Java Integer byteValue Method



In this lab, we will learn about the Java Integer byteValue() Method, which belongs to the Integer class of the java.lang package. The byteValue() method is used to convert an Integer object into a byte value. In this lab, we will explain the syntax of the byteValue() method, its parameters, and return type. Furthermore, step by step procedure is presented with a code snippet to demonstrate the implementation of this method in the Java program.

Compile and Run

Compile the file using the following command.


Then, run the compiled program using the following command.

java IntegerBytevalue

The output should display the byte equivalent of the integer specified in the code.

Live Example

You can also test the code online without installing Java on your computer. Copy and paste the following code into an online Java compiler like, or

public class IntegerBytevalue {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int number = 255;
        Integer i = number;
        byte equivalentByte = i.byteValue();
        System.out.println("The integer " + i + " is equivalent to byte value: " + equivalentByte);


In this lab, we learned about the byteValue() method of the Integer class in Java. This method is used to convert an Integer object into a byte value. We discussed the parameters, return type and the syntax of the byteValue() method. We also provided a step-by-step implementation of the method with an example code snippet.

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