🚧 Discovering Web Vulnerabilities



Web applications have become an integral part of our daily lives, and with their increasing complexity, the risk of vulnerabilities also increases. In this lab, we will explore the process of discovering web vulnerabilities, which is a crucial step in ensuring the security of web applications. Our goal is to understand the different phases involved in the vulnerability discovery process and gain practical experience through hands-on exercises.

Understanding the Vulnerability Discovery Process

In this step, we will learn about the various phases involved in the vulnerability discovery process. These phases typically include:

  1. Target Identification
  2. Information Gathering
  3. Vulnerability Scanning
  4. Vulnerability Verification
  5. Privilege Escalation
  6. Documentation
Vulnerability Discovery Process:

1. Target Identification: Identify the target web application or system you want to test.
2. Information Gathering: Collect information about the target, such as domain names, IP addresses, open ports, running services, and software versions.
3. Vulnerability Scanning: Use automated tools to scan the target for known vulnerabilities.
4. Vulnerability Verification: Validate the identified vulnerabilities by attempting to exploit them.
5. Privilege Escalation: Gain higher privileges or access levels on the target system.
6. Documentation: Document the entire process, including the vulnerabilities found, the steps taken, and any recommendations for remediation.

Understanding the vulnerability discovery process is essential for conducting effective security assessments and penetration testing.

Information Gathering

Information gathering is a crucial phase in the vulnerability discovery process. It involves collecting valuable information about the target web application or system. Here are some common techniques used for information gathering:

  1. Domain and DNS Information: Use tools like whois, host, dig, dnsenum, dnsdict6, fierce, and dmitry to gather information about domain names, IP addresses, and DNS records.
## Check domain registration information
whois example.com

## Check DNS records
host -t ns example.com
dig example.com any
  1. Port Scanning and Service Enumeration: Use tools like nmap to scan for open ports and identify running services and their versions.
## TCP Connect scan
nmap -sT example.com

## Service and version detection
nmap -sV example.com

## Operating system detection
nmap -O example.com

## Aggressive scan (includes scripts for further enumeration)
nmap -A example.com
  1. Web Application Fingerprinting: Analyze the target web application's behavior, error messages, and headers to identify the underlying platform, framework, and technologies used.

  2. Google Hacking: Use advanced search operators in search engines like Google or Bing to find relevant information, such as publicly exposed sensitive data or vulnerabilities.

## Search for PDF files related to "web vulnerabilities"
filetype:pdf "web vulnerabilities"

## Search for pages containing specific keywords
intext:"login page"

Gathering as much information as possible about the target system is crucial for identifying potential attack vectors and vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Scanning

After gathering relevant information about the target system, the next step is to scan for potential vulnerabilities. This can be done using automated vulnerability scanning tools like Nessus or specialized scanners for specific platforms or technologies.

## Scan for Joomla vulnerabilities
joomscan -u https://example.com

## Scan for web vulnerabilities using Nikto
nikto -h example.com

Vulnerability scanning tools can identify known vulnerabilities based on their extensive databases of vulnerabilities and associated signatures. However, it's important to note that these tools may not detect all vulnerabilities, and manual verification and testing are often necessary.

Vulnerability Verification

After identifying potential vulnerabilities through scanning, it's essential to verify and validate the findings. This step involves attempting to exploit the identified vulnerabilities manually or using specialized scripts or tools.

## Exploit a vulnerability using a Metasploit module
use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi

## Exploit a vulnerability using a Python script
python exploit.py -t -p 80

Vulnerability verification helps confirm the existence of vulnerabilities and assess the potential impact and risk associated with them. It also provides an opportunity to gather additional information or gain access to the target system.

Privilege Escalation

If a vulnerability allows you to gain access to the target system, the next step is to escalate your privileges to gain higher levels of access or administrative rights. This phase is crucial for conducting further tests or implementing remediation measures.

## Escalate privileges using a kernel exploit
python kernel_exploit.py

## Upload and execute a privilege escalation script
python upload_script.py -t -p 80 -f privesc.sh

Privilege escalation techniques may vary depending on the target system, the vulnerabilities found, and the available exploits or attack vectors.


Throughout the vulnerability discovery process, it is crucial to document all the steps taken, findings, and recommendations. Proper documentation not only serves as a reference for future assessments but also helps in communicating the results to stakeholders and decision-makers.

Vulnerability Report:

1. Target Information:
   - Domain: example.com
   - IP Address:
   - Open Ports: 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS)
   - Running Services: Apache/2.4.41 (Unix), PHP/7.4.3

2. Vulnerabilities Identified:
   - CVE-2020-XXXX: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the login page
   - CVE-2019-XXXX: SQL Injection vulnerability in the user registration form

3. Exploitation and Impact:
   - XSS vulnerability allows an attacker to inject malicious code into the application, potentially leading to session hijacking or data theft.
   - SQL Injection vulnerability allows an attacker to access or modify the underlying database, potentially compromising sensitive data.

4. Recommendations:
   - Apply the latest security patches and updates for the web server and PHP installations.
   - Implement input validation and sanitization for all user inputs.
   - Implement web application firewalls (WAFs) to detect and prevent common web application attacks.
   - Conduct regular security assessments and penetration testing to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.

Proper documentation not only serves as a record but also helps in communicating the findings and recommendations to stakeholders and decision-makers.


In this lab, we explored the vulnerability discovery process for web applications. We learned about the different phases involved, including target identification, information gathering, vulnerability scanning, vulnerability verification, privilege escalation, and documentation. We practiced using various tools and techniques to gather information, scan for vulnerabilities, verify findings, and escalate privileges. Additionally, we emphasized the importance of proper documentation throughout the entire process. By gaining practical experience in this lab, you are better equipped to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in web applications, ensuring a more secure online environment.

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