Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation

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A priority queue is a data structure that allows for efficient access to the minimum (or maximum) element in a collection. It is commonly used in algorithms such as Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm and Huffman coding. In this challenge, we will implement a priority queue backed by an array.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL algorithm(("`Algorithm`")) -.-> algorithm/BasicAlgorithmsGroup(["`Basic Algorithms`"]) python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/BasicConceptsGroup(["`Basic Concepts`"]) python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/ControlFlowGroup(["`Control Flow`"]) python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/DataStructuresGroup(["`Data Structures`"]) python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/FunctionsGroup(["`Functions`"]) python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/ModulesandPackagesGroup(["`Modules and Packages`"]) python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/ObjectOrientedProgrammingGroup(["`Object-Oriented Programming`"]) python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/PythonStandardLibraryGroup(["`Python Standard Library`"]) algorithm/BasicAlgorithmsGroup -.-> algorithm/arrays_strings("`Arrays Strings`") python/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> python/variables_data_types("`Variables and Data Types`") python/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> python/strings("`Strings`") python/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> python/type_conversion("`Type Conversion`") python/ControlFlowGroup -.-> python/conditional_statements("`Conditional Statements`") python/ControlFlowGroup -.-> python/for_loops("`For Loops`") python/DataStructuresGroup -.-> python/lists("`Lists`") python/DataStructuresGroup -.-> python/tuples("`Tuples`") python/FunctionsGroup -.-> python/function_definition("`Function Definition`") python/ModulesandPackagesGroup -.-> python/importing_modules("`Importing Modules`") python/ModulesandPackagesGroup -.-> python/standard_libraries("`Common Standard Libraries`") python/ObjectOrientedProgrammingGroup -.-> python/classes_objects("`Classes and Objects`") python/ObjectOrientedProgrammingGroup -.-> python/constructor("`Constructor`") python/ObjectOrientedProgrammingGroup -.-> python/polymorphism("`Polymorphism`") python/ObjectOrientedProgrammingGroup -.-> python/encapsulation("`Encapsulation`") python/PythonStandardLibraryGroup -.-> python/os_system("`Operating System and System`") python/FunctionsGroup -.-> python/build_in_functions("`Build-in Functions`") subgraph Lab Skills algorithm/arrays_strings -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/variables_data_types -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/strings -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/type_conversion -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/conditional_statements -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/for_loops -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/lists -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/tuples -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/function_definition -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/importing_modules -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/standard_libraries -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/classes_objects -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/constructor -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/polymorphism -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/encapsulation -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/os_system -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} python/build_in_functions -.-> lab-268805{{"`Efficient Array-Backed Priority Queue Implementation`"}} end

Priority Queue


Implement a priority queue backed by an array. The priority queue should support the following methods:

  • insert: insert a new element into the priority queue
  • extract_min: remove and return the minimum element from the priority queue
  • decrease_key: decrease the key of a given element in the priority queue


To implement the priority queue, we need to meet the following requirements:

  • The methods supported by the priority queue should be insert, extract_min, and decrease_key.
  • There won't be any duplicate keys in the priority queue.
  • We don't need to validate inputs.
  • The priority queue should fit into memory.

Example Usage

Here are some examples of how to use the priority queue methods:


  • insert general case: insert a new node into the priority queue.


  • extract_min from an empty list: return None.
  • extract_min general case: remove and return the minimum node from the priority queue.


  • decrease_key an invalid key: return None.
  • decrease_key general case: decrease the key of a given node in the priority queue.


In this challenge, we implemented a priority queue backed by an array. The priority queue supports insert, extract_min, and decrease_key methods. We ensured that there are no duplicate keys in the priority queue, and the inputs don't need to be validated. The priority queue fits into memory.

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