Space Logs with Docker

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In the future space exploration, the fearless Space Warrior is tasked with deploying and managing containers on a distant and uncharted planet. The goal is to gain insights into the logs of various containers to ensure the smooth operation of the interstellar base.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/ContainerOperationsGroup(["`Container Operations`"]) docker/ContainerOperationsGroup -.-> docker/logs("`View Container Logs`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/logs -.-> lab-268721{{"`Space Logs with Docker`"}} end

Viewing Container Logs

In this step, the Space Warrior will start by viewing the logs of a running Docker container to identify any potential issues.

  1. First, the Space Warrior will run an Nginx container in the background:

    docker run -d --name my-nginx nginx
    • This command will launch a new Nginx container named my-nginx.
  2. Next, the Space Warrior will view the logs of the container:

    docker logs my-nginx
    • This command will display the logs of the my-nginx container.

Streaming Container Logs

In this step, the Space Warrior will learn how to stream the logs of a running container in real-time.

  1. The Space Warrior will start a new container using the alpine image:

    docker run -d -it --name my-alpine alpine sh -c "echo 'Hello Docker!'"
  2. Then, the Space Warrior will stream the logs of the my-alpine container:

    docker logs -f my-alpine
    • This command will continuously stream the logs of the my-alpine container in real-time.


In this lab, the Space Warrior has learned how to effectively view and stream the logs of Docker containers. By mastering these skills, the Space Warrior is now equipped with the necessary knowledge to monitor and troubleshoot containerized applications in the unexplored depths of the universe.

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