Python Data Visualization

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Welcome to the magical realm of Enchanted Lake, where you will embark on a journey to meet the mysterious fairy of the lake. This lab is designed to introduce you to the captivating world of Python Data Visualization. Your goal is to harness the power of Python's data visualization skills to unlock the secrets hidden within the mystical lake.

Skills Graph

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Introduction to Matplotlib

In this step, you will dive into the enchanting world of data visualization using Matplotlib. You will create captivating visualizations of the lake's fairy population distribution. Let's start by importing the necessary libraries and plotting your first graph.

In ~/project/

## ~/project/

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

## Sample data
fairy_population = {'Spring': 25, 'Summer': 40, 'Autumn': 30, 'Winter': 20}

## Create a bar chart
seasons = list(fairy_population.keys())
population = list(fairy_population.values()), population)
plt.ylabel('Fairy Population')
plt.title('Fairy Population Distribution in Enchanted Lake')

After running the script, you will see an image named plot.png. You can click on the image to see the visual diagram.

Enhancing Visualizations with Seaborn

In this step, you will further enhance your visualizations using the powerful Seaborn library. Dive deeper into the lake's mysteries by creating stunning visualizations that will reveal interesting patterns in the fairy population data.

Append the following code to ~/project/

## ~/project/

import seaborn as sns

## Create a box plot for fairy population distribution
plt.xlabel('Fairy Population')
plt.title('Fairy Population Distribution in Enchanted Lake')

After running the script, you will see an image named seaborn.png. You can click on the image to see the visual diagram.


In this lab, you embarked on a magical journey to explore the wondrous world of Python Data Visualization. By creating captivating visualizations using Matplotlib and Seaborn, you gained the power to uncover the secrets hidden within the Enchanted Lake. Through this experience, you have honed your skills in data visualization and unlocked the potential to reveal captivating insights from visualized data. May you continue to harness the magic of Python's data visualization skills in your future adventures.

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