SQL Queries for Student Course Analysis

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In this project, you will learn how to perform various SQL queries on a student course database. The database consists of three tables: Student table (S), Course table (C), and Student Course table (SC). You will learn how to retrieve and manipulate data from these tables to accomplish different tasks.

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🎯 Tasks

In this project, you will learn:

  • How to list the names of all students who have not taken courses taught by the "Daniel" teacher
  • How to list the student numbers and names of students who have failed (grade < 60) in two or more courses
  • How to list the names of all students who have taken both course "11" and course "12"
  • How to list the student numbers of all students whose grades in course "11" are higher than those in course "12", and sort them in ascending order
  • How to list the names of all students who are older than "John Davis"
  • How to list the student number of the student with the highest grade among all students who have taken course "12"
  • How to list the names of all students, along with their selected course IDs and grades
  • How to list the student numbers and total grades (alias as: SG) of students who have taken four or more courses, sorted in descending order of total grades

🏆 Achievements

After completing this project, you will be able to:

  • Understand how to write complex SQL queries to retrieve and manipulate data from a relational database
  • Apply various SQL techniques, such as subqueries, joins, aggregations, and sorting, to solve real-world data analysis problems
  • Develop SQL skills that are essential for data-driven decision making and problem-solving

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL sql(("`SQL`")) -.-> sql/DataManipulationandQueryingGroup(["`Data Manipulation and Querying`"]) sql(("`SQL`")) -.-> sql/AdvancedDataOperationsGroup(["`Advanced Data Operations`"]) mysql(("`MySQL`")) -.-> mysql/BasicKeywordsandStatementsGroup(["`Basic Keywords and Statements`"]) sql/DataManipulationandQueryingGroup -.-> sql/where("`WHERE clause`") sql/DataManipulationandQueryingGroup -.-> sql/in("`IN clause`") sql/DataManipulationandQueryingGroup -.-> sql/order_by("`ORDER BY clause`") sql/AdvancedDataOperationsGroup -.-> sql/join("`JOIN operations`") mysql/BasicKeywordsandStatementsGroup -.-> mysql/select("`Data Retrieval`") mysql/BasicKeywordsandStatementsGroup -.-> mysql/use_database("`Database Selection`") sql/DataManipulationandQueryingGroup -.-> sql/group_by("`GROUP BY clause`") sql/DataManipulationandQueryingGroup -.-> sql/having("`HAVING clause`") subgraph Lab Skills sql/where -.-> lab-316801{{"`SQL Queries for Student Course Analysis`"}} sql/in -.-> lab-316801{{"`SQL Queries for Student Course Analysis`"}} sql/order_by -.-> lab-316801{{"`SQL Queries for Student Course Analysis`"}} sql/join -.-> lab-316801{{"`SQL Queries for Student Course Analysis`"}} mysql/select -.-> lab-316801{{"`SQL Queries for Student Course Analysis`"}} mysql/use_database -.-> lab-316801{{"`SQL Queries for Student Course Analysis`"}} sql/group_by -.-> lab-316801{{"`SQL Queries for Student Course Analysis`"}} sql/having -.-> lab-316801{{"`SQL Queries for Student Course Analysis`"}} end

Start MySQL and Import Data

In this step, you will learn how to start the MySQL service and import the necessary data into the database.

  1. Start the MySQL service using the sudo command without any password:
sudo service mysql start
  1. Access the MySQL client using the sudo command without any password:
sudo mysql
  1. Import the data from the provided personnel.sql script into the MySQL database:
SOURCE /home/labex/project/initdb.sql

Add Query Code

In this step, you will learn how to list the names of all students who have not taken courses taught by the "Daniel" teacher. Follow the steps below to complete this step:

  1. Open the answer.sql file in the /home/labex/project directory.

  2. Add the SQL statement below the comment:

  3. Locate the comment -- List the names of all students who have not taken courses taught by the "Daniel" teacher.

    SELECT s.sname
    FROM S s
      SELECT 1
      FROM SC sc
      JOIN C c ON sc.cno = c.cno
      WHERE c.tname = 'Daniel' AND sc.sno = s.sno

    This SQL statement first selects the sname column from the S table. It then uses a NOT EXISTS clause to check if there are any records in the SC table that have a course ID (cno) that matches a course taught by the "Daniel" teacher, and the student ID (sno) matches the current student. If no such records exist, the student's name will be included in the result.

  4. Locate the comment -- List the student numbers and names of students who have failed (grade < 60) in two or more courses.

    SELECT s.sno, s.sname
    FROM S s
    JOIN SC sc ON s.sno = sc.sno
    WHERE sc.grade < 60
    GROUP BY s.sno, s.sname
    HAVING COUNT(sc.sno) >= 2;

    This SQL statement first joins the S and SC tables to get the student information and their course grades. It then filters the records where the grade is less than 60, groups the results by student number and name, and finally selects only the students who have failed in two or more courses using the HAVING clause.

  5. Locate the comment -- List the names of all students who have taken both course "11" and course "12".

     SELECT s.sname
     FROM S s
     JOIN SC sc ON s.sno = sc.sno
     WHERE sc.cno IN (11, 12)
     GROUP BY s.sno
     HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT sc.cno) = 2
     ORDER BY s.sno;

    This SQL statement first joins the S and SC tables to get the student information and their course IDs. It then filters the records where the course ID is either 11 or 12, groups the results by student number, and selects only the students who have taken both courses using the HAVING clause. Finally, it orders the results by student number.

