Golang XML Mapping

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This challenge aims to test your knowledge of working with XML in Golang. You will be required to create a struct that can be mapped to XML, marshal and unmarshal XML data, and use field tags to define the structure of the XML output.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL go(("`Go`")) -.-> go/AdvancedTopicsGroup(["`Advanced Topics`"]) go/AdvancedTopicsGroup -.-> go/xml("`XML`") subgraph Lab Skills go/xml -.-> lab-15452{{"`Golang XML Mapping`"}} end


You are required to create a struct named Plant that can be mapped to XML. The struct should have the following fields:

  • Id (int) - an XML attribute
  • Name (string) - a nested XML element
  • Origin ([]string) - a nested XML element

You should also create a struct named Nesting that contains a slice of Plant structs. The Nesting struct should be mapped to an XML element named nesting, and the Plant structs should be nested under <parent><child>....

You should then write code to marshal the Plant and Nesting structs to XML, and unmarshal XML data into the Plant struct.


  • The Plant struct should be mapped to an XML element named plant.
  • The Id field of the Plant struct should be mapped to an XML attribute named id.
  • The Name field of the Plant struct should be mapped to a nested XML element named name.
  • The Origin field of the Plant struct should be mapped to a nested XML element named origin.
  • The Nesting struct should be mapped to an XML element named nesting.
  • The Plant structs in the Nesting slice should be nested under <parent><child>....


$ go run xml.go
 <plant id="27">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <plant id="27">
Plant id=27, name=Coffee, origin=[Ethiopia Brazil]
       <plant id="27">
       <plant id="81">


In this challenge, you learned how to work with XML in Golang. You created a struct that can be mapped to XML, marshaled and unmarshaled XML data, and used field tags to define the structure of the XML output.

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