Practice Linux Commands


In this course, you will practice the most commonly used Linux commands. You will learn how to use the commands to manage files and directories, search for files, and process text. You will also learn how to use the commands to check the disk usage, and measure the time of command execution.



In this course, you will learn how to use the most commonly used Linux commands to manage files and directories, search for files, and process text. You will also learn how to use the commands to check the disk usage and measure the time of command execution.

🎯 Tasks

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to use the Linux ls, cd, pwd, mkdir, rm, mv, cp, cat, nl, more, less, head, tail, which, whereis, find, xargs, wc, grep, cut, paste, tr, sort, uniq, join, comm, diff, patch, df, and du commands.
  • How to list the contents of directories, change directories, display the current directory, create directories, remove files, move and rename files, copy files, concatenate files, number lines, scroll through files, page through files, display the beginning and end of files, locate commands, find files and commands, build commands using arguments, count text, search for patterns, cut and paste text, translate characters, sort text, filter out duplicate lines, join files, compare files, apply patches, report disk space, and estimate file space.

🏆 Achievements

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Effectively manage files and directories using a variety of Linux commands.
  • Search for and process text using powerful Linux tools.
  • Measure the performance and usage of your Linux system.




Labby is the LabEx teacher.