  6. Locate the comment -- List the student numbers of all students whose grades in course "11" are higher than those in course "12", and sort them in ascending order.

    SELECT sc11.sno
    FROM SC sc11
    JOIN SC sc12 ON sc11.sno = sc12.sno AND sc12.cno = 12
    WHERE sc11.cno = 11 AND sc11.grade > sc12.grade
    ORDER BY sc11.sno;

    This SQL statement first joins the SC table with itself to get the grade information for both course 11 and course 12. It then filters the records where the course ID is 11 and the grade is higher than the grade for course 12, and selects the student number. Finally, it orders the results by student number.

  7. Locate the comment -- List the names of all students who are older than "John Davis".

    SELECT s.sname
    FROM S s, (SELECT sage FROM S WHERE sname = 'John Davis') AS zs
    WHERE s.sage > zs.sage;

    This SQL statement first selects the sage value for the student with the name "John Davis" and stores it in a subquery zs. It then selects the sname from the S table where the student's age (sage) is greater than the age of "John Davis".

  8. Locate the comment -- List the student number of the student with the highest grade among all students who have taken course "12".

    SELECT sc.sno
    FROM SC sc
    WHERE sc.cno = 12 AND sc.grade = (
      SELECT MAX(grade)
      FROM SC
      WHERE cno = 12

    This SQL statement first selects the sno from the SC table where the course ID is 12 and the grade is equal to the maximum grade among all students who have taken course 12. This will give us the student number of the student with the highest grade in course 12.

  9. Locate the comment -- List the names of all students, along with their selected course IDs and grades.

    SELECT s.sname, sc.cno, sc.grade
    FROM S s
    LEFT JOIN SC sc ON s.sno = sc.sno;

    This SQL statement performs a left join between the S and SC tables, which will include all students from the S table, even if they have no records in the SC table. This will ensure that all student names are included in the result, along with their course IDs and grades (if they have any).

  10. Locate the comment -- List the student numbers and total grades (alias as: SG) of students who have taken four or more courses, sorted in descending order of total grades.

    SELECT sc.sno, SUM(sc.grade) AS SG
    FROM SC sc
    GROUP BY sc.sno
    HAVING COUNT(sc.cno) >= 4

    This SQL statement first groups the SC table by student number (sno) and calculates the sum of the grades for each student (aliased as SG). It then filters the results to include only the students who have taken four or more courses using the HAVING clause. Finally, it orders the results by the total grades in descending order.

Run the SQL Script

In this final step, you will run the SQL script you created in the previous steps.

  1. In the MySQL client, run the following command to execute the answer.sql script:
SOURCE /home/labex/project/answer.sql

This will execute the SQL queries in the answer.sql file and display the results.

Congratulations! You have completed the project. You should see the following output:

MariaDB [student]> SOURCE /home/labex/project/answer.sql
| sname          |
| Michael Brown  |
| William Wilson |
| Richard Taylor |
| Charles Thomas |
4 rows in set (0.013 sec)

| sno | sname         |
|   1 | James Johnson |
|   6 | David Moore   |
2 rows in set (0.000 sec)

| sname          |
| James Johnson  |
| Michael Brown  |
| John Davis     |
| Robert Miller  |
| William Wilson |
| David Moore    |
| Richard Taylor |
7 rows in set (0.000 sec)

| sno |
|   2 |
|   3 |
|   4 |
|   7 |
4 rows in set (0.001 sec)

| sname          |
| William Wilson |
| Richard Taylor |
2 rows in set (0.013 sec)

| sno |
|   5 |
|   8 |
2 rows in set (0.000 sec)

| sname           | cno  | grade |
| James Johnson   |   11 |    50 |
| James Johnson   |   12 |    80 |
| James Johnson   |   13 |    50 |
| James Johnson   |   14 |    50 |
| James Johnson   |   15 |    50 |
| Michael Brown   |   11 |    70 |
| Michael Brown   |   12 |    65 |
| Michael Brown   |   15 |    70 |
| John Davis      |   11 |    90 |
| John Davis      |   12 |    70 |
| John Davis      |   14 |    80 |
| John Davis      |   15 |    90 |
| Robert Miller   |   11 |    80 |
| Robert Miller   |   12 |    50 |
| Robert Miller   |   13 |    70 |
| Robert Miller   |   14 |    62 |
| Robert Miller   |   15 |    80 |
| William Wilson  |   11 |    40 |
| William Wilson  |   12 |    90 |
| William Wilson  |   13 |    60 |
| William Wilson  |   15 |    61 |
| David Moore     |   11 |    30 |
| David Moore     |   12 |    50 |
| David Moore     |   13 |    40 |
| David Moore     |   14 |    30 |
| David Moore     |   15 |    35 |
| Richard Taylor  |   11 |    90 |
| Richard Taylor  |   12 |    80 |
| Richard Taylor  |   13 |    80 |
| Richard Taylor  |   15 |    80 |
| Joseph Anderson |   12 |    90 |
| Joseph Anderson |   14 |    70 |
| Joseph Anderson |   15 |    95 |
| Charles Thomas  | NULL |  NULL |
34 rows in set (0.001 sec)

| sno | SG   |
|   4 |  342 |
|   7 |  330 |
|   3 |  330 |
|   1 |  280 |
|   5 |  251 |
|   6 |  185 |
6 rows in set (0.000 sec)


Congratulations! You have completed this project. You can practice more labs in LabEx to improve your skills.

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