Working with Directories in Go (Challenge)

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In this challenge, you will learn how to work with directories in Go. Go provides several useful functions for working with directories in the file system.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL go(("`Go`")) -.-> go/FileOperationsGroup(["`File Operations`"]) go/FileOperationsGroup -.-> go/directories("`Directories`") subgraph Lab Skills go/directories -.-> lab-15388{{"`Working with Directories in Go (Challenge)`"}} end


Create a Go program that creates a new sub-directory in the current working directory, creates a hierarchy of directories, including parents, lists directory contents, changes the current working directory, and visits a directory recursively.


  • Create a new sub-directory in the current working directory.
  • When creating temporary directories, it's good practice to defer their removal. os.RemoveAll will delete a whole directory tree (similarly to rm -rf).
  • Create a hierarchy of directories, including parents with MkdirAll. This is similar to the command-line mkdir -p.
  • ReadDir lists directory contents, returning a slice of os.DirEntry objects.
  • Chdir lets us change the current working directory, similarly to cd.
  • Visit a directory recursively, including all its sub-directories. Walk accepts a callback function to handle every file or directory visited.


$ go run directories.go
Listing subdir/parent
child true
file2 false
file3 false
Listing subdir/parent/child
file4 false
Visiting subdir
subdir true
subdir/file1 false
subdir/parent true
subdir/parent/child true
subdir/parent/child/file4 false
subdir/parent/file2 false
subdir/parent/file3 false


In this challenge, you learned how to work with directories in Go. You learned how to create a new sub-directory, create a hierarchy of directories, list directory contents, change the current working directory, and visit a directory recursively.

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