Define the main
Add the following code to main.cpp
to implement the main
function that creates three Cuboid
objects, sets their dimensions, calculates their volumes, adds two of the objects, and prints the dimensions and volume of the resulting cuboid object:
//Defining the main method to access the members of the class
int main() {
cout << "\n\nWelcome to LabEx :-)\n\n\n";
cout << " ===== Program to demonstrate the Plus Operator Overloading, in CPP ===== \n\n";
//Declaring the Class objects to access the class members
Cuboid c1;
Cuboid c2;
Cuboid c3;
//To store the volume of the Cuboid
double volume = 0.0;
// Setting the length, breadth and height for the first Cuboid object: c1
// Setting the length, breadth and height for the second Cuboid object: c2
// Finding the Volume of the first Cuboid: c1
cout << "Calling the getVolume() method to find the volume of Cuboid c1\n";
volume = c1.getVolume();
cout << "Volume of the Cuboid c1 is : " << volume << "\n\n\n";
// Finding the Volume of the first Cuboid: c1
cout << "Calling the getVolume() method to find the volume of Cuboid c2\n";
volume = c2.getVolume();
cout << "Volume of the Cuboid c2 is : " << volume << "\n\n\n";
// Adding the two Cuboid objects c1 and c2 to form the third object c3:
c3 = c1 + c2;
// Printing the dimensions of the third Cuboid: c3
cout << "Length of the Cuboid c3 is : " << c3.length << endl;
cout << "Breadth of the Cuboid c3 is : " << c3.breadth << endl;
cout << "Height of the Cuboid c3 is : " << c3.height << endl;
// Finding the Volume of the third Cuboid: c3
cout << "\n\nCalling the getVolume() method to find the volume of Cuboid c3\n";
volume = c3.getVolume();
cout << "Volume of the Cuboid c3 is : " << volume << endl;
cout << "\n\n\n";
return 0;