Docker for Beginners - Linux


This tutorial is from open-source community. Access the source code


In this lab, we will look at some basic Docker commands and a simple build-ship-run workflow. We'll start by running some simple containers, then we'll use a Dockerfile to build a custom app. Finally, we'll look at how to use bind mounts to modify a running container as you might if you were actively developing using Docker.


You will need all of the following to complete this lab:

  • A clone of the lab's GitHub repo.
  • A DockerID.

Clone the Lab's GitHub Repo

Use the following command to clone the lab's repo from GitHub (you can click the command or manually type it). This will make a copy of the lab's repo in a new sub-directory called linux_tweet_app.

git clone

Make sure you have a DockerID

If you do not have a DockerID (a free login used to access Docker Hub), please visit Docker Hub and register for one. You will need this for later steps.

Run some simple Docker containers

There are different ways to use containers. These include:

  1. To run a single task: This could be a shell script or a custom app.
  2. Interactively: This connects you to the container similar to the way you SSH into a remote server.
  3. In the background: For long-running services like websites and databases.

In this lab, you'll try each of those options and see how Docker manages the workload.

Run a single task in an Alpine Linux container

In this step we're going to start a new container and tell it to run the hostname command. The container will start, execute the hostname command, then exit.

  1. Run the following command in your Linux console.

    docker container run alpine hostname

    The output below shows that the alpine:latest image could not be found locally. When this happens, Docker automatically pulls it from Docker Hub.

    After the image is pulled, the container's hostname is displayed (888e89a3b36b in the example below).

    Unable to find image 'alpine:latest' locally
    latest: Pulling from library/alpine
    88286f41530e: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:f006ecbb824d87947d0b51ab8488634bf69fe4094959d935c0c103f4820a417d
    Status: Downloaded newer image for alpine:latest
  2. Docker keeps a container running as long as the process it started inside the container is still running. In this case the hostname process exits as soon as the output is written. This means the container stops. However, Docker doesn't delete resources by default, so the container still exists in the Exited state.

    List all containers.

    docker container ls --all

    Notice that your Alpine Linux container is in the Exited state.

    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS            PORTS               NAMES
    888e89a3b36b        alpine              "hostname"          50 seconds ago      Exited (0) 49 seconds ago                       awesome_elion

    Note: The container ID is the hostname that the container displayed. In the example above it's 888e89a3b36b.

Containers which do one task and then exit can be very useful. You could build a Docker image that executes a script to configure something. Anyone can execute that task just by running the container - they don't need the actual scripts or configuration information.

Run an interactive Ubuntu container

You can run a container based on a different version of Linux than is running on your Docker host.

In the next example, we are going to run an Ubuntu Linux container on top of an Alpine Linux Docker host (Play With Docker uses Alpine Linux for its nodes).

  1. Run a Docker container and access its shell.

    docker container run --interactive --tty --rm ubuntu bash

    In this example, we're giving Docker three parameters:

    • --interactive says you want an interactive session.
    • --tty allocates a pseudo-tty.
    • --rm tells Docker to go ahead and remove the container when it's done executing.

    The first two parameters allow you to interact with the Docker container.

    We're also telling the container to run bash as its main process (PID 1).

    When the container starts you'll drop into the bash shell with the default prompt root@<container id>:/#. Docker has attached to the shell in the container, relaying input and output between your local session and the shell session in the container.

  2. Run the following commands in the container.

    ls / will list the contents of the root directory in the container, ps aux will show running processes in the container, cat /etc/issue will show which Linux distro the container is running, in this case Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS.

    ls /
    ps aux
    cat /etc/issue
  3. Type exit to leave the shell session. This will terminate the bash process, causing the container to exit.


    Note: As we used the --rm flag when we started the container, Docker removed the container when it stopped. This means if you run another docker container ls --all you won't see the Ubuntu container.

  4. For fun, let's check the version of our host VM.

    cat /etc/issue

    You should see:

    Welcome to Alpine Linux 3.8
    Kernel \r on an \m (\l)

Notice that our host VM is running Alpine Linux, yet we were able to run an Ubuntu container. As previously mentioned, the distribution of Linux inside the container does not need to match the distribution of Linux running on the Docker host.

However, Linux containers require the Docker host to be running a Linux kernel. For example, Linux containers cannot run directly on Windows Docker hosts. The same is true of Windows containers - they need to run on a Docker host with a Windows kernel.

Interactive containers are useful when you are putting together your own image. You can run a container and verify all the steps you need to deploy your app, and capture them in a Dockerfile.

You can commit a container to make an image from it - but you should avoid that wherever possible. It's much better to use a repeatable Dockerfile to build your image. You'll see that shortly.


Congratulations! You have completed the Docker for Beginners - Linux lab. You can practice more labs in LabEx to improve your skills.

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