much like pipes on Unix systems. Experiment with this concept by performing these steps:

>>> from follow import follow
>>> import csv
>>> lines = follow('stocklog.csv')
>>> rows = csv.reader(lines)
>>> for row in rows:

['BA', '98.35', '6/11/2007', '09:41.07', '0.16', '98.25', '98.35', '98.31', '158148']
['AA', '39.63', '6/11/2007', '09:41.07', '-0.03', '39.67', '39.63', '39.31', '270224']
['XOM', '82.45', '6/11/2007', '09:41.07', '-0.23', '82.68', '82.64', '82.41', '748062']
['PG', '62.95', '6/11/2007', '09:41.08', '-0.12', '62.80', '62.97', '62.61', '454327']

Well, that's interesting. What you're seeing here is that the output of the follow() function has been piped into the csv.reader() function and we're now getting a sequence of split rows.

Making more pipeline components

In a file ticker.py, define the following class (using your structure code from before) and set up a pipeline:

## ticker.py

from structure import Structure

class Ticker(Structure):
    name = String()
    price = Float()
    date = String()
    time = String()
    change = Float()
    open = Float()
    high = Float()
    low = Float()
    volume = Integer()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from follow import follow
    import csv
    lines = follow('stocklog.csv')
    rows = csv.reader(lines)
    records = (Ticker.from_row(row) for row in rows)
    for record in records:

When you run this, you should see some output like this:

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Keep going

Oh, you can do better than that. Let's plug this into your table generation code. Change the program to the following:

## ticker.py

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from follow import follow
    import csv
    from tableformat import create_formatter, print_table

    formatter = create_formatter('text')

    lines = follow('stocklog.csv')
    rows = csv.reader(lines)
    records = (Ticker.from_row(row) for row in rows)
    negative = (rec for rec in records if rec.change < 0)
    print_table(negative, ['name','price','change'], formatter)

This should produce some output that looks like this:

      name      price     change
---------- ---------- ----------
         C      53.12      -0.21
       UTX      70.04      -0.19
       AXP      62.86      -0.18
       MMM      85.72      -0.22
       MCD      51.38      -0.03
       WMT      49.85      -0.23
        KO       51.6      -0.07
       AIG      71.39      -0.14
        PG      63.05      -0.02
        HD      37.76      -0.19

Now, THAT is crazy! And pretty awesome.


Some lessons learned: You can create various generator functions and chain them together to perform processing involving data-flow pipelines.

A good mental model for generator functions might be Lego blocks. You can make a collection of small iterator patterns and start stacking them together in various ways. It can be an extremely powerful way to program.

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Congratulations! You have completed the Set Up Processing Pipelines lab. You can practice more labs in LabEx to improve your skills.

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