Converting Integer to Roman Numeral
To convert an integer to its roman numeral representation, follow these steps:
Open the Terminal/SSH and type node
to start practicing coding.
The function toRomanNumeral()
accepts values between 1
and 3999
(both inclusive).
Create a lookup table containing 2-value arrays in the form of (roman value, integer).
Use Array.prototype.reduce()
to loop over the values in lookup
and repeatedly divide num
by the value.
Use String.prototype.repeat()
to add the roman numeral representation to the accumulator.
Here is the code for the toRomanNumeral()
const toRomanNumeral = (num) => {
const lookup = [
["M", 1000],
["CM", 900],
["D", 500],
["CD", 400],
["C", 100],
["XC", 90],
["L", 50],
["XL", 40],
["X", 10],
["IX", 9],
["V", 5],
["IV", 4],
["I", 1]
return lookup.reduce((acc, [k, v]) => {
acc += k.repeat(Math.floor(num / v));
num = num % v;
return acc;
}, "");
You can test the function with these examples:
toRomanNumeral(3); // 'III'
toRomanNumeral(11); // 'XI'
toRomanNumeral(1998); // 'MCMXCVIII'