Bind Function Context

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In this lab, we will explore how to create a function that binds a given context to another function. The bind() function allows us to easily set the value of this within a function to a specific object, which can be useful in certain scenarios. We will learn how to use the spread operator to pass additional arguments to the bound function as well.

Skills Graph

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Creating a Function with a Given Context

To create a function with a given context, use the bind function. First, open the Terminal/SSH and type node.

The bind function creates a new function that invokes the original function with a given context. It can also optionally prepend any additional supplied parameters to the arguments.

To use bind, pass in the original function (fn) and the desired context (context). You can also pass in any additional parameters that should be bound to the function (...boundArgs).

The bind function returns a new function that uses Function.prototype.apply() to apply the given context to fn. It also uses the spread operator (...) to prepend any additional supplied parameters to the arguments.

Here is an example usage of bind:

const bind =
  (fn, context, ...boundArgs) =>
  (...args) =>
    fn.apply(context, [...boundArgs, ...args]);

function greet(greeting, punctuation) {
  return greeting + " " + this.user + punctuation;

const freddy = { user: "fred" };
const freddyBound = bind(greet, freddy);
console.log(freddyBound("hi", "!")); // 'hi fred!'

In this example, we define a greet function that takes two parameters (greeting and punctuation) and returns a string that concatenates the greeting, the user property of the current context (this), and the punctuation.

We then create a new object (freddy) that has a user property set to 'fred'.

Finally, we create a new function (freddyBound) using bind, passing in the greet function and the freddy object as the desired context. We can then call freddyBound with two additional parameters ('hi' and '!'), which get passed through to the original greet function along with the bound freddy context. The resulting output is 'hi fred!'.


